Ministry: stop mocking LGBT community

The Ministry of Information has written to media outlets imploring presenters and artists alike to stop mocking members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community just to gain popularity. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

For many LGBTs, a secret life

LGBT Cambodians face a formidable level of prejudice and discrimination, which for many means a life lived in secrecy and isolation, a major new study of attitudes has revealed.The survey of almost 1,600 people, straight and LGBT, across seven provinces, published yesterday, found that a ...

Jamie Elliott and Sen David

Ministry pledges to up female hiring numbers

New targets have been set to boost the number of women in positions of influence, according to an initiative launched yesterday by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. ...

Sen David

Kingdom ranks low on gender equality

In spite of gains, gender inequality in Cambodia remains significant, particularly in education and political empowerment, according to the World Economic Forum’s recently released 2015 Global Gender Gap Report. ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

LGBT groups call for greater acceptance

The rights of LGBT people took centrestage at an event to celebrate Human Rights Day at the FCC mansion in Phnom Penh yesterday.Organised by NGO CamAsean, which advocates on behalf of marginalised people, the morning conference included a rap performance by lesbian and transgender teenagers, ...

Jamie Elliott and Sen David

Increasingly, Cambodian women seeking higher education abroad

Cambodian women face many obstacles to success in education, including domestic violence and sexual violence, but an increasing number of them are seeking higher education and more work skills.More than 50 percent of Cambodia’s population is female, and many see the new generation as a ...

Ten Soksreinith

UN, Gov’t move to end violence against women

The United Nations and the Cambodian Ministry of Women’s Affairs will organize four major events across the country to raise awareness of the need to end violence against women and girls, according to a UN Women’s statement on Wednesday. ...

Xinhua team

Groups aim to end violence against women

A worldwide, 16-day campaign to end violence against women kicked off in Cambodia yesterday, with NGOs, the United Nations and government agencies intensifying their efforts toward preventative measures.Spanning from yesterday’s International Day for Eliminating Violence against Women and Girls until Human Rights Day on December ...

Mom Kunthear and Zoe Holman

Sexist traditions a hurdle for region’s female leaders

Government ministries bound by sexist traditions and a lack of support are keeping women officials across Asia from implementing their ideas, female leaders gathered for a four-day seminar in Phnom Penh said yesterday. ...

Igor Kossov

ADB, Cambodia launch second Asia Women Leaders Program

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, is holding a second Asia Women Leadership Program (AWLP) event starting today to help senior women government officials develop their potential to become future leaders. ...

The FINANCIAL News Staff

Loans to fight LGBT poverty

LGBT Cambodians driven into poverty by discrimination, and sometimes forced to sell sex to survive, may soon enjoy the benefits of a new online campaign designed to raise money to help them rebuild their lives. ...

Jamie Elliott

In Sweden, Cambodian woman wins world’s children’s prize

Cambodia’s Noun Phymean has won this year’s World’s Children’s Prize, chosen by children from around the globe, and the accompanying $50,000 award for her work offering free schooling and vocational training to some of Phnom Penh’s poorest young people. ...

Zsombor Peter and Sek Odom

In Cambodia, some families still try to 'cure' LGBT sons and daughter

When Meas Sophanuth started to transition in high school, his mother — afraid that her child would bring shame to the family — tried to stop what she saw as his “unnatural” behavior. The government, for instance, has recently shown support for programs combating LGBT-based ...

Dominique Mosbergen

Hun Sen touts Cambodia’s approach to closing gender gap

Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed world leaders at the UN on Sunday, giving his formula for closing the gender gap. On Friday, world leaders adopted a new set of development goals, to be achieved over the next 15 years, including gender promotion. ...

Men Kimseng

Prime Minister Hun Sen told the world to promote women in political affairs

Prime Minister Hun Sen at the “Global Leader’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment held at New York, said that Cambodia has actively joined UN member states to implement policies, strategies and action plans aimed to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.   ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Cambodia welcomes same-sex marriage, gov’t spokesman says

Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan expressed support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Cambodia yesterday, responding to Nepal’s new constitution – which has been described as the first in Asia to enshrine protection for the rights of LGBT people. ...

Chea Takihiro

Cambodian PM heads for UN summit in New York

From September 25 to 27, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will attend the UN Summit for the adoption of the Post 2015 Development Agenda and the Global Leaders’s Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, where he will deliver his remarks at the two submits. ...

Shanghai Daily News Staff

Centre aims to bolster women entrepreneurship

A women’s entrepreneurship centre opened its doors in Phnom Penh on Friday, providing a platform for Cambodian women to access the tools and resources needed to start or grow a sustainable business.The WECREATE Cambodia Center supports female entrepreneurs by connecting them to a network of ...

Cheng Sokhorng

‘Gender equality starts at home’

The push for gender equality must start within families and parents should encourage their daughters to speak their minds, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Phoeung Sackona said. ...

Va Sonyka

Two more arrested sending brides to China

A young couple has confessed to trafficking Cambodian women to be sold to men in China after they were arrested at the Phnom Penh International Airport Tuesday night while preparing to board a flight to Shanghai with their two latest victims, police said. ...

Sek Odom

Arrests of sex workers surge

Kheo Tha was driving outside Phnom Penh yesterday when she received a frantic phone call from her friend, a sex worker who works near Wat Phnom. ...

Jonathan Cox and Chea Takihiro

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