The Phnom Penh Post
Thai law firm says IP the main focus
A Bangkok-based regional law firm says it will expand to Cambodia in the coming weeks, despite the local bar association’s renewed drive to clamp down on foreign lawyers practising “illegally” in the country. Law firm Tilleke & Gibbins said it expected to enter the legal scene ...
Charles Rollet
Authorities shut down illegal M’kiri mine site
An illegal gold mine allegedly managed by a military police commander in Mondulkiri province was shut down by a local prosecutor last week after being in operation for more than two decades, officials said. ...
Phak Seangly
HIV village demands access to healthcare
Members of a community in Battambang where an unlicensed doctor allegedly infected more than 200 people with HIV earlier this year have demanded free general healthcare, a provision usually reserved only for the country’s most poor. ...
Chhay Channyda
Exports to Japan bucking the trend
Cambodia’s exports to Japan dramatically increased during in the first quarter of 2015, bucking the trend of fellow ASEAN member states who all saw a decline in shipments to Japan over the same period. ...
May Kunmakara
CNRP to try to cancel VN border pact
Opposition lawmakers will propose the cancellation of a 2005 amendment to a border treaty with Vietnam in the National Assembly. Speaking yesterday, Sam An said the CNRP is calling for the border map deposited at the United Nations to be enforced. ...
Meas Sokchea
Rising incomes lead to television upgrades
Cambodians spent more than $40 million on purchasing flat panel televisions from April 2014 to March 2015, on the back of improving economic prosperity among the middle class, according to Singapore-based research firm Gfk. The data shows that 126,000 TVs were bought for $46.3 million during ...
May Kunmakara
Storms kill three people at weekend
Three people were killed and two injured on Sunday evening as heavy storms struck Svay Rieng, Kampong Chhnang and Preah Sihanouk provinces, destroying dozens of homes. ...
Mom Kunthear
Swedes, Swiss give $15M for local gov’t
The governments of Sweden and Switzerland have pledged more than $15 million to the strengthening of sub-national governance in Cambodia from 2015 to 2017. ...
Chhay Channyda
Program aims to boost rice resilience to climate change
As climate change increases the severity of droughts and floods across the Kingdom, a push is being made for farmers to adopt more resistant rice varieties. The Philippines-based International Rice Research Institute launched a USAID-financed project in Phnom Penh yesterday in a bid to “accelerate the ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Charles Rollet
Rice dealer ‘cheated’ partner out of $30k
Phnom Penh Municipal Court charged a businessman yesterday after he was accused of cheating his business partner out of more than $30,000 in 2014. ...
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
Disaster Management Law passes Assembly
A new Law on Disaster Management sailed through the National Assembly yesterday, with Prime Minister Hun Sen promising a more rapid and coordinated response across government agencies. ...
Taing Vida
Montagnard numbers swell in Phnom Penh
More Montagnard asylum seekers from Vietnam arrived in Phnom Penh over the weekend, bringing the number waiting to apply for refugee status to 109, according to the United Nations. Vivian Tan, regional spokeswoman for the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), said the Montagnards – an indigenous group ...
Alice Cuddy and Phak Seangly
Unlicensed blood-test clinic shuttered in SR
A blood-testing lab in Siem Riep was closed down yesterday morning after it was discovered to be operating without a licence. ...
Thik Kaliyann
Activists seize timber
Activists in Prey Lang forest yesterday seized chainsaws and illegally felled timber from a group of loggers as they continued to “ordain” the woodland’s largest trees in an effort to stop further offences. ...
Phak Seangly
New air route aims to cut travel times, fuel costs
Cambodia will use a new air route for flights to Laos, Thailand and Vietnam that will reduce fuel costs and provide a more direct route to these countries reducing air time for these flights, according to the State Secretariat for Civil Aviation. ...
Chan Muyhong
‘Sorcerer’ left disabled
More than a month after he was brutally attacked on suspicion of being a sorcerer, a Ratanakkiri province cucumber farmer says he has been left disabled and in search of crucial medical funds. ...
Phak Seangly
Students protest over inability to sit exams
Nearly 200 midwives and nursing students at the International University in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district protested yesterday after reportedly being denied the necessary documents required to sit the Ministry of Health’s state civil servant exam this summer. ...
Sen David
Support grassroots: study
A new study is advocating a bottom-up approach to the Kingdom’s NGO scene, calling on international donors to alter their support strategies and foster the independence of grassroots initiatives taking off at the local level. The draft report, which was published last week by the Stanford ...
Sarah Taguiam
Loggers at home after Thai terms
Seven men who spent about a year in a Thai prison after being convicted of illegal logging were released and repatriated to Cambodia on Saturday. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Financial firm shut down by SR police
At least two women and five men are in custody at Siem Reap provincial police headquarters amid allegations they ran an unlicensed investment firm. The arrests, which followed a Wednesday statement by the provincial governor warning citizens to be vigilant with their money, took place at ...
Thik Kaliyann
Minister called over SR statues
The National Assembly’s Seventh Commission is to summon the minister of cult and religion for questioning regarding “illegal” religious statues erected last week and subsequently destroyed by authorities in Siem Reap’s Svay Leu district. ...
Pech Sotheary
Everything But Arms treaty under scrutiny after bicycle trade problems
The European Union is increasingly scrutinising abuse of its Everything But Arms treaty with Cambodia, underscoring both the importance of the zero-tariff agreement to the Kingdom’s economy and the potential for its misuse. In Cambodia’s rice sector, fears that cheap rice from neighbouring countries is ...
Charles Rollet
The bitter aftertaste of a sugar deal gone bad
Houy Mai has lost everything to the global demand for cheap sugar and biofuel. The 54-year-old mother-of-eight has fought a years-long battle with Mitr Phol, Asia’s biggest sugar producer and one of three major suppliers to Coca-Cola. Her family was left homeless and without a sustainable ...
May Titthara and Daniel Pye
Strike order protested
About 50 striking garment workers representing more than 2,000 employees from M&V International Garment Factory yesterday gathered outside Phnom Penh Municipal Court where they submitted a letter demanding a court order prohibiting their industrial action be scrapped. ...
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea