Health probe targets chemical bomb sites

Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered the Health Ministry to investigate the well-being of villagers living within the vicinity of an estimated 15 chemical bomb sites in Svay Rieng province’s Korki commune. ...

Ven Rathavong

Ministry warns media over fake product ads

Media outlets should review the health and agriculture products they advertise, as exposure to unlicensed medicine and insecticides can be fatal, the Ministry of Information has warned. ...

Pav Suy

Officials in flu warning

The Health Ministry has called on citizens to be wary of influenza during the rainy season, even though there has not yet been a serious outbreak. ...

Mom Kunthear

Chronic disease rise sparks health alert

Senior Ministry of Health officials and health experts have warned an increase in non-communicable diseases is posing a threat to public health and the nation’s development. ...

Pech Sotheary

Cambodia confirms no case of H1N1

Ministry of Health has confirmed that Cambodia has no case of swine flu or H1N1, yet encouraged the public to take appropriate precaution to protect themselves and their families from the disease. ...

Mom Chandara Soleil

Warning of swine flu

The Health Ministry’s Communicable Disease Control Department yesterday issued a statement urging citizens to be aware of the influenza strain H1N1 that has the potential to spread rapidly during the rainy season. ...

Pech Sotheary

Health Ministry warns of bird flu

The Ministry of Health yesterday warned people to be aware of the new avian influenza strain H7N9, which has spread to poultry in China and neighbouring countries. ...

Pech Sotheary

Four tonnes of illegal medicine seized

Anti-economic crime police from the Interior Ministry yesterday seized more than four tonnes of illegal medicine in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district.​ ...

Pech Sotheary

Whooping cough assurance

The Ministry of Health yesterday denied a local media report that children in Cambodia under one year old have a 50 percent chance of catching whooping cough. ...

Sen David

Flu outbreak afflicts Mondulkiri village

Half of the residents of Mondulkiri’s Norng Buor village fell ill during a mass flu outbreak this weekend, prompting a rapid mobilisation of the province’s health authorities, who ascribed the flu’s rapid spread to poor hygiene. ...

Niem Chheng

Health Ministry issues hot weather warning

The Health Ministry has warned all Cambodians to drink lots of water and keep cool, as hot season temperatures near 40 0C. The ministry’s Communicable Disease Control department also advised the public to avoid alcohol and drink only boiled or filtered water to prevent food poisoning ...

Mom Kunthear

Trade in breast milk outlawed

The government yesterday announced a total ban on the collection and export of human breast milk, after it emerged poor women had been earning cash through the trade. ...

Ven Rathavong

Minister urges more help for addicts

Interior Minister Sar Kheng has warned the number of drug users in the country has reached 20,000, as he urged authorities to do more to tackle the problem.   ...

Ven Rathavong

Health Ministry admits shortcomings in report

The Ministry of Health acknowledged yesterday in its annual report that the quality of health care services in the Kingdom remains poor, with experts concluding that the slow improvement is due to a lack of government commitment.   ...

Kong Meta and Yesenia Amaro

More than 60 children poisoned

Health officials have urged people to take care when buying food beyond its use-by date or suspected to be chemically contaminated after more than 60 students in Takeo province became ill from eating noodles. ...

Pech Sotheary

Government warns of bird flu

The Ministry of Health has called on all travelers to beware of a new strain of bird flu that is now spreading in South Korea and Japan. In a notice released yesterday, the Health Ministry said the discovery of H5N6, a new strain of the bird ...

Taing Vida

CNRP eyes health checkup

Opposition lawmakers have requested Health Minister Mam Bunheng appear at the National Assembly to answer questions over graft, irregularities and poor services within his portfolio, including claims that officials from the National Malaria Centre misappropriated cash from the Global Fund. ...

Meas Sokchea

Committee for work safety created

The government has established the National Committee for Health and Work Safety, to comprise in part officials from relevant ministries to review, give counsel and spread information related to health and work safety. According to a sub-decree dated Monday and signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, ...

Mom kunthear

Surrogacy ban temporary as government drafts law

The ban on surrogate pregnancies announced by the health minister on Monday will remain in place until the government drafts a law protecting Cambodian women giving birth to the children of other parents, an official said on Thursday. ...

Sek Odom

Ministry of health bans surrogate pregnancy

The health minister has banned surrogate pregnancy arrangements in the country, putting the brakes on what appeared to be a quickly expanding—if controversial—industry. The move comes just days after the justice minister called for the practice to be outlawed. ...

Sonia Kohlbacher and Sek Odom

Cambodia at ‘high’ risk of Zika outbreak in 2017

Amid reports of the emergence of the Zika virus in Myanmar and the discovery of the first birth defect believed linked to the virus in Vietnam, two researchers with Phnom Penh’s Pasteur Institute have concluded that Cambodia is at high risk of its own Zika ...

Yesenia Amaro

Minister puts neo-natal intensive care on agenda

Health Minister Mam Bun Heng has issued a directive for all private maternity clinics and hospitals to establish neo-natal intensive care units – which treat seriously ill newborns and premature infants – in order to further reduce maternal and child deaths in the Kingdom.​ ...

Kong Meta

PM calls for increased vigilance for Zika virus

Prime Minister Hun Sen, speaking at the inauguration of a hospital in Phnom Penh yesterday, called on the Ministry of Health, the public and those who have recently travelled abroad to take precautionary measures to prevent Zika from reaching the Kingdom. ...

Vong Sokheng

Zika leaflets to be distributed

The Health Ministry has ordered all provincial health departments to print leaflets about the Zika virus to distribute them throughout the Kingdom. According to a Facebook post on Monday by the Health Ministry’s Communicable Disease Control (CDC) Department, Health Ministry spokesman Ly Sovann said: “All people ...

Ven Rathavong

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