Khmer Times

Soldier movement ‘due to military parade in Battambang'

A senior official from the prime minister’s Bodyguard Unit (BGU) said the mobilisation of troops and equipment over the weekend was merely to attend a military parade in Battambang province. ...

Mech Dara

PM calls for ethical party campaigns

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called on all political parties to campaign ethically and refrain from attacking their competitors using improper rhetoric during the election campaign period as the upcoming national election nears.​ ...

Khuon Narim

New partnership to build Cambodia’s biggest data centre

A new joint venture of local and international companies will result in the creation of the biggest data centre in the country, boosting the Kingdom’s capabilities to provide digital and cloud services. ...

Sok Chan

NEC addresses election campaign concerns

The National Election Committee yesterday held a meeting with political party representatives to address concerns that campaign rules are being flouted. During the meeting, the NEC admitted that it has a hard time monitoring political activities on social media. ...

Khy Sovuthy

China says low sanitary standards in Cambodia a barrier to more trade

With the countries aiming to achieve $6 billion in bilateral trade by 2020, China on Tuesday said Cambodia’s low sanitary and phytosanitary standards stand in the way of achieving their mutual trade goals, particularly when it comes to agricultural goods. ...

Sum Manet

Still no solution to land dispute

Two groups of villagers representing more than 500 families locked in land dispute cases in multiple provinces once again rallied at the Ministry of Land Management and Ministry of Environment yesterday, appealing to authorities for a solution. ...

Pech Sotheary

New airline about to take off

Cambodia Airways, a locally owned airline with $200 million paid-up capital, will launch operations in the next few weeks, operating local and international routes, particularly to destinations in China, according to a representative of the Secretariat of State Civil Aviation.​ ...

May Kunmakara

NBC revokes licenses of 11 rural credit institutions

The National Bank of Cambodia on Wednesday announced it is revoking the licenses of 11 rural credit institutions and rejecting license applications from 12 other credit organisations.​ ...

May Kunmakara

Chinese construction depot opens in Kandal

A Chinese-owned depot for furniture and construction materials officially open yesterday in Kandal province, 20 kilometres from downtown Phnom Penh.​ ...

Sok Chan

Government holds forum with NGOs

NGO workers have called on the government to seek solutions to challenges and difficulties they have faced in recent years following the enforcement of the law on association and NGOs.​ ...

Khy Sovuthy

Community miners out of work

The Chong Phlas Gold Mining Community, where more than 800 families mine on 43 hectares of land in Mondolkiri, has been shuttered, leaving dozens without jobs. Officials with the Environment and Mines Ministries descended upon the community in the wake of 13 people dying in Kratie ...

Khy Sovuthy

Interior Ministry to meet with NGOs

The Interior Ministry is due to hold a forum today between government officials and NGOs to raise and iron out any problems leading up to the upcoming election in July. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Thailand seeks formation of cassava bloc

Thailand wants to form a coalition with Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, all cassava-producing nations, to guarantee a stable price for the commodity and avoid future price wars, according to an article published yesterday in the Bangkok Post. ...

May Kunmakara

Timber confiscated, owner pays fine

Muk Kampol district police officers in Kandal province yesterday confiscated more than 70 pieces of timber being transported to Phnom Penh along National Road 6 over suspicion that it was illegally obtained. However, one officer said that the owner had already paid a fine in ...

Pav Suy

Yeak Loam Lake given protected status

The government yesterday announced a sub-decree by the office of the Prime Minister to designate Yeak Loam Lake in Ban Lung city in the northeastern province of Ratanakkiri as a new wildlife and ecological protected area. ...

Chea Vannak

Preah Sihanouk governor wants court to grant bail to four land protesters

The Preah Sihanouk provincial governor has sent a request to the provincial court to review and consider granting bail to four villagers who were arrested during a land dispute protest last month in order to appease protestors at his office. ...

Pech Sotheary

Koh Kong protesters again return to ministry

Nearly 100 residents representing 210 families in Koh Kong province’s Kiri Sakor district that are in a dispute with Chinese company Union Development Group gathered in front of the Land Management Ministry once again yesterday to demand that officials settle their cases. ...

Pech Sotheary

Prime Minister to reveal new oil policy next week

With the price of oil in the international market on the rise, Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday announced he will unveil a new policy to deal with the impact of more expensive crude on the 28th of this month. ...

May Kunmakara

China signs pacts on aid for transport, mines and education

Cambodia and China yesterday signed three agreements on mine clearing, a transportation master plan and renovation of the Royal Palace building in Siem Reap province. The signings came amid the launch of a big finance project to improve education in Cambodia. ...

Chea Vannak

Exhibition to solidify military ties with China

Defence Minister Tea Banh and Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe yesterday launched an exhibition highlighting military cooperation between the countries on Koh Pich in Phnom Penh. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Koh Kong urged to solve land dispute

An official with Koh Kong’s provincial land department said yesterday that the department will cooperate with the Industry Ministry to resolve a land dispute case between a group of civil servants and their superior. ...

Ven Rathavong

Officials close tobacco factory in Phnom Penh

The Interior Ministry’s Counter Counterfeit Committee has suspended a company operating a tobacco factory in Sen Sok district in Phnom Penh after officials found that it was involved in the illegal production of tobacco products. ...

Pech Sotheary

Khmer-Vietnamese Association gets nod

The Interior Ministry has authorised the Khmer-Vietnamese Association to register on its list of organisations, Vietnamese media have reported. The association was established to bring together Khmer people of Vietnamese origin and other Vietnamese in Cambodia for humanitarian work and to spread information about the ...

Pech Sotheary

Lao dam under review

Laos has begun formal consultation on the Pak Lay hydropower dam project in its northern province of Xayaburi amid environmental concerns that it will impact the Cambodian stretch of the Mekong River. ...

Khy Sovuthy

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