Pollution and waste

Solid waste

Pursat litterbugs hit in the pocket as cash fines imposed

Local authorities in Pursat province’s Phnom Kravanh district have begun fining anyone caught dumping trash in public areas. The litterbug crackdown is in line with the continued efforts of provincial governor Khoy Rida, who has repeatedly called for public order, hygiene and a clean environment ...

Phak Seangly

Kampong Chhnang declared first ‘trash-free’ province

The public spaces of Kampong Chhnang province have been officially declared plastic waste free. The milestone followed two extensive campaigns that saw 300 waste collection activities organised in the past eight months. ...

Phak Seangly

Union reps reinstated with better terms after garbage collection company workers’ protest, Ministry intervention

Around 200 workers of 800 Super-GAEA (Cambodia) Co Ltd protested after the garbage collection company terminated their union leaders following the formation of a union at their workplace. ...

Sovann Sreypich and Tang Porgech

State-of-the-art Banteay Meanchey landfill officially opened

A new $6.5 million landfill in Banteay Meanchey province is officially open for business. The 11 hectare site will be in use until 2040 and is expected to improve environmental management and promote sanitation in the towns and villages around the Tonle Sap Lake. ...

Phak Seangly

EMM-6 focuses on climate response and plastic pollution

The main agenda of the 6th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Environment Ministers’ Meeting (EMM-6), being hosted by Cambodia from September 10-13, focuses on accelerating climate change response actions and promoting environmental sustainability. ...

Phak Seangly

Concerns raised over plastic pollution threat to Cambodia's marine life

After a pregnant whale was found dead on a beach in Phuket, Thailand from choking on plastic waste earlier this week, a Cambodian conservation official expressed concerns that non-biodegradable pollution could pose a threat to the country’s rare marine species, such as sea turtles, dugongs ...

Phak Seangly

Ministry installs automated systems to monitor factory waste

The Ministry of Environment is currently installing automatic monitoring devices to track liquid waste discharges from factories, following requests from over 100 enterprises and factories. ...

Phak Seangly

Despite concerted efforts, Cambodian rivers are still rife with plastic

Everyday, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, according to the United Nations Environment Program. ...

Seoung Nimol

Cambodia’s plastic bag imports down 74.6 pct in Q1

Cambodia has reported a significant decline in the imports of plastic bags in the first quarter of 2024, thanks to an ongoing plastics-free campaign, said the Environment Ministry’s news release on April 10, 2024. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Solid waste management in rural Cambodia

A study has been conducted into solid waste management in rural areas, with a White Paper released detailing obstacles and recommendations to overcome them. ...

Meas Molika

ADB, MPWT build $6.28 million landfill project in Battambang

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has successfully built a 20-hectare controlled landfill in Battambang province, aiming to serve 126,000 people in the community with the capacity to remove 100 tonnes of trash daily for ...

Nheng Chamrong

ADB, MPWT build $6.28 million landfill project in Battambang

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has successfully built a 20-hectare controlled landfill in Battambang province, aiming to serve 126,000 people in the community with the capacity to remove 100 tonnes of trash daily for ...

Nhean Chamrong

‘Zero-plastic’ campaign set for all schools across nation

The Council of Ministers has suggested that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport integrate the “Today I will not use plastic” campaign into all of the schools across the country, from the 2023-2024 academic year onwards. ...

Chea Sokny

Waste management project takes shape

The Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with the World Bank, is poised to launch a project aimed at managing solid and plastic waste in five provinces in the near future. Discussions are underway to expedite the project’s implementation. ...

Bor Pich Zelin

Ministry collaborates for cleaner Cambodia

The Ministry of Environment and the Asia Foundation are committed to strengthening solid waste management and ensuring a clean, sanitary, and comfortable environment in Cambodia through fostering community clean-up initiatives and cooperation on solid waste management. ...

Hang Punreay

Cambodia will host the 6th World Clean Day under the theme “Together for a river without garbage”

The National Committee for Clean City Evaluation has announced that Cambodia will hold the 6th World Clean Day from September 16–17, 2023, at Chroy Changva near Sokha Hotel, Phnom Penh, under the theme “Together for a River without Garbage.” ...

Khmer Times Staff

Ministry of Environment and Battambang Province launch urban solid waste management system testing

The Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Battambang Provincial Administration, announces the launch of a trial of the urban solid waste management system (NSWM-PLATFORM) in the national nursery system of the Battambang Municipal Administration in order to strengthen solid waste management in accordance with ...

Khmer Times Staff

PP’s garbage collection increases

Phnom Penh City Hall Authority said that the collection and transportation of garbage in Phnom Penh per day amounted to more than 3,700 tonnes,  an increase of a 1,000 tonnes of waste compared to 2020-21. ...

Tith Kongnov

ADB-backed new Kampong Thom trash facility inaugurated

The Tonle Sap Basin is now home to a new $4 million landfill. This crucial addition, part of the Second Urban Environment Management project, is set to enhance sanitation and environmental management services around the lake, part of which is located in Kampong Thom province. ...

Bor Pich Zelin

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