ASEAN Summit to put more emphasis on women’s empowerment
The Indonesian government will put more emphasis on women’s empowerment during its ASEAN chairmanship this year, including by setting an agenda on women’s peace and security. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Gender inequality in remote areas needs to be addressed
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs and NGOs are voicing concerns about the need to improve gender equality in remote areas among youngsters. ...
Yim Sreylin
Girl power: Plan unveils ‘GGE’ ambassadors for female equality, rights
Plan International Cambodia has announced three young people as its Girls Get Equal (GGE) Campaign Ambassadors to ensure girls and young women have power over their own lives and can shape the world around them. ...
Long Kimmarita
Cambodia-Australia forge close partnership in addressing gender-based violence
Australia is strongly committed to promoting women and girls’ safety, growth and well-being, reaffirmed the Australian Embassy in Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia emphasises key role of female peacekeepers
Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Prak Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has highlighted the key role of women in peacekeeping operations under the UN umbrella. ...
Khmer Times Staff
ASEAN launches plan to promote women’s security in South-East Asia
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in partnership with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and UN Women, launched today the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on Women, Peace and Security (ASEAN RPA on WPS). ...
Khmer Times Staff
Eliminate violence against women, most widespread, pervasive human rights violation
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is not only one of the worst forms of discrimination but also remains the most widespread and pervasive human rights violations in the world, 11 UN entities said on Friday, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry prepares guidelines to define sexual harassment
Police and public in the Kingdom are on the same side when it comes to determining what is sexual harassment and what is not. The main reason: guidelines to identify sexual harassment are yet to be framed by the lawmakers. ...
Yim Sreylin
OXFAM Cambodia launches agribusiness policy brief
OXFAM, with support from Fair Finance Asia (FFA) and Gender Transformative and Responsible Agribusiness Investments in Southeast Asia (GRAISEA), has announced the launch of the “Enabling Stronger Due Diligence in the ASEAN Financial Sector” policy brief. ...
Ry Sochan
Lactation rooms at factories prove to be unpopular
Efforts to boost exclusive breastfeeding fail to attract women working at factories. Following an intervention from the government, several factories have installed lactation rooms yet women are shying away from using them for several reasons. ...
Yim Sreylin
Women urged to pursue postgraduate education
Prime Minister Hun Sen encouraged female students to pursue their education, regardless of whether they marry and have children, noting that the number of women pursuing postgraduate degrees and doctorates has decreased sharply compared to their male counterparts. ...
Mom Kunthear
Cambodian PM Hun Sen urges ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit to become a platform to inspire women
Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed his hope that the 2nd ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit will continue to be a platform to inspire and motivate women in the ASEAN region. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Plans to empower women in work
Oxfam Cambodia and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs have united to identify women’s needs in order to integrate family care and social safety, with the goal of empowering women in their occupations. ...
Mao Sreypich
Gender mainstreaming for women’s economic empowerment promoted
Cambodia’s Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) held here at Phnom Penh Hotel on August 29 the 5th Fifth Meeting of Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) for the Project on Gender Mainstreaming for Women’s Economic Empowerment (PGM-WEE). ...
Khmer Times Staff
Entrepreneurs advised to register to reap benefits
A women entrepreneur workshop is urging all entrepreneurs to legally register their business to enjoy full benefits from National Social Security Fund (NSSF). Executive Director of the Coalition for Partnership in Democratic Development (CPDD), Sin Penh, on Thursday raised concerns at a policy consultation workshop ...
Seng Mengheng
Troubled community radio station relocates to home
The head of a Kratie-based community radio station has been forced to move out of his studio after failing to pay rent and nearly a week of campaigning for public donations only raised $103. ...
Prak Chan Thul
NGO unveils plan to teach 2.5 million girls about their rights for protection, education and health
A non-governmental organisation that works for child welfare has announced a five-year plan to empower 2.5 million adolescent girls and women in the country. ...
Phenomenon of Cambodian women trafficked to China as brides
The number of women travelling from Cambodia to China for forced or arranged marriages has surged since 2016 and experienced a further spike since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. ...
Khmer Times Staff
5% more women in commune polls
Hang Puthea, National Election Committee (NEC) spokesman, on Monday said that 17 political parties have fielded a total of 86,042 candidates, among them 27,813 are females, equivalent to about 32 percent. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Country aims to open financing frontiers for women entrepreneurs
Cambodia aims to boost financial inclusion for women entrepreneurs through Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia Plc (CGCC) and support for women-led micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) as part of broader efforts to bridge financing gaps for businesswomen and underpin Covid-19 economic recovery plans. ...
Hom Phanet
Women’s minister pushing positive parenting toolkits
Minister of Women’s Affairs Ing Kantha Phavi virtually launched three different toolkits on positive parenting to promote positive child education through increased knowledge and skills and access to appropriate and timely parenting support. ...
Ry Sochan
Ministry Of Women’s Affairs, NBC and Visa celebrate completion of partnership on Promoting Financial Literacy for women and women entrepreneurs
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA), the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), and Visa, have completed their year-long program “Promoting Financial Literacy for Women and Women Entrepreneurs”, helping to improve financial literacy and economically empower nearly 10,000 women, entrepreneurs and students across Cambodia. ...
Sixty per cent of all women run business, says minister
Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Ith Samheng claimed that more than 60 per cent of women in Cambodia are business owners or entrepreneurs, a rate he said is three times higher than the US. ...
Mom Kunthear
PM lauds women’s contributions
Women form an incalculable part of Cambodia’s economy, Prime Minister Hun Sen has declared, as he praised efforts of the Cambodian National Council for Women’s (CNCW) in contributing to the Kingdom’s development over the years. ...
Ry Sochan