Environmental impact assessments
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports were shared by the Ministry of Environment with civil society organizations (CSOs) prior to the inter-ministry meeting. The reports on this website are the draft version. If you have final reports or any documents related to the EIA report, we are happy to have your contribution and upload it on this profile page.
- Total Environmental impact assessments listed: 38
Map ID
Company profile
Registration investment capital
Company registration date
Company registration code
Director residence
Company address
Status of the EIA reports
State agency
Contract duration
Size in Hectare
Type of concession
EIA company
Backgrounds of EIA company
Address of EIAs company
Relevants law
Revenues and expenditures
Social alnd environmental impacts
Employment opportunity
Public participation
Land converted from
Environmental management plan
Development plan
Mitigation strategies
Environmental and social funds
EIA publication year
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The company has a long standing expertise on mining industry locally and internationally. Currently, the company is operating mining business in 3 countries, including China, Vietnam and Cambodia, and intend to extend its operations in other ASEAN countries. It is under the umbrella of Khmer First Investment Holding Group established in 2010.
KHR 20,000,000,000
Cao Yunde
#47, St. Standford, Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh
Completed study
Ministry of Mines and Energy
The project location is about 300km from Phnom Penh, and 102km from Siem Reap town.
Chong Spean Roveang |
Chi Kraeng
Siem Reap
30 years
the contract is renewed every 10 years if the mining operation could indicate the mining area still have commercial viability. |
Mine exploration and exploitation
Creative Green Design Co., Ltd
Not found
#322P, St. 271Z, Terk Tla, Khan Resey Keo, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855-11) 845 695/ 097 204 6789, Email: saphoeuntous09@yahoo.com, Website: www.CREATIVE09.com
The assessment and reporting follow relevant 15 national legal frameworks including 9 laws, 4 sub-decrees, Retangular Strategy, and 1 Prakas.
The projection of Total Future Value (FV) Cost within 10 years is USD 225 million, and Total Present Value (PV) cost USD 184.938 million. While the estimated Total PV benefit is USD 204.147 million excluding other expendictures.
The project contributes to? the increase of employment opportunities, the improvement of local economy and infrastructures, tax incomes, and the allocation of its profits for social and environmental funds.
Employed 30 local people and expected to provide more jobs between 150-200 workers in the first quarter of 2015.
The environmental and social impact assessment on this project has been discussed for two times with stakeholders from provincial department, district governors, commune chief, village chief, and 3 villages surrounding the project area.
The mining concession area located in forested areas which classified into 4 types, including 632ha of evergreen forest, 31ha of semi-evergreen forest, 2,243ha of decidous forest and 694ha of non-forest areas. The project affected 91ha of evergreen forest and 428ha of decidous forest.
The company has environmental management plan, environmental monitoring and audit plan
Development plan in the concession areas such as infrastructure, healthcare center, school and others
The company has mitigation stategies with holding standard for mining procedure and providing water and sanitation to the employee, and pre-consult with the local community and authority before clearing the land.
USD 60,000 per year or USD 600,000 for 10 years
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The company has been investing in agro-industry plantations for 50 000 hectares in Indonesia since 2006. Currently, the company received land concession for 6509 hectares in Kon Mom district, Ratanakiri province for agro-industry plantation for 50 years.
KHR 20,000,000, 000
Surendra Kuma Poddar
#18-07, High Street Center, North Bridge Road, Singapore Postal code: 179094
Completed study
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
The project location is in the northwest of Ratanakiri province. It is approximately 30 kilometers from Banlung town.
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Phnum Kok
Hat Pak Trapeang Kraham Teun |
Veun Sai
Koun Mon |
50 years
Economic land concession
Not found
#37, St:99, Sangkat Beung Trabek, Khan Chnomkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 023 993 003 Email: rcbcc.info@gmail.com, Website: www.rcbccltd.com
The assessment and reporting follow relevant national legal frameworks including 18 laws and 14 sub-decrees and related regulation.
The total investment capital of this project will be 67 million USD for expenses project implement in the first 10 years from 2017-2027. Approximately 50% of the capital will be used for plantations activity expense.
The project contributes to? the increase of employment opportunities, the improvement of local economy and infrastructures, tax incomes, and the allocation of its profits for social and environmental funds.
By year 10, the company will have employed Cambodian citizen for 644 technical and management staffs and 1400 unskilled staffs.
The environmental and social impact assessment on this project has been discussed with stakeholders and civil society such as Save Cambodia's Wildlife, Indigenous Community Support Organization, 3S Rivers Protection Network (3SPN), Highlander Association, Non-Timber Forest Products, local authority and communities. People from 11 surrounding villages were given opportunities to raise their concern through survey and observation.
The project area is converted from public state land which covers forest land for 5911.55 hectares including 647.86 hectares of evergreen forest, 460.21 hectare of semi-evergreen forest and 4726.68 hectares of decidous forest.
The company has environmental management plan, environmental monitoring and audit plan
Development plan in the concession areas such as infrastructure, healthcare center, school and others
The company has mitigation strategies for soil quality, water quality, air quality, noise pollution, natural resource, existing land use of local community, local traditional of indigenous community, and security and livelihood of employee.
USD 2000 per year or USD 100,000 for 50 years and provide fund for community development USD 1,400 per year or USD 70,00 for 50 years
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Chevron offers fuel and automotive products to consumers through our subsidiary Chevron (Cambodia) Limited. Chevron operates a network of Caltex® service stations and support the community through health, education and safety initiatives.
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Mr Barry Andrews (former Steve Glick)
#No. 28 st.310 Corner St. 110, Phnom Penh.
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Ministry of Environment
The project is located in Block A and 137 km offshore Cambodia
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Praeh Sihanouk, Kampot, Kep, Koh Kong
Not found
Oil and gas
International Environmental Management Co. Ldt. (IEM)
IEM has both commercial registrations in Cambodia and an EIA license issued by the Ministry of Environment (MoE)
Bangkok (Head Office)? 8th Floor, Sitthivorakit Building 5 Soi Pipat, Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Tel: (66-2) 636.6390-9, 636.6683-4 Fax: (66-2) 236-6276 E-mail: ron@iem-global.com
The assessment and report was conducted in compliance with the guidance in Annex 1 of the 2009 Prakas on General Guidline for Prepering IEIA and EIA Report (2009) and meets the intent of the Sub Decree on Environmental Impeact Assessment Process, 1999. The assesment and reporting follows 7 national legal frameworks including 2 laws, 1 royal decree, 4 sub - decrees.
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Many project activities are likely to benefit the local economy by creating employment, purchasing local goods /materials and through the engagement of local service providers or sub-contractors. The project may also benefit the Cambodian economy as a result of royalties paid to the Cambodian Government.
Core operations require 50 people during phase 1 a. Approximately 30 people total will be needed to run the ship and 20 people total to run the facilities. Additional personnel may be required for Phase 1 c. Where appropiate, the use of local business firms and employees will be a priority for Chevron and Partners.
The Public Involvement Program of COPCL consisted of a series of 13 Public Consultaion Meetings with stakeholders (governors, local regulators, communities, and NGOs). The outcomes of the public involvement at four coastal provinces (Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Kep and Koh Kong) indicated that the public showed interest in
General mitigation plans Specific management measure for risks of accidental oil release and typhoons Management of gas, cuttings and waste Benefits for local communities |
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Emergency response Plan, Oil spill response Plan, Mercury management plan and waste management plan
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The Moroko project is invested by Koh Pos (Cambodia) Investment Group LTD which is the Russian company and receives the Koh Pos lease concession for 99 years from 25 September 2006. This project is the built operate and transfer type (BOT) and cost 440 million USD.
USD 440 millions
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#63, Ekareach Street, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Preah Sihanouk province
Initial study
Not found
The project area is approximately 230 Km from Phnom Penh city by travelling along National Road No. 4
Phum 1
Sangkat 3
Preah Sihanouk
Preah Sihanouk
99 years
The project covers 3 sections: bridge construction covers 900 meters, Hawaii beach covers 22,788 square meters and Koh Pos island covers 1,078,000 square meters
Island concession
Key Consultants (Cambodia)
Not found
Room no. 684, 6th floor, Building F, Phnom Penh center, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh
There are 11 relevant laws and sub-decrees: The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996, Law on Labour 1997, Law on Land 2001, Law on Forestry 2002, Law on Fishery 2006, Law on Water Resource?? Management 2007, Sub-Decree on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process 1999, Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control 1999, Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management 1999 and Sub-Decree on the Air Pollution Control and Noise Disturbance 2000.
According to the financial analysis, the development project proposes an estimated budget of 591 millions USD, while its estimated cost is 440 millions USD. The company will pay USD 80 000 per year and it will increase to USD 10 000 for every 5 years until the end of contract. The company will spend on the Koh Pos beach for the lease of USD 1,400 for the second and third year, and from the fourth year of the business phase, the company will pay USD 5,500 per year and will increase by 10% every 10 years. For the bridge, it is leased for 99 years and accounted for USD 850 000.
The project will create the tourism site which will provide the job opportunities, infrastructure development, protection against the illegal fishing and live below water as well as the sanctuary for breeding and growth of animals and plants.
The project is divided into two phases: the recruitment of 995 people during the construction and 1476 people during the operation period. The company has created jobs to the local people in Preah Sihanouk for 990 people during the construction and 1470 people during the operation.
The process of public participant is conducted for two times: the first time is to provide information of the project to the local community and to monitor the potential environmental issues that may occurr in the surrounding project area, and the second time takes place after the field visit to the project areas in order to show the stakeholders such as the representatives of the affected communities, related provincial departments, private sectors, NGOs and other relevant organizations from Phnom Penh. This participation is open for comments, questions and suggestions.
The developed area for the construction in Koh Pos is converted from 46 hectares of forest land accounted for 47% of the total forest area.
The company has the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that is the measurement to minimize the impact, monitor and evaluate the plan before the construction, during the construction, and during the operation.
The company has the development plan: bridge construction for 3 years, Hawaii beach development for 4 years and Koh Pos development for 6 years.
The company has cooperated with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Technical Standards Committee, the Provincial Department of Environment, the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport, the Environmental Impact Assessment Department of the Ministry of Environment, the Pollution Control Department of the Ministry of Environment, Fisheries Administration, Forestry Administration, general contractor, and local authorities to monitor the implementation phase before the construction phase, during the construction and project management processes.
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Sithikula is the limited company in Cambodia and requests the Royal Government of Cambodia through the provincial governor and the senior minister of environment the land amount 4273 hectares as the concession for 99 years in Phnom Nam Lyr Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri province.
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Khaou Phallaboth
Not found
Initial study
Ministry of Environment
Phnom Nam Lyr Wildlife Sanctuary
Not found
Dak Dam |
Pech Chreada
O'Reang |
99 years
Economic land concession
Green Environment Group Co., Ltd.
Not found
No. E05, Street 466 Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh
There are relevant laws and sub-decrees: Law on Land 2001, Law on Forestry 2002, Law on Fishery 2006, Law on Water Resource?? Management 2007, Law on Biosafety 2008, relevant Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment and project.
The budget to invest in the rubber plantation project and the first 10-year processing costs is estimated to be USD 25,58 million, which the operation cost will be USD 19,29 million. The initial budget for the plant is USD 2,5 million and plans to spend USD 3,7 million in fixed costs. The company earns revenues from the seventh year and up. In the twentieth year, the company will earn USD 9,45 million and profit of USD 3,99 million.
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The project will require 866 local staffs in the first year and up to 1247 staffs in from the sixth to fifteenth year, and one international specialist.
For the public participation, relevant stakeholders such as local authorities, local communities, and stakeholders are invited in order to be aware of potential issues that are likely to occur from the project development and receive suggestions and recommendations for the project.
Sethikula company is located in the Phnom Nam Lyr Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondul Kiri province, with 488,5 hectares of dense forest, 439,2 hectares of semi-dense forest and 2506,2 hectares of deciduous forest, 619 hectares of forest, and 220,1 hectares of land without forest cover which related to spiritual forest, 434 hectares of farmland, 488 hectares of protected landin mountainous area, and 791 hectares of bush forest. But these lands were cut off from the project and land for rubber planatation was only 2,860 hectares.
The company has environmental management plan in different phases: land clearing and construction phase, project implementation, project completion phase, and environmental monitoring programs that submit reports to the Ministry of Environment every six months. The program analyzes the physical, biological, and economic and social resources.
The company plans to plant 2,610 hectares in two years (2011 and 2012) and 250 hectares of land for infrastructure.
The company has mitigation measures such as discussions with local people, environmental protection, and a master plan, waste management and reforestation.
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Hoang Anh Gia Lai is the famous multi investment group in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thai and operate for a long time in business, investment and other activities in the society of those country. The company operates 26 projects including construction, real estate investment, stock exchange, rubber plantation, mining and hydropower electric dam. Hoang Anh Ratanakiri Co., LTD in receives the land concession for 260 hectares in Bar Kaev and Ou Ya Dav district, Ratanakiri province to develop the iron sector and supply the iron domestic demand and export to abroad market.
KHR 64000 million
Co. 6186/09E
Nguyen Van Minh
Not found
National Road No 78, Village 03, Sangkat Labansiek, Ban Lung Municipality, Rattanak Kiri Province
Initial study
Ministry of Mine and Energy
30km away from Ban Lung Municipality and 8km from National Road 78
Not found
Not found
Bar Kaev, Ou Ya Dav
9.5 years
Mine exploitation
CES Co., Ltd.
Not found
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This EIA is consistent with 15 legal frameworks, including Sub-decree 6 and Royal Decree 1. Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management, Law on Forestry, Law on Fishery, Law on Public Financial System, Law on Land, Law on Water Resources Management, Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Law on Management and the Law Mining Business, Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessments, Sub-Decree Water Pollution Control, Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management, Sub-Decree on Controlling Air Pollution and Audio Disturbance, Sub-decree on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Sub-decree on Economic Land Concessions, Royal Decree on the Establishment and Defining Protected Areas.
The project will utilize a total investment of US $ 26,672,451, of which the total investment budget is US $ 14,536,607 and operating capital of US $ 12,135,844 . Revenues from sales of these mineral products totaled US $ 47,384,450 in 2011, and product sales from 2012-2018 to US $ 50,000,000.
The project has been beneficial, with major objectives such as: Protecting, preserving and preserving good forest (mangrove forests) at least 400 acres, contributing to the Royal Government's collection of royalties on mineral resources and forest products. From the exploitation of timber in semi-evergreen forest at least 304.40 hectares, the price of land in that area will be higher than the present value, Fix to repair the trail bridges, and create jobs for local residents.
The project will help create jobs for Cambodian people, especially local people (among 181 labors) and improve training programs for these people to be able to work (can also receive overseas training).
The public participation is the CES team, conducts surveys, surveys and meets with local communities, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and other relevant institutions in order to explain the activities of the project on public opinion, about environmental and social issues. Caused by the business activities of the project and collecting concerns Other related socio-environmental problems to find a solution which would be acceptable for all stakeholders.
In the project site, there are 1,252 hectares of jungle, semi-evergreen forest, 1826 hectares of forest, 619 hectares of forest, 7 hectares of jungle.
Environmental development plan, the project owner will prepare and set out some key measures to prevent and mitigate any negative environmental impacts caused by the action at any stage before operation of the project, executing the project and completing the project to ensure management The environmental resources of the area are efficient in accordance with techniques and techniques Department of Environment. The Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with relevant institutions, will conduct monitoring, examining and compliance with environmental management plans and verify the results of the company's environmental management plan implementation.
The plan for the development of the land area in the project site is divided into 260 hectares of mining area (12 zones), construction area of 30 ha, office space and other constructions, surface area system of roads 18 m long, 8 m wide, 14,40 ha, and bore forest (100m along the O-shore) has 400 ha.
The company has implemented each phase of the mineral exploitation, such as the pre-construction phase, the construction phase, the operation phase, the maintenance and completion phase. At each stage, the company has measures to reduce the problems.
The company has developed a local community development plan (rehabilitation of forest, raising livestock and fish, repairing roads, providing technical services for planting rubber, cassava, and providing consultation service for other crops). These social funds will cost 892,000 USD in over 10 years, and budget for environmental rehabilitation is $ 189,794 USD/year.
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Delcotech is a member of Asia AmericanGateway and is the exclusive Internet Service Provider for Cambodia, a submarine cable network linking the United States with South-East Asia. The company has provided exclusive services to EZECOM, part of Royal Group, which has invested with Telekom Malaysia Berhad (Malaysia), Symphony Communication Public (Thailand), to develop the project. The submarine cable network extends from the Sea of ??Malaysia to Sihanoukville province of Cambodia, and continues to Thailand with total length of 1,380 km (across Cambodia with total length of 471 km).
USD 48 million
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Kith Meng
Cambodia Chamber of Commerce Building No.7D, Russian Blvd, Sangkat Tek Laok 1, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Completed study
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Otres Beach, Preah Sihanouk
Preah Sihanouk
Preah Sihanouk
30 years
It has a total length of 1380km, connecting Malaysia with a length of 764km and crossing Cambodia with a length of 470km and linking to the golf of Thailand with a length of 146km.
Installation of optical cable underneath the ocean
Creative Green Design Co., Ltd
Not found
No. 322P, St. Yothapol Khemarak Phoumin (St. 271), 12306 Phnom Penh, Yuthapol Khemarak Phumin Blvd, Phnom Penh
Relevant legal framework, including constitution, law on environmental protection and natural resource management 1996, Land Planning, Law on Urban Planning and Construction 1994, Law on Water Resources Management 2007, Law on Fishery 2006, Law on Labor 1997, Law on Land 2001, Law on Mineral Resource Management and Exploitation 2001, Law on Investment and other legal document.
The company will spend $ 21.3 million for construction and $ 75.5 thousand annually for project operation. The company expects to profit 60 million US dollars of total current gross profit over the next 30 years.
Create jobs and income, reduce migration to the country, provide nationwide telecommunication services, develop knowledge in the field of rural electronics technology, develop rural economy through telecommunication, and provides a great deal for communication and development of the entire ASEAN community. Additionally, the company will contribute to provide free internet services at some educational institutions in Cambodia.
The entire embed cable project will require about 8 to 10 foreign staff and around 200 local staff.
Public stakeholder consultation was conducted during the ESIA study from February 10 to September 9, 2018 and updated in September 2015 and again from October to November 2017. The consultation included officials from Provincial Department, provincial hall, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, local authorities and citizens.
The seabed block B C D E F, and gas area 1 and 4
The company has an Environmental Monitoring Program to maintain the environment and reduce the impacts. The program is carried out according to the construction phase, operation phase and the completion phase. At each stage, inspection of officials, line ministries, etc. The program monitors the physical, biological, and socio-economic resources.
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In order to minimize exposure, the company conducts a study of the seabed state and informs the project and coordinates with stakeholders. The company uses the Sea Plow Method to embed high performance cable and technology.
The company plans to invest $ 300,000 for 10 years to build and conserve marine biodiversity and $ 200,000 for coastal cleanup and infrastructure construction.
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Heng Nong (Cambodia) request the royal government for the land concession for 6 488 hectares for the agroindustry plantation to supply the domestic and international market demand. The concession is 50 years duration and located in the Sen Chey district of Preah Vihear province.
USD 26,402,230
Not found
No. 35A, St. 328, Sangkat Tumnob Teuk, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh
Completed study
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
The project area is located about 23 km from the provincial town of Preah Vihear
Not found
Tasu, S'ang, Putrea
Chey Sen
Preah Vihear
50 years
Economic land concession
Green Environment Group Co., Ltd.
Not found
No. N46, St. Rainbow bridge, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh
This investment project and EIA are conducted in compliance with 13 regulations related to environmental and natural resources protection: 6 sub-decrees, 2 declarations, 1 decision, 1 circular and 2 national policies.
The cost of planting and processing development is divided into three phases: initial cost on planting, operating cost and fixed cost, with the initial production on a hectare planned for 1002.25 USD for sugarcane and 971.75 USD for acacia plantation.
Develop local infrastructure systems, increase the knowledge and experience to local people involved in sugarcane production. The company has been involved in community development such as construction of wells and donation to Red Cross. The project has a budget of approximately USD 90,000 per year for the implementation of activities aimed at promoting the local livelihood in the region.
Employees and workers who are selected from the company will be trained on technical skills for 3 to 6 months or more, and have the opportunity to study directly at plantations with technical specialists. The total number of staff, technicians and managers are 319 staffs in the first year and will reach 2 058 staffs in the fifth year, and in the 15th year, there will be 2,052 staffs.
The company will prepare a set of measures at all stages of the project to prevent and mitigate negative impacts arising from the project's activities and to ensure effective environmental management of the environment in accordance with technical standards and environmental standards.
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In order to minimize environmental and social impacts, the company must prepare a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report to submit to the Ministry? in order to monitor and give comment, keep forestland at least 50 to 100 meters long, solve land disputes and have all kinds of waste management plans in accordance to technical standards.
The company plans to spend an additional ?of USD 25,000 per year on environmental resources and USD 65,000 per year for social
the total amount is approximately USD 4,500,000. |
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KTC Cable was registered in Seoul, South Korea on August 2005 and focus on electric and optical wire production for all telecommunication network. In 2006 this company received the ISO 9001-2008. This company joined the investment with K-water Turben Investment, a Korean company and Sinohydro, a Chinese company to develop a Pursat 1 hydropower with the capacity of 80 Mw and technical advice by Hyundia Engineering.
USD 232,210,000
Not found
Mr. KIM Myung-IL
Tumnup Kopsrov road, Trapaengpou village, Sangkat Kork Roka, Khan Dangkao, Phnom Penh
Completed study
Ministry of Mines and Energy
The site is approximatly 95,5 Km from Pursat provincial town and 185,22 Km from Khemarak Phumin provincial town of Koh Kong province
Stueng Thmei
Veal Veng
35 year
Hydropower dam
SAWAC Consultants (Cambodia)Co.,Ltd
Not found
Not found
This project has been studied and implemented in? accordance to 16 legal frameworks, 7 sub-decrees, general guidelines for environmental impact assessment reports, National Policy on Green Growth and the Royal Government's Rectangular Strategy.
The Stung Pursat hydropower project will provide the electricity to develop all sectors. To the local area, it will construct the road infrastructure and change to a tourism site with a large water reservoir which will be suitable for fishery conservation. The project will build the roads, buildings and offices for the staffs, park and other physical infrastructures.
The company plans to employ the staff during the construction, transmission and substation for 4 years: 400 people (300 Cambodians and 100 foreigners).
Public consultations related to the project were conducted during the ESIA study from February 10 to September 9, 2008 and updated in September 2015 and again from October to November 2017. The public consultation involves officials from ministry staffs, provincial department staffs, Conservation International staffs, Fauna and Flora International staffs, local authorities and citizens.
The project covers a total area of ??9355 hectares and is located in the permanent reserve forest of 4199.2 hectares (45%), 399.7 hectares (4%) of the Cardamom Mountains of Central Highlands and 4756.1 hectares (51%) of the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, total affected forest area is 6007.24 ha, of which there are 351.62 hectares of community forest. The project will completely eradicate 864.46 hectares of dense forest, 850.25 hectares of semi-dense forest and 4291.5 hectares of deciduous forest.
The company has developed and set up a number of environmental management plans such as monitoring institutions, training programs and monitoring programs to monitor the implementation of environmental protection measures to mitigate and reduce negative environmental impacts to ensure the sustainability of the management of natural and social resources.
The project will build 1226,5 million cubic meters of reservoir extending 8591 hectares and 13 electricity transmission poles requiring 225 square meters of land as part of the infrastructure plan and 30-km road rehabilitation project.
The company has developed and identified a number of important measures to prevent and mitigate negative environmental impacts in order to ensure effective environmental resource management in accordance with technical and environmental standards, and to ensure that the project develops sustainably.
For 35 years, the company has allocated USD 826,400 for social and environmental funds (USD 667,680 for environmental funds and USD 158,800 for social funds). Environmental funds will be used for tree planting, community forest conservation, forestry and fisheries conservation, and social funds will be used in village and commune budgets.
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USD 540 millions
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Mr. Zhu Xu
#16, St.592,Boeng Kak Ti Pir, Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh
Completed study
Ministry of Mines and Energy
Located on the river in Thmor Bang and Koh Kong district, Koh Kong province, about 35 km east of Koh Kong province and about 260 km from Phnom Penh on the National Road 4 and 48.
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Thma Bang
Koh Kong |
Koh Kong
Hydropower dam
Key Consultants (Cambodia)
Not found
Room no. 684, 6th floor, Building F, Phnom Penh center, Preah Sihanouk Blvd, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh
Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Royal Decree on the Protection of Natural Areas Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management Land Law Law on Forestry Law on Fishery Law on Water Resources Management Sub-Decree on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management Sub-Decree on the Control of Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance Sub- Sub-Decree on Establishment of Protected Forest Area for Conservation of Forest and Biodiversity in Land Slope of Middle-Cardamom Mountains Sub-Decree Establishment of Protected Forest for Biodiversity Conservation, Elephant Route Corridor Protection and Bio-wildlife Rehabilitation Center National Water Resources Policy |
The investment project is a build–operate–transfer (BOT) with a total investment of USD 540 million. The sale of carbon credits from the Tatai hydroelectric project to developed countries can get up to USD 3 to 4 million per annum.
The Tatai hydroelectric project will build an access road to the dam and power plant. The project will rehabilitate the graveled road and some infrastructures along the road to Thma Bang district.
The project will employ more than 3200-4100 workers or employees during the four-year construction phase.
The public consultation meeting consisted of two phases during the study of environmental impact assessment. The first phase was on 03 February 2009 in Thma Bang pagoda in Ruessei Chrum commune. There were 59 participants, including 28 women. On 07 April 2009, there were 58 participants, including 38 women at the Eco-tourism office. The second phase was on 15 June 2009 in the meeting room of Koh Kong Provincial Hall. There were 37 participants from local authorities, such as village chief, village deputy, community, police, provincial departments, provincial hall, NGOs, private institutions and representatives from the inter-ministerial and national level.
The project will destroy 3.332,42 ha of forest, of which 2.949,91 ha is permanently lost, and 182,51 ha is temporarily lost. The destroyed forest has 3.015 hectares of evergreen and another 116 hectares of other type of forest.
The project follows an environmental management plan that provides guidance for the inspection, mitigation measures and monitoring to be carried out in the pre-construction, construction and operation stages. Environmental management plan includes institutional arrangement, a summary of mitigation measure, and monitoring program. The mitigation measures and monitoring programs will include the timetable of the responsible institutions and the budget for each job.
The reservoir capacity of Tatai hydroelectric project is 404X106 cubic meters and the surface area is 1330 hectares, and the unworked reservoir capacity is 82x106 cubic meters. The project will renovate Thmor Bang road from the intersection of National Road No. 48 to the entry gate, which is 5,3 kilometers. Constructing a road to the dam site with a length of 9,45 kilometers.
Mitigation measures will be designed to mitigate and will be prepared to minimize the negative impacts identified for each composition in different stages of the project. The agency, responsible for estimating the cost of the impact of the damages, has been prepared and to estimate the cost for the mitigation measure.
The project implementation will provide the economic value to investors as well as Cambodia through reliable power generation of 858 000 000 KWh/year and to be sold to the Electricité du Cambodge at USD0.074/kWh.
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DELCOM (KAMPUCHEA) PTE. LTD. is Foreign-Cambodian owned corporation (Cambodia-China), registered at the Ministry of Commerce on 08 January 2010. The company received a mining license from the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy for conducting gold mine research under Letter No. 969 as of 01 October 2009. The company plans to invest $ 2.45 million to build gold production system, basic infrastructure and other road constructions.
KHR 500,000,000
Mr. Nhem Thary
# 26, Street 604, Sangkat Boeung Kok II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Initial study
Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
Phnom Daek area, Romtum commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province. The concession can be accessed from Trapeang Totuem village, an intersection from National Road No. 62, about 10 kilometers to Delcom (Kampuchea) PTE. LTD. along the path to Romdeng village.
Not found
Preah Vihear
99 years
Gold exploration
Green Consultancy Group Co., Ltd.
Not found
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Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management
Land law Labor Law Law on the Management and Exploitation of Mineral Resources Law on Fisheries The Law on Biosafety Forestry Law Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia Sub-decree on environmental impact assessment Sub-decree on monitoring of pollution of water Sub-decree on solid waste management Sub-Decree on the Control of Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance |
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The place where DelcoThe place where Delcom (Kampuchea) Pte.Ltd. plans to build factories and residences for mining workers is about 2 hectares. Besides, mine exploration with noise and vibration from machines does not disturb the lives of people living in that area. Once the whole project is fully operated, it will bring significant benefits to social and economic development for both local and national communities.
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On 12 August 2010, a discussion meeting was participated by 12 people from government and private sectors, and representatives of Delcome (Kampuchea) PTE.LTD at Preah Vihear Provincial Hall to present the Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report.
Based on the analysis of the changes of forest cover in the entire concession areas in the past 14 years using the UNDP Dataset in 1992-93, 1996-97 and FA GIS Dataset in 2002 and 2006, the forest cover across the mining concession area have been lost to 90 hectares or equivalent to 90 percent of the total forest cover areas (or evergreen forest).
The mining concession area is small (100 hectares). The ecological resources are dry? mixed? deciduous? forest and semi-degraded. The gold mine exploration and exploitation project is considered to be a medium scale project or Category B. After mining
the company will rehabilitate the land and reforest it (one year require), so the area will again be covered with forest cover. |
The project planned to import mining grinding machine with a capacity of milling of 125 microns of mines and capable of breaking 3,000 tons of gold per month. Build office (accommodation of the site director, key staffs, kitchen, pits, mining wells, workshop, storage of generator, storage of chemical substances, storage of explosives, mining wastewater treatment site, and mining transportation system. The company plans to invest 2.45 million dollars in preparing gold productivity system, local infrastructures, and road constructions.
According to project management measures, the project owner is responsible for the environmental management of the project, while the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy and the provincial authorities monitor the implementation of the project. The mitigation strategies are reforestation after the site and the mine's pit are closed .Continuity of noise and vibration released by the machinery and hunting through the implementation of some measures surrounding the pits bunker prohibits or strictly instructs the workers and the armed forces employed at there not to hunt for food. Reducing toxic emissions must be installed on all plants. Reduce soil erosion impacts in the extraction stage of extraction of rock and waste disposal etc.
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Mr. Yuan Maozhen
# 23, Street 315, Sangkat Beoung kork1, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Mine and Energy
The area is approximately 83 km southeast of Koh Kong province and 294 km from Phnom Penh, located in Thma Bang district.
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Thmar Bang
Koh Kong
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The reservoir size is 9 474 hectares that consist of a dam with 36.6 meters high and 2354.5 hectares. The high-voltage transmission line is 103 kilometers.
Hydropower dam
Sawac Consultants for Development
Not found
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Law on environmental protection, Labour law, Land law, Law on forestry, Law on water management, Law on water pollution monitoring, Law on solid waste management, Sub-decree on environmental impact assessment, Sub-decree on social land concession
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The project will provide 617.89 gigawatts of electricity per year, about 82 percent of Cambodia's electricity generation in 2005, which will stabilize the supply of electricity and use it for the development of Cambodia's economy. In addition, it will help prevent floods in the Prek Trapeang Roung area during the rainy season. The project also contributes to the development of local infrastructures and amounts to the national budget.
Recruit up to 1200 people during construction of 4.5 years and 88 staff during the operation.
The consultation with the public takes place over a month. There are participants from the Director of Cabinet of Koh Kong Provincial Hall, departments, district office, commune office, and people from Thma Doun Pov, Chumnoab and Pralay communes, WildAid, Fauna & Flora International, and Conservation International.
Total affected areas are 12,325.37 hectares, including the 3,068 hectares of evergreen forest and 2 624 hectares of local people’s land.
The company has prepared the measure to minimize the negative impacts. For example, the company deploys the standard mechanisms to protect and reduce the oil waste and chemical substance or other solid wastes and equipped with wastewater treatment tools. The company will cooperate with ministries and civil society organization to restore the forest.
The company will spend 5 years on constructing with the labour forces of 1200 people. The company will restore and construct new asphalt roads.
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The company reserves $ 2.55 million for environmental protection during the project's construction and $ 77,000 annually for environmental protection for the 40-year project with a total budget of $ 3.08 million.
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USD 816.23 million
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Mr. Lam Du Son (Vice-president)
Feasible study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Mine and Energy
The Lower Sesan 2 hydro-electric power project is located on the Sesan river in four communes in the Sesan district. It is approximately 1.5km downstream of the Sesan and Srepok rivers, and about 25km upstream of Stung Treng province.
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Srekor Talat Kbal Romeas |
Stung Treng
The reservoir with storage capacity of 1.79 billion cubic meters and flooded area of 335 square Km when the water level in the reservoir reaches 75m.
Big scale hydropower plant
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company
Nof found
Km9+200, Nguyen Trai, Thanh xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84) 042148006, Fax: (84) 048541208
Constitution, Law on environmental protection and natural resources managment, Royal decree on natural protected areas, Sub-decree on environmental impact assessment process, Sub-decree on water pollution control, Sub-decree on solid waste management, Land law, Forestry law, Law of water resources management, National water resources policy, Mekong agreement and procedural rules,
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The project will provide a sustainable power supply, construct new access roads to the project site, provide job to Cambodian workers, rehabilitate infrastructures roads, culverts, bridges, and other infrastructure to increase the potential value of the ecotourism. The project will create income for the local and national people due to the provision of a job in the construction and operation stages. The output through an annual energy production of 1953.9 GWh will give a positive impact on the economic development of Cambodia.
The project will need a workforce of 1300 people during the four years of the construction period.
The public was consulted three times about the dam proposal during the preparation of the EIA. The first time was a public meeting with the 5 most affected communes held by KCC in early February 2008. The second time was held by PECC during April 2008, and the third consultant was on May 2008 with the representative of the government, NGOs, private sector and community.
The dam will cause a flood of 335 square kilometers, including 40-60 cubic meters of inundations across the Sesan and Srepok riverside, and floods four villages and partially floods in three villages.
The environmental management plan consists of institutional arrangements, a summary of mitigation measures, and monitoring programs. The mitigation measure and monitoring programs will include the frequency schedule institution and budget.
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The study team used the environmental checklist in the EIA guideline of ADB 2003 for Hydropower projects. The mitigation measures for each impact are designed to reduce the impacts as much as possible. Each environmental impact is described followed by recommended mitigation measures for the different project phases: pre-construction, construction, and operation.
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HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. is a limited liability individual enterprise.
The company is registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial registered capital of KHR 20,000,000. The company plans to invest USD 40,000,000 to cover the initial planting (civil construction, procurement, production and business operations) during the first 10 years of the development of the agro-industry farm.
KHR 20,000,000
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Ong Bee Huat
No. P17, Pleasure Road, Sangkat Sras Chak, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Environment
It is located in the village of Trapeang Chor and Sangke Satob commune, Oral district, Kampong Speu province. The concession can be accessed from Dambong Vinh Village, Chrok Teak Village, Chumnob and Trang Pongro Village, which is located 3-5km east of the concession, on the road to the Dambong Vinh village in Kampong Speu province with difficult road condition to travel.
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Trapeang Chor and Sangke Satob
Kampong Speu
Not found
Agro-industry development (corn)
Green Consultancy Firm
Not found
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Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management, Sub-decree on Environmental Impact Assessment, Sub-decree on Water Pollution Control, Sub-decree on Solid Waste Management, Land Law, Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom Cambodia
Capital to be invested in agro-industrial projects, corn industry, and processing costs for the first 10 years of 2009-2018 are estimated to cost a total of USD 49,900,410. The total cost of operating the project is USD 36,712,400, which includes labor costs, planting, crop maintenance, harvesting, transportation, processing costs and renewal costs. The initial planting budget is set to be approximately USD 8,718,570 and USD 4,469,440 for non-tax fixed costs. Net Income / Profit is estimated to be in the 10th year of USD 430,976. In the 11th year, net profit is about USD 3.38, and in the 12th year it is about USD 4.54 million and USD 7.99 million in revenue in the 20th year.
Impacts on the environment (medium to long term): Pre-clearing operations, cultivation and harvesting operations.
Social Impact (short and medium term): Will impact the livelihood of people in Sangke Satob commune and Trapeang Chor commune, Oral district, Kampong Speu province by losing access to the forest products they have previously received from natural resource in the area that would have to be invested by a company. In particular, they lost the ranch (cow - buffalo pasture) and will affect the community forest land on which they have always depended.
The project will need a workforce of 1,062 people during the first year and increase to 1,777 people in the fifth year. From sixth to tenth year, the company plans to recruit 1,705-1,905 staffs.
Public consultation with provincial, district, commune, village, and other related community.The members who participated in the consultation were the Governor of Kampong Speu, the Deputy Governor, the Secretary General, the Deputy Chief, the Deputy Chief of the Cabinet, the Director of the Department of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, the Provincial Department of Environment, the Deputy Director of the Provincial Agriculture Department. Oul district deputy governor, Oral office and 26 commune chiefs on October 26 and November 16, 2009.
The Green consultancy firm team also visited Sangke Satob Commune and Trapeang Chor Commune for discussion and consultation with village chiefs, village development council members and community members living in the project area on 24-31 months. In October 2009, there were 313 attendees.
The 9,985 hectares of agro-industrial plantation (corn) is located in the sustainable use area of ??Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary, Kampong Speu Province. On the site of the concession, there were villagers who did not require their resettlement and evicted them.
According to the management measures mentioned in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report and the environmental management plan for agro-industrial development - corn and other crops - the project owner is responsible for managing the project's environment. Whereas the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Technical Working Group of the Secretariat of Economic Land Concessions), the authorities directly monitor and evaluate the implementation of project owners.
(1)Providing clean water to the community (2)The company plans to repair and build road in rural area with a plan of at least 1500-2000m/year within 5 years to facilitate travel and transport (3)Local school construction and renovation project provides many opportunities for students to get full education (4)Establishment of village health posts for the purpose of improving the health of the whole community (5)Build ponds and local irrigation systems for farmers to use to ensure maximum agricultural production.
The company uses the Emergency Environmental Assessment Chart (RFA-Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist - Environmental Assessment Guideline, ADB-2003). The evaluation emphasizes a number of issues: (1) physical resources, (2) ecological resources (cover and density of forests, wildlife trade value), (3) social resources, (4) health, employment and safety plans, (5) regional impacts (6) Cumulative Impact (7) Additional Impacts Assessment Requirement. As the ecological resources in the concession area are severely degraded and the corn crop development project has high economic potential, this project is considered as a low-risk multidimensional Category C project.
The total budget planned for the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan during the first phase of development project is USD 669,550.00. The budget shall be used for: (1) implementation of the Environmental Management Plan
(2) monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan. The plan contributes to the development of the company's local community, totaling USD 34,400, improving access to public services. |
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C.H.D is one of the largest Chinese companies in the world working on saving and conserving water resources to generate electricity. The company is a joint venture of three Chinese companies namely China Datang Corporation, China Yunnan Corporation for International Techno-Economic Cooporation (CYC), and Yunnan Fortune Seecome Investment Industrial Co.,Ltd.? on Stung Atay hydropower plant investment project.
USD 246,885,600
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Company headquarters: # 15, Street 604, Sangkat Boeng Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Completed study
Ministry of Mine and Energy
The area where the company will be developing hydropower is located in O'Som commune, Veal Veng district, 86 kilometers southwest of Koh Kong province, and about 168 kilometers from the company's office at the second dam, southwest from Pursat town.
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Veal Veng
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5,098.67 ha
Stung Atay hydropower on Build Operation and Transver (BOT) basis
SAWAC Consultants for Development
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Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996, Labor Law 1997, Land Law 2001, Forest Law 2002, Fisheries Law 2006, Protected Areas Law 2007, Protected Areas 2007, Sub-decree on Water Pollution Control 1999, Sub-decree on Solid Waste Management 1999, Sub-decree on the Process of Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment 1999, Sub-decree on Social Land Concessions 2003.
Profiting from the project, the company has restored the old road and the new construction, including a gravel pavement with an average width of 7m. The company will restore Chhay Pruy waterfall area to create a tourist attraction in the future. People will get cheap electricity. Reduced deforestation by people changing their habit of using firewood for electricity. The environmental restoration of BOT project of the Atay hydropower project is USD 3,091,250 in total for the four-year construction phase and for the five-year post-construction phase.
Reducing CO2 which increases global warming and air pollution. In most provinces, counties and communes as well as in most transit projects, the use of electricity from fossil fuels and coal which releases carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which are sources of greenhouse gas that warm the earth and also pollute air quality which concerns the world. Thus, once the project is completed, the operation and maintenance will be mitigated in large parts. Power supply and economic development, land use / land value and tourism and job offers and livelihoods.
The company plans to recruit staffs and workers. The company gives priority to people living near the project area. During the four-year construction period, there are about 900 people including 500 local residents and 400 Chinese workers. There were 52 workers for the construction of the transmission line from the two power plants to O'Som sub-station, including 4 local residents and 12 Chinese workers. During the 30 years of operation and maintenance, the company recruits 30 people including 19 Cambodian staffs and 11 Chinese staffs and workers. The company plans to recruit 2 Cambodians and 9 Chinese as staffs to manage transmission line from the power tower of Dam 1 to O'Som sub-station. The company plans to recruit 11 people, 2 Cambodian and 9 Chinese as staffs to manage transmission line from power plant of the second dam to O'Som sub-station.
The SAWAC Working Group for Research and Consultation has undertaken consultations with the following authorities and relevant agencies namely Pursat provincial governor, CI and FFI, district governors of Veal Veng, Phnom Kravanh and Sampov Meas district, deputy director of the Pursat provincial environment department, village chief involved in the project, director of Pursat provincial department of land management, urban planning and construction, director of Pursat provincial department of water resources and meteorology, director of Pursat rovincial department of agriculture and the people affected by the project. The public consultation and discussion with relevant stakeholders were conducted 2 times. The first one was conducted during IESIA study for 48 days, and the second one was from 15 July until 30 August 2011.
The forest cover in the project area is 4,675.17 hectares, including 4187.81 hectares of affected forest land and 487.36 hectares is unaffected forest. The total area of ??423.5 hectares is non forest (farmland, residential land, graveyard, bourgeois soil, streams, streams, lakes, and grasslands).
Overseeing the implementation of the environmental management plan of the company is the responsibility of the coalition of the relevant ministries and departments, which will be developed by the project owner together with the Ministry of Environment. This Environmental Protection and Monitoring Team is under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment.
CHD (Cambodia) Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, is a limited liability company for the hydropower project, composed of three main projects (divided by the SAWAC team): (1) the first and second basins
(2) Hydropower infrastructure ( access roads, dam1 and 2, 1 and 2 power complexes), worker camps, warehouses, workshops, office buildings, concrete mills, stone quarries, underground tunnels, and boat ports) (3) 115 kv high voltage transmission line from the first and second power stations. |
In this environmental and social impact assessment process, the SAWAC team used the checklist for the hydropower project (ADB website guidelines) to assist in the study and evaluation of key areas. In addition, the Ministry of Environment's checklist also identifies the environmental, physical and socioeconomic impacts and selects the minimum, medium and severe environmental impact assessments. Minimize these effects to a minimum.
The cost of environmental restoration is USD 3,091,250.00 for 6 months. USD 1,977,248.00 for water and land conservation, USD 35,200.00 for environmental protection, USD 545,200.00 for wildlife protection, USD 40,000.00 for wildlife rehabilitation, USD 66,400.00 for health protection, USD 50,000 in environmental education, USD 100,000.00 in consulting fees and USD 130,000 for construction and relocation costs .
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Tan Bien Kampong Thom Aphivath Caoutchouc Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial registered capital of KHR 20 million. The company has a registered capital created by the incorporation of members of the company represented by Duong Quoc Viet, a Vietnamese board chairman.
USD 49,424,062
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Duong Quoc Viet
The company is headquartered on National Road 6, Damrei Choan Khla Village, Damrei Choan Khla commune, Stung Sen District, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. Phone: (855) 23 355 422 and Telephone (855) 23 222 975.
Feasible study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
The company has been granted permission by the Royal Government to develop a rubber plantation, covering an area of ??8,100 hectares, located in Kraya commune, Santuk district, Kampong Thom province.
Not found
Kampong Thom
Not found
8,100 ha
Rubber plantation development and processing plant
Green Consultancy Firm
Green Consultancy Firm was established in 2006 specialized in Project Consultant, Concession Land Consultant and EIA Documenting. The director of the firm is Dr. Ly Sopoir-Mony taking the execution role as Senior Agro-Ecological Systems Management Analist and EIA Specialist.
No136AB E2z, Street134, Group 27, Sankat Veal Vong, Khan 7 Makara , Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Contact Person: Dr. Ly Sopoir-Mony, Phone: 012 882 357
Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management Law, Forestry Law, Land Law, Labor Law,
Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Law on Biosafety, Law on Protected Areas, Sub-decree on Environmental Impact Assessment, Sub-decree on Water Pollution Control, Sub-decree on Solid Waste Management, Sub-decree on Air Pollution and Noise Control, Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions
Loss reports occur from years 1 to 10. The USD 2,647,691 loss was the first loss and USD 3,530,516 the second loss. Loss reports are still in the second to tenth year. The net profit is estimated to be USD 954,732 from the 11th year. In the 12th year, the net profit was about USD 2,941,028, while in the 13th year it was about USD 4,353,538, USD 5,518,546 in the 14th year. Net profit starts to decrease from USD 5,518,546 to USD 5,418,546, and 16th to 20th year, respectively.
Not found
The project will use local labor force aiming to reduce unemployment. Approximately 984 employees including workers, technicians and managers will be employed in the first year and up to 1,011 in the fifth year of the project's implementation. From Year 6 to Year 10, the company plans to employ more than 1,016 workers for its manufacturing and business operations.
Consulted with Provincial, District and Municipal authorities on the environmental and social impact assessment on May 26, 2011 at Provincial Hall. The GCF team also had a field trip for a consultation and discuss with the commune chief and Santuk district chief, Kraya commune chief clerk of Kraya commune in total 3 persons on May 01, 2011. The consultation also involved community people during he report preparation stage.
The 3,071 hectares of protected forest area (buffer zone), 1,190 hectares reserving for forest restoration and research, and 931 hectares for the establishment of forest-protected community. There are 7,550 hectares of land for the development of rubber plantations and 550 hectares for the construction of infrastructure to support the production process.
The Company has a central responsibility for environmental management based on environmental management measures as defined in the project's environmental management plan. The project does not require a number of monitoring from the Local Environmental Coordinator because of the negative side effects are little.
The master plan is to allocate land for cultivation and construction of a total of 8,100 hectares of land, 7,550 hectares for rubber plantations and 550 hectares for infrastructure. The production land area will be based on the results of the remaining natural forest inventory survey in the concession area, providing an area of ??data which company can clear non-economical natural forest cover to grow rubber as planned. The Company's 8,100 hectares of concession areas are fragmented, separated by forest reserves.
The Company complies with environmental and social mitigation measures through its action plan, Ministry of Environment, and inter-ministerial working groups to review and evaluate the performance of the company according to the program.
The total budget to be used for the implementation of the environmental management plan, social and environmental allowance during the nine years of development is USD 3,081,500.
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Samnang Rea Thbong Thmor Import Export and Development Co., Ltd is a local company registered with Ministry of Commerce with initial investment budget USD 1million . This company was planning to invest additional USD 14.4 million for building a mineral processing plant with production capacity 3000ton/month, constructing basic infrastructure and developing road to access the mine concession area.
USD 1,000,000
USD 14,500,000
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Not found
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Mine and Energy
The company has requested land concession with area of 3.600 ha situated in the geography of O'Ta Tut, Thmor Duon Pov and Chum Nab commune in Thmor Bang district, Chik Ler commune in Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province which located 86km from the provincial town.
Not found
Thmor Duon Pov, Chum Nab and Chik Ler
Thmor Bang and Sre Ambel
Koh Kong
Not found
3600 ha
Exploration ad exploitation
Green Consultancy Group Co., Ltd.
Not found
Not found
Law on environmental protection and natural hazard managment.
Law on Forest
Sub-decree on the process of environmental impact assessment
Sub-decree on water pollution control
Sub-decree on solid wast managment
Sub-decree on air and noise pollution control
Sub-decree on economic land concession
This project will expense capital investment in total USD 7,510,000within which the company is able to acquire net profit USD 756,447 from revenue of selling the mineral commodity USD 7,200,000 deducted by expenditure on the production activities USD 1,776,505, corporate tax rate 30%? USD 1,627,048 and annual fund for development of community USD 40,000.
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For serving project implementation, the company will need technical and labour force in total 194 numbers including: foreign mining specialist team, mining specialist from Ministry of Mine and Energy, basic geographic specialist, mining site staffs, labourer, cooker, driver, security gaurds for patrolling in the company's headquarter and in the mine site.
Initial public consultations with provincial, district, department, commune, village, and community chief have been organized during the reporting process to make an impact forcasting and make recommendations for local decision-making on how to monitor and evaluate the performance of this company. The participants were: Deputy Provincial Governor, Provincial Secretary, Acting chief of cabinet, Chief of Drovincial Department of Industry, mines and energy, Koh Kong Provincial Department of Agriculture, Koh Kong Provincial Department of Environment, Chief of Koh Kong Forestry Administration, Sre Ambel District Governor, Governor of Thmor Bang District and Civil Society.
3,200 hectares of forest will be cleared for Ilmenite mining with mine's life 68 years. The forest clearance to open the pit of mine will be conducted, in accordance with the mining stages, which is approximately 47 hectares a year. After reaching the final pits, the mine will be reclaimed and re-planted the trees.
The environmental impact mitigation of this mining project will be taken action in accordance with the issues being evaluated.
Due to the difficulty of access to the mining site, the company will construct a gravel road linking the National Road 48 into the mine site, with the distance about 60 kilometers, and conduct a road clearance to open a new trail lying around the mining concession area to facilitate the management and demarcation of the region of mine concession owned by the company.
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment emphasize on a number of issues, including:
- Land use disturbances (research phase, road clearance to ore deposit, construction of headquarters and mineral processing plant, mining operations, and transport of ore to mineral scrubbing and disposal facilities )
- Closing of pits and replanting of trees
- sound pollution
- Emission of CO2 and other environmental pollutants
- Habitat loss and impact on wildlife
- Impacts on protected areas and loss of natural landscape
- Climate impact on mining operations
- Impact on occupational health and safety plans
- Impacts on the national economy
- Local impact
- Side effects
- The necessity of further evaluation
The budget for monitoring, evaluation and capacity building was estimated to be approximately USD 570,080 per year, which includes: (1) implementation of the Environmental Management Plan, (2) monitoring, evaluation and (3) Capacity building. The annual budget for recoving the environment is estimated to be approximately USD 350,000.
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USD 255 million
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Not found
Not found
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
Ministry of Mines and Energy
The area being developed for the hydroelectric dam is located 60km south of the Koh Kong provincial town (22km through waterways and road 38km) and 160km southwest of the Pursat provincial town situated in O'Som commune, Veal Veng district between the northing latitude of 11°57' and 12°01' and the easting longitude of 103°07' and 103°12'.
Not found
Veal Veng
30 years
Not found
Stung Atay hydropower plan
SAWAC Consultants for Development
Not found
No. 01, Street 259, Sangkat Teuk L'ak1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Law on environmental protection and natural resource management
Law on labour
Land law
Law on forestry
Law on water resource management in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Sub-decree on the control of water pollution
Sub-decree on the control of solid waste
Sub-decree on the environmental protection process
Sub-decree on social land concession
Not found
. reduce flooding caused by Typhoon in the region of Cardamom mountains
. provide water to enough for biodiversities during dry season surrounding the location of the dam.
. the vast quantity of this reservoir would provide a suitable condition for the conservation and the increase of the abundance of fish species and other aquatic lives in the region of Atai river
. this hydroelectric dam will likely produce power 120 MW which effectively responses to the need of the northern and north-western regions for a medium-term period.
. provide stability in supporting electricity to industries, residents, public space, and economic development in Cambodia
. this project will build infrastructures in the region including repair of road from Veal Veng capital district to O'Som commune, road and bridge construction for circulating between the Energy Department and the two dams.
. this project will increase the price of land of the local, particularly for use in the industrial sector, modern agriculture, and tourism due to its project development and infrastructure. Also, the project infrastructure might attract national and international tourists to visit the project area, Atai, and the surrounding region in the future
. this project will create jobs for people particularly the local people during the construction period by managing to hire 1100 employees and workers which also take into account the Chinese technical staffs
. this project will provide stability in supplying electricity for development in all sectors including even for the use in the residents of the town, agricultural sector, tourism, particularly handy craft, and industrial sector.
. the company managed to support funding for environmental protection for mitigating these effects and for relocating the residents.
This project managed to hire 1100 of employees and workers by grant priority to people living in the surrounding area within the construction period of 4 years and need 88 labour foces during the operation and maintanance including managing director and adminstrative staffs 33, engineering staffs 12, controlling and operation staffs 15, maintenance staff 25, and information staff 03.
In the study of this project, there are public discussion and consultation with related parties such as Pursat provincial governor, CI organisation, FFI organisation, Veal Veng district governor, Deputy of Pursat department of environment, Chief of the project-related commune and village, Head of Pursat department of industries, mines, and energy.
This project will ruin the forest in total area of 5,901 hectares which occupying 4,741 hectares of dense forest, 157 hectares of medium dense forest, 88 hectares of sparse forest, bamboo forest, 5 hectares of pinewood forest, and 123 hectares of Shrub forest
The company developed environmental management plan by: (1) set up essential measures for resisting and mitigating negative impacts, (2) set up investigation and controlling program on practicing environmental protection measures, and (3) set up training program for building human resource for effectivess and timeliness of work in both techical part and environmental protection.
This project will build infrastructures in the region such as road repairing between Veal Veng capital district and O'som commune, road and bridge construction between Energy department and the two dams which facilitate the pathways for national and international tourists.
The negative impacts were defined within all the phases of the project such as project design phase, building and construction phase, operation and maintenance phase, and closing phase which the negative impacts were established in detail in accordance with category of natural resources and the responsive measures on these impacts were established.
The company will allocate USD 6,126,216 to implement environmental protection plans, including liquid waste management, for the construction and the project's operation.
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C.R.C.K. 2 Aphivath Caout Chouc Co., Ltd is a company registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial investment budget of 20 million riels. This company was planning to invest an additional USD 59,636,617 for initial planting, civil construction, procurement, production, and business operations during the first 10 years of the development of the farm.
KHR 20 millions (USD 59.636.617)
Not found
Not found
Nguyen Duy Linh
92#, Preah Norodom bdlv, Sangkat Chatumuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
Ministry of Environment
C.R.C.K. 2 Aphivath Caout Chouc Co., Ltd was granted permission from the royal government of Cambodia for rubber plantation development covering 7,289 hectares of land located in the geography of Popok? commune, Stoung district, Kampong Thom province.
Not found
Kampong Thom
80 years
7,289 hectares
Investment of rubber plantation development
Green Consultancy Firm
Not found
Not found
. Law on Environmental Protection and Natural hazard managment.
- Law on forestry
- Sub-decree on the process of Environmental impact assessment
- Sub-decree on water pollution monitoring
- Sub-decree on air pollution monitoring and sound pollutionz
- Sub-decree on Economic land concession
- land Law
- Labour Law
According to the financial report of the company, there will be negative cash flow from the first to the 8th year of the project. The negative cash flow of the 1st year is 4,482,534 USD, the 2nd year 6,765,892 USD, and in the 6th year it increases up to 5,089,050 USD. The negative cash flow decreases gradually by 3,887,600 USD in the 7th year to 1,832,465 USD in the 8th year. The net revenue is estimated to be generated in the 9th year 717,559 USD. In the 10th year, the net revenue will be acquired 3,408,777 USD and increase up to 9.301.633 USD in the 20th year.
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The company needs labor forces such as staff, workers, technicians, and management teams in total 866 for the first year and increase to 2,413 in the 3rd year. From the 6th to 10th year, the company requires workforces from 1,968 to 2029 and in the 15th year, the required labors would be 1,968.
In the study of this project, there are arrangements of public discussion and consultation with related parties such as the board of governors of the province, district, commune, and village and local communities for the forecast of the impacts and providing the initial recommendation. The participants involved in this public consultation comprise Kampong Thom provincial governor, Deputy Governor of Kampong Thom, Deputy Director of Department of Land management, urban planning and construction of Kampong Thom, Deputy Director of the EIA Office, Director of Department of Environment of Kampong Thom, Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture of Kampong Thom, Kampong Thom Provincial Deputy Chief of the Forestry Administration, Deputy Provincial Secretary, Assitant Governor of Kampong Thom, Chief of Stoung District.
In this project, the company was granted permission for development investment on rubber agro-industrial sector on 7,289 hectares of land located in Beng Per wildlife sanctuary of the geography of Stoung district, Kampong Thom province in which forest of 320 hectares of the granted area need to be maintained (stream buffer zone) and the 6,969 hectares of land for rubber farm development by 6,710 hectares for rubber plantation and another 259 hectares for developing infrastructures for supporting the process of production.
Due to the negative impact of the project is minimal, it is not required to have involvement from many relevant establishments and to have many environmental controls. Besides the environmental facilitator of the company and expert establishment (including Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries), it is not necessary to have involvement from the independent controlling establishment for inspecting the practices. However, the company needs to play a crucial role in the environmental protection of the projection in accordance with environmental management measures as defined in the environmental management plan of the ESIA report.
In this project, the company planned to construct infrastructure in the development site by constructing roads repairing existing roads in case required. In this process of development, the company planned to build road system of 5 types: (1) the main road enclosing the site with which is 8 meters wide with a distance of 36 km
(2) 2 main road lying in the site with the size of 8 meters wide and distance 17 km (3) the main road dividing the sub-region of the farm with its size 6 meters wide and distance 11 km (4) the roads lying in the sub-region comprising 18 lines having a size of 4 meters wide by which the roads lying west-east direction comprises 8 lines with a total distance of 76 km ad the north-south direction 10 lines with a total distance of 21 km (5) the pathways of 4 meters wide comprise 17 lines by which there are 7 lines lying west-east direction equivalent to 69 km and north-south direction 10 lines equivalent to 73 km. |
The company prepared measures of impact reduction as defined in the table of summary measures for reducing the impact in this report and the ministry (Department of EIA) and a joint working group of Technical Secretary has to conduct fieldwork and assess the practicalities of the company.
The total budget planned for the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan during the nine years phase of the development project is USD 3,086,500 USD. The budget shall be used for: (1) infrastructure construction
(2) management of buffer zones (3) contribution fund for community development and recover the environment (4) implement controlling and assessing programs. |
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USD 280 million
23 Feburary 2006
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27th Floor, Canadia Tower, 315, 12000 Preah Ang Duong St. (110), Phnom Penh
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
Ministry of Mines and Energy
The area that the company will develop Hydropower plant is 15 km north of the Kampot provincial town within the latitude of 103°40.144' and 103°49.496' north of the equator and longitude104°04.667 amd 104°08663 east of the prime meridian.
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Hydroelectric powerplant
Sawac Consultants for Development
SAWAC Consultants is Cambodian's leading consulting firm, which originated from SAWA, a Dutch NGO that has been active in Cambodia since 1993. SWith an increasing number of experienced Cambodian consultants, SAWA has fully handed over to the senior local staffs to manage and operate from 1999, and the firm was officially registered with the Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia, with an official name “Sawac Consultants Cambodia Co., Ltd".
No. 01, Street 259, Sangkat Teuk L'ak1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
. Law on Environmental Protection and Natural hazard managment.
- Law on forestry
- Sub-decree on the process of Environmental impact assessment
- Sub-decree on water pollution monitoring
- Law on solid waste Management
- land Law
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In the study of this project, there are arrangements of public discussion and consultation with related parties comprising representative of Bokor national park manager, representative of Kampot Department of Industries, Mines, and Energy, representative of Kampot Water Supply Authority, representative of Kampot Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery, representative of Kampot Forestry Administration District, representative of Kampot Department of Water Resource, representative of Kampot Department of Tourism, Deputy of Kampong Bay District, Deputy of Kampot District, Santub Ti Mouy of Mak Prang District, representative of Kampong Kraeng Health Center, Citizens and the related Non-governmental Organization.
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In order to ensure effectiveness of environmental management in accordance with standard technical of
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In this project, there are assessment regarding negatives impact to the environment in all stages of the project implementation such as socio-environment, physical resources, and ecological resources by which these impacts would be mitigated by the measures established accordingly.
The company would prepare budgets of 400,000 USD per annum for 30 years implementation of the environmental protection plan
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BEAN HEACK INVESTMENT Co., Ltd is a limited liability company, registered in Ministry of Commerce with an initial registered capital of 20 million riels. The company planned to invest US$ 42,200,390.00 in order to pay initial plant growth, civil construction, production facilities purchasing and business operation cost in the first 10 years of rubber cultivation developement covering 4385 hectares of land concessions. The company is headquartered at No. 92, Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. Contact Number: 097 959 8442.
KHR 20million
USD 42,200,390
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Viet Nam
The company is headquartered at No. 92, Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. Contact Number: 097 959 8442.
Initital Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
Ministry of Environment
BEAN HEAK Investment Co., Ltd, granted permission from the royal government of Cambodia for rubber plantation development covering 7,289 hectares of land concession, is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary, Sakream Commune, Prasat Balangk and Stoung District, Kampong Thom province.
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Prasat Balangk and Stoung
Kampong Thom
70 years of land concession
4,385 hectares (four thousand three hundred eighty-five hectares)
The development of agro-industrial plantation (Rubber plantation)
Green Consultancy Firm (GCF)
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. Law on Environemntal Protection and Natural Resource management
- Law on Forestry -Sub-decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
- Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control
- Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
- Sub-Decree on Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance
- Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions
- Law on Land
- Law on Labour
According to the economic analysis on investment project area, the company needed 42,200,3600.00 USD in capital for initial plant growth, civil construction, procurement of production facilities and business operation cost. Expenditure projections on this development were 39,402,982 and 7,879,224 USD in the first 10 years (2011-2020) and 20 years, respectively. Analysis of the company's cash flow indicated that the first year of the cash flow determined with a negative cash balance of (-) 4,446,292 USD declining the cash balance until 8th year with (-) 628,541 USD. The company started receiving revenues in 9th year with capital 1,207,608 USD rising up to 7,311,330 USD in 13th year.
Forest productivity through the deforestation on land concessions is rehabilitated by rubber growth and formed as agro-industry to expand forest lost due to the past deforestation. With replacing rubber plantations, this growth helps maintain natural environment in the land concessions, contributes rural economic development, inclines income to the dependency farmers, and promotes the processing of rubber tree products and other mixed crops for market demand as well as export to international market.
BEAN HEAK Investment Co., Ltd estimated on local labours and international expertises including labours of managers, national and international engineers, technicians, production team managers, financial administratiors, permanent workers, and contract workers. In the first year, these labours were going to recruit 866 employees. The labours were expected to pursue recruiting until 1852 employees in the fifth year. Starting from 6th to 9th year was planned to decrease to 1769 employees and remain constant until 15th year.
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on rubber plantation proposing on development project had relevant focal person in the following: Provincial Governor of Kampong Thom, Deputy Governor of Kampong Thom, Deputy Director of Kampong Thom, Provincial Department of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Deputy Director of EIA Office, Kampong Thom Provincial Department of Environment, Deputy Director of Kampong Thom Provincial Department of Agriculture, Deputy Director of Kampong Thom Provincial Forestry, Administration Deputy Secretary General of Kampong Thom Provincial Office, Assistant Governor of Kampong Thom District Governor Andong Meas District, a total of 8 GCF(Green Consultancy Firm working groups), and a total of 175 communities living in the project area.
BEAN HEAK Investment Co., Ltd was granted permission from Royal Government of Cambodia on delegation of full powers refering to No. 24 dated 04 February 2010 on the authorization of H.E MOK Mareth, Senior Minister of the Ministry of Environment and H.E KEAT Chhon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance to sign simultaneously an agreement on investment project for the development of agro-industrial sector on rubber plantations of a total area of ??4,395 hectares (four thousand three hundred and eighty-five hectares) for 70 years locating at Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary, Sakream Commune, Prasat Balangk and Stoung District, Kampong Thom province.
According to level impact of development, this project did not require institutional involvement and environmental oversight with minimal negative impact. Moreover, local environmental coordinator and public sectors involving from Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries monitored on the investment project. The company itself had a central responsibility for the environmental management of the project based on the environmental management measures setting out in environmental management plan of ESIA report.
The company had a local development plan offered two programs per one year, namely the implementation of development and proposed plan. The programs hightlighted on the developement paln that the company was going to provide 10 wells (one well for five families), rural roads maintenance and construction in the project area for 1,000 meters length, school building renovation/construction in the company location, healthcare facility of the company in the concession, and construction of irrigation system (social donation) 260,000 USD. Within the proposed development plan of Sakram commune, the company was requested to help build two lines of rural road networks connecting the commune to other villages such as Sakram Cheung village, Veal Thnal village and other villages, evacuate 7 wells, purchase 1 generator and1 motorbike for commune hall, prioritize employment opportunities of the villagers than strangers, and establish healthcare center in every village.
Investment project for the development of rubber plantation had been studied and evaluated in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Environment, with an emphasis on physical resources, ecological resources, social resources, occupational health and safety plans, regional and combined impacts with mitigation measures on those issues.
The company was going to provide 125,000 USD for social development and 180,000 USD for environmental rehabilitation in six years.
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The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project is formed by three countries, including Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam to enhance tourism and pro-poor employment, which are consistent with the GMS strategic framework 2012-2022, GMS tourism sector strategy 2005-2015, and the current poverty reduction strategies of the participating countries. The initial environmental impact assessment (IEIA) of the project herein addresses the provinces of Kampot and Kep under ADB category B are selected in the locations of the project, which are comprised of small infrastructure and environmental improvement investments that have the inclusive goal of increasing and improving tourism and associated socio-economic development. The following infrastructure subprojects of the provinces above points out in the subsequent 4 outputs :
- Output 1: last-mile tourism access infrastructure improved
- Output 2: Environmental services in cross border tourism centers improved
- Output 3: Support capacity building
- Output 4: Project management
In the IEIA, the subprojects are highlighted outputs 1 and 2, excluding outputs 3 and 4. Within output 1, the development takes place in Kampot pier development as new passenger pier and associated tourist support facilities. Through Kep crab market environment improvements of the output 2, the subproject centralizes on wastewater collection and treatment system. The report concludes the subprojects that proposed design description with the available information on the affected environments in Kampot and Kep is sufficient to determine the environmental impacts. During the construction and operational phases on the environmental impacts, they are considered negligible and easily mitigated by proper management. Thus, the subprojects do not require a full environmental impact assessment.
ADB loan No. 3194-CAM (SF) with the project financing amount of USD 18,770,000
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Funding Agency: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City Metro Manila, Philippines
Initial Environmental Impact Assessment
the Ministry of Tourism, Cambodia, for the Asian Development Bank.
Cambodia subprojects of GMS take place in the proposed pier location in Kampot and the Kep town crab market in the province of Kampot. The passenger pier in Kampot will be developed on a vacant 4 hectares locating at ChumKriel village, Chumkriel commune, Teuk Chhou district, or site of the east bank of the Teuk Chhou River approximately 10km downstream of Kampot at the discharge of the the river to Kampong Bay. Turning to the Kep town crab market, it is located on the seashore about 1 kilometers west of the main city beach.
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Chumkriel(Passenger pier)
Teuk Chhou (Passenger pier)
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first preparation: PPTA Consultants, and updated by the EA Load Consultants, namely Paulo N. Pasicolan and Sethy Sour
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- Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management, enacted by National Assembly, 1996, promulgated by Preah Reach Kram/NS/RKM- 1296/36 (· Law on Natural Protected Areas (2008)
and - Sub-decree on Water Pollution Control (1999): o Annex 1 |
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1/ The new passenger pier facility could also enable consolidation the existing small cargo port just south of Kampot there by providing increased tourist and cargo access to Kampot and the area. By using the new pier, the existing small cargo fleet would have year-round – 24hr access to the port and will not have to continue with the current practice of off-loading cargo downstream during low tide or dry season conditions.
2/ The existing cargo pier will not be closed. The environmental improvements at the crab market will significantly increase the quality of the beach area by ending the current practice of discharging raw sewage from the market and food stalls to the beach area. This in turn will improve water quality for the near shore cage storage areas for crab for the market and improve the overall aesthetics of the area for tourism development
1/ the pier and associated facilities will create 2,500 tourism-related jobs20through expanded land and sea transportation services, customs and immigration facilities, and expansion of other tourism services in Kampot. Residents of the commune Chum Kriel with a population of 5,282 will benefit from new tourism-related economic opportunities. The salt farmers that live along the access road will benefit from more affordable and reliable transportation options.
2/ The environmental improvements at the crab market will significantly increase the quality of the beach area by ending the current practice of discharging raw sewage from the market and food stalls to the beach area. This in turn will improve water quality for the near shore cage storage areas for crab for the market and improve the overall aesthetics of the area for tourism development. T he project will improve sanitation and environmental conditions for the 33 shops/restaurants and 300 mobile vendors presently operating at the crab market, and is expected benefit upwards of 12,700 people living in the area adjacent to the market area.
The environmental concerns or issues associated with the Kampot and Kep subprojects consisted of the following three avenues of inquiry and data collection: a/ as part of the household and village leader interviews conducted by the social development tea,
b/ seperate group consultations with provincial agencies and other stakeholders by social development team and an additional environmental research assistant hired during the interim mission and c/ individual interviews conducted by the International Environment specialist with provincial and national environmental management agencies. Furthermore, the stakeholders involved in the design of the project include: project EA and PIUs, provincial and national agencies private sector groups, chambers of commerce and potential participants in private public partnerships (PPP) department of women's affairs, the world wildlife fund (wwf), the children and women's development centre (CWDC), communitites living along the subproject areas who will benefit from the project and have interest to maximize benefits, and communities within the subproject area who may be directly/or adversely affected and who have an interest in the identification of measures to avoid or minimize negative impacts. |
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In environmental management plan (EMP), a review on institutional capacity and needs indicates that there is little experience and capacity for environmental assessment and management amongst national counterparts responsible for the implementation of the EMP, the DOT/PIU and DPWT in Kampot province. There are no dedicated environmental staff in the DOT and thus the PIU. The DDSC with the safeguards specialists of the subproject will deliver training courses to the responsible DOT/PIU staff. The purpose of the courese is to strengthen the ability of the PIU/PMU to oversee implementation of the EMP by construction contractors, and the EMC. In additon to the sub-project of the passenger pier development in Kampot, the source demonstrates with an estimated total budget of US$68,000 for environmental monitoring plan coving on pre-construction, construction, and post-construction operation phases. Meanwhile, the implementation of the EMP for the Crab Market improvements in Kep displays with the estimated EMP budget of US$76,500 with activities of pre-construction, construction, post-construction, and additional civil works improvement phases. Turning to the institutional capacity review and needs at Kep province. The report reveals with a similar review of the Kampot project on the capacity to implement of the EMP. The DDSC with the safeguards specialist of the Kep subproject will also deliver the training course to the DOT/PIU and DPWT staff.
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1/Key impact mitigation measures of the pre-construction phase are:
1) Initiation of the project’s resettlement plan
2) Groundwater and soils investigation at crab market 3) Completion of detailed designs of the subprojects and 4) Updating and initiation of the EMPs. 2/ Subproject-specific Construction Impacts and Mitigations: Passenger pier facility - Surface water quality: associated buildings and car park could cause siltation to the Teuk Chhou River and degrade water quality. To place parallel silt curtains on the construction site to the shore, it can restrict siltation from civil works. During construction of pier and lateral embankments, management and rules which developed and implemented by contractors should not dispose any construction waste into the Teuk Chhou River. Construction vehicle traffic should place temporary berms or plastic fencing to prevent erosion, salt farms, land uses. Effluent from the ABR should pass through a culvert or PVC pipes to an artificial wetlands. - Mangrove removal and restoration: scattered mangroves on the pier site east of the Teuk Chhou River will be removed for pier facilities, kept important mangrove design and offset the loss of mangrove to restore under activities of the Children and Women Development Centre (CWDC). - Road and river traffic disruption: develop a construction vehicles traffic management plan with ongoing traffic flow, speed limts traffic, and dedicated lands for pier construction-related boat activity. Crab market environmental improvements - Coastal zone and water quality: the excavated soil for ABR septic tanks is carried offsite to DOE-approved disposal areas. Inshore area adjacent to the crab market should be placed with temporary berms or plastic fencing. A potential significant issue with the ABR septic system is to be determined during detailed design phase of the required gallery infiltration and its infiltration gallery of the ABR must be located in a proper site and not contaminate local groundwater. |
Kampot project is an estimated total budget of US$68,000 requiring for the implementation of the Environmental Monitoring Plan.
Kep project is an estimated total budget of US$15,000 requiring for capacity building for environmental management.
- The total cost of resettlement is estimated at $11,028. Of this total $4,950 is the estimated direct cost of compensation for business losses, $4,240 is the implementation cost, and $1,838 (20%) has been allocated for contingency (Crab market project)
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Alex Corporation, a sole proprietorship limited liability for development investment, has a total capital of more than 119,146,000 USD (one hundred nineteen million one hundred and forty-six thousand US dollars). The company has experience in the construction of coal-fired power lines and hydropower projects. The 230 kV power transmission line project of the company is proposed to build 426 power poles with a total length of 198 km, including the labor force, both domestic and foreigners from 300 to 400 workforces, of which are 10% foreign workers.
USD 119.146,000
Co. 9452 / 07P
Mr. Lao Eav Chong
Not found
Comapny's Head Office on the 17th floor of Phnom Penh Tower, Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeung Brolit, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh.
Business registered office at Ministry of Commerce: CE4, Street 265, Sangkat Toek Laak 3, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Environment
The 230 kV high voltage power transmission line project from Stung Hav substation to the western substation of Phnom Penh (Stung Hav, Sihanoukville - west of Phnom Penh) must pass through three provinces, including Sihanoukville and Koh Kong. And Kampong Speu.
Not found
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Kampong Seila, Stung Hav, Prey Nob, Sre Ambel, Kong Pisey, Samrong Tong, Phnom Sruoch
Sihanoukville, Koh Kong, Kampong Speu
99 years
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The 230kv Power Transmission Lines project
Creative Green Design Co., Ltd
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# 322P, St271Z, Sk. Terk Tla, Khan Resey Keo, Phnom Penh.
Tel: (855-11) 845 695/097 204 6789
Email: saphoeuntous09@yahoo.com/www.CREATIVE09.com
(1) Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management
(2) Law on Forestry
(3) Law on Electricity of the Kingdom of Cambodia
(4) Land law
(5) Labor Law
(6) Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
(7) Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia
(8) Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
(9) Sub-decree on water pollution control
(10) Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
(11) Rectangular policy of the third phase of the Royal Government.
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The presence of the project development can bring many benefits to the local people and the whle country through:
- Create employment opportunities in and near development areas and reduce the drivers of forced migration getting involved in poverty reduction.
- Participate in the development of local infrastructure, such as the expansion of power transmission lines and roads.
- Increase the supply of electricity for household use as well as the production process of factories.
- Contribute to prevent deforestation for energy use.
- Enhance the lives of Cambodia peopole with the cost reduction of their electricity.
- Incline revenue to the public state property through the taxation
- help boost the country's economy in various ways, etc.
The power transmission line project provides employment opportunities and income:
- During the construction phase, some people may be selected as construction workers according to their professional level.
- It is easy to run businesses with enough electricity. Simultaneously, the opportunities are at the night time sales as well as travel, especially revenue growth in sales than before.
The public consultation included the following participants:
- Preah Sihanouk Province: H.E Heng Sam An-Deputy Governor of Preah Sihanouk Province, Chief of Summary Office, Deputy Chief of Electricity, Deputy Governor of Stung Hav District, Representative of Alex Corporation, Head of EIA Office of the Department of Environment, Governor of Kampong Seila District, Staff of Creative Green Design, Deputy Director of Creative Green Design, Deputy Chief of Provincial Law Office
- Kampong Speu Province: H.E Vy Samnang-Deputy Provincial Governor, Alex Corporation Project Manager, Kong Pisey District Deputy Governor, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, Kampong Speu Provincial Tax Officer, Provincial Electricity Director, Phnom Sruoch District Deputy Governor and Samrong Tong District Administration Director, Head of Environment Department, Head of Kirirom National Park, Deputy Chief of Administration Office, Department of Land Management, Urban Planning, Deputy Director, Creative Green Design, Creative Green Design Staff
- Affected people in 2015, there were 81.81% supports on the project
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To maintain environmental resources as well as implement of constant project processes, as a result of this inspection, the project owner will submit a report to the Ministry of Environment every three months and comply with the following key points:
- Organize the company's responsible team for the environmental management plan
- Set an exact schedule to work in environmental protection.
- Equip with hazardous protective equipment and modern machinery in the technical process during the construction and the project operation, such as fire control equipment and other protective equipment.
- Disseminate and prevent various epidemics that may occur and provide appropriate shelters for workers working in the project area. In addition, the company must educate and guide the methods of protection on health, hygiene and safety during the work performance, instruct the workers on the environmental importance and how to make a better environment for workers themselves.
- Solid-liquid waste management.
- Encourage the tree growth surrounding the project area.
- Cooperate with professional institutions to inspect the construction work - technical and accept any technical constructive improvements from professional officers.
The whole economic development project is through the development of the power sector and the expansion of the power supply in the areas where there is a shortage of electricity.
During the construction phase, a number of construction activities, such as land clearing, land reclamation, construction of workers' shelters, transportation of materials, etc., may affect physical, biological and socio-economic resources. These sections come with mitigation measures.
The 230 kV power transmission line project affected three provinces, seven districts and 19 communes, and about 1,318 households. The cost of the study varies from regions and villages. The company will plan to settle these affected lands and houses by paying the actual compensation. According to the results of the compensation, the company has settled for the people in Kampong Speu about 22%, Sihanoukville 100% And Koh Kong Province 100%.
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XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd is a Cambodian-foreign corporation (Cambodia-China) registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial investment of 20,000,000 Riels on January 10, 2011. The company has obtained a mining exploration license from the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy to explore for gold ore under letter No. 662, dated August 6, 2010, covering a total area of 28 (twenty-eight) square kilometers. . The company plans to invest an additional $ 15,000,000 to set up a gold production system and infrastructure and road construction.
KHR 20,000,000
USD 15,000,000
Business License (1st time) No. 727, dated 18 August 2008 of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy. B-Letter No. 015 dated 18 August 2010 request for extension. Business license in Ochhech Lak area, Sambo district, Kratie province: by Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd. C-Letter No. 016 dated May 18, 2010 requesting to keep the area of 28 square kilometers in the area of Ochchek Khnok, Sambo District, Kratie Province of Xing Yuan KangYeak Co., Ltd. D. Business License (2nd) No. 662, dated August 06, 2010 of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, authorizes Xing Yuan Kang Yeak Co., Ltd. to conduct metal exploration studies. Continue in Ochchikrok area, Sambo district, Kratie province on an area of 28 (twenty-eight) square kilometers.
Letter No. 662, dated August 06, 2010
Tang Rudong
The company has its headquarter in Building 1, corner of Street 211.138, Sangkat Veal Vong, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Tel: 097 642 70 78/011 232 911 and Email: twc007@msn.com
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Mine and Energy
The first research on an area of 2050 hectares located in O'Lik Khlak area, Kbal Damrey commune, Sambo district and Sambok commune, Chit Borey district, Kratie province.
O'Klik Klock
Kbal Domrey
Not found
XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd has prepared for the construction of 6-hectare and 66-hectare gold mining production system and workers' accommodation for solid waste storage.
Gold Mining Research Project
Green Consultancy Firm (GCF)
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Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management
Land law
Labor Law
Law on Management and Exploitation of Mineral Resources
Fisheries Law
Biosafety Law
Forest Law
Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control
Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
Sub-Decree on the Control of Air Pollution and Noise
With an annual ore processing capacity of 62,400 tons, the average gold rate from the three trumpets is 2.7 g / ton, the average copper rate is 0.15% or 150 g / ton, the gold price is 45, $ 1 gram The cost of crushing copper ore is equal to $ 5,500 / ton. Therefore, the annual gold production is equal to 62,400 x 2.7 x 85% = 143208 grams. Equivalent to 7,956 tons. For the annual selling price of mineral products: 143208 grams of gold x 45.01 = 6445792 dollars and 7,956 tons of copper x 5500 = 43758 dollars. Therefore, the regular income is equal to $ 6445790 + $ 43758 = $ 6489550. Dividend for the company: The annual sales price of $ 6489550 and the cost of research, exploration, production and extraction in the first year totaling $ 9375800, so the gross income after payment of production costs is equal to (64899550 dollars $ 9375800 - $ 2886650). The obligation to pay tax and annual land concession fee is equal to $ 846371.50, including: (1) Exploration fee for 22 square kilometers equal to ($ 15 x $ 22-330) 06 square kilometers ($ 400 x 6 = $ 2400) (3) 3% moving fee on the day of sale is equal to (64899550 x 3% = 194686 USD) and (4) 10% export tax on Export product is equal to 64899550 X 10% = 648955 USD. "
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On March 3, 2011, the Green Consulting Team held a public consultation with 14 provincial and district leaders, directors and deputy directors of relevant departments and representatives of Xing Yuan Kanng YEAK Co., Ltd. The minutes of this meeting, pages 101-105, will be held on January 20, 2011. The working group met directly with the local authorities, consisting of commune chiefs, first deputy chiefs, second deputy chiefs, village chiefs, deputy chiefs and a total population. 36. The content of this meeting is on pages 116-117 after the minutes of the report of the provincial leadership.
"Green Consultant Firm has researched and assessed the first environmental and social impacts on the gold mining project located in O'Klik Khlak, Kbal Damrey Commune, Sambo District and Sambok Commune, Chit Borey District, Kratie Province on January 14, 2011 Under the service contract with XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd.
"The Company uses the Ministry of Environment's Joint Guidelines and the Rapid Environmental Assessment Schedule (REA - Rapid Environmental assessment Checklist - Environmental Guideline, ADB-2003 and WB-PPAH, 1998) to identify the initial environmental and social impacts that may result from Gold mining research activities. Mining is a closed pit and the method of gold mining in this area uses mechanical methods. Green Sinsen SeaFim visited the first environmental and social impact assessment of the gold mine research project located in O'Klik Khlak, Kbal Damrey Commune, Sambo District and Sambok Commune, Chit Borey District, Kratie Province on the 14th. January 2011 Under the service contract with XING YUAN KANNG YEARK Co., Ltd.
"Green Consultant Firm has researched and assessed the first environmental and social impacts on the gold mining project located in O'Klik Khlak, Kbal Damrey Commune, Sambo District and Sambok Commune, Chit Borey District, Kratie Province on January 14, 2011 Under the service contract with XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd.
Through field studies, it is revealed that the location of XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd. Prepare for the construction of gold mining production system and accommodation for workers in the area of 6 hectares and 66 hectares to store solid lead
The obligation to pay taxes and rent for annual land concessions is equal to $ 84,631.50, of which
1. the exploration fee for 22 square kilometers is equal to ($ 15 x 22 = $ 330)
2. the rent for mining area 06 Square kilometers ($ 400 x $ 6 = $ 2,400) (3) 3% mineral royalties equal to (64489550 dollars x 3% = $ 194686) and (4) 10% export tax on products Export is equal to $ 6489550 x 10% = $ 648955. Annual social and environmental support of $ 100,000.
25 |
The company was registered as an investment company and was approved in principle for an international port investment project in September 2005, and received permission to pave the road to the port construction site in February and March 2006. .
USD 100,000,000
Venh Hour
Koh Touch, Kampot, Kampot
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
It is located in Village Kilo 12, Prek Touch Commune and Rolous Village, Boeung Touk Commune, Teuk Chhou District, Kampot Province, which is a coastal area and is located about 1 km down from National Road No. 3 with an area of about 1,449.33hectares.
Kilo 12 and Rolous
Prek Touch and Boeung Touk
Teuk Chhou
Not found
International Port Project
CES Co., Ltd.
Not found
# 56B, Street 230, Sangkat Teuk Laak 3, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh. Phone: 023 210 313, Email info@ces.com.kh
Law on environmental protection and natural resources management
Law on fishery
Law on water resource management
Sub-degree on water pollution control
Sub-degree on solide waste management
Sub-degree on environmental impact assessment
Sub-degree on air pollution and noise disturbance
Sub-degree on establshment of special economic zone
Sub-degree on establishment of the sand resources management committee
Not found
The project has positive impacts such as:
1. During the implementation of the project can provide jobs for some locals and immigrants
2. The more crowded the landfill area, the more convenient it is to facilitate the shopping activities of the people nearby.
3. May lead to improvement in water quality due to the increase in water velocity, leading to flooding with water along the coast. Currently, the water zone is calm.
4. This pump has packed the meat for filling the filling area.
5. Establish shipping lanes that allow large ships to enter and exit
6. By pumping the slate and filling it in the filling area, this will be a big boost for the Kampot Special Economic Zone and the international port to emerge soon.
In this project, the company needs about 100 local workers and about 300 foreign workers.
Ministry of Environment
Department of Environment
Fisheries administration district
Department of industry mine and energy
Department of water resource and meteorology
Department of land management urban planning and construction
Teuk Chhou district authority
Boeung Touk commune authority
Koh Touch commune authority
Prek Tnaot commune authority
Kamport Port Company
CES Co., Ltd
The government has allocated 1,000 hectares of land in Kilo 12 village, Koh Touch commune and Boeung Chhouk commune, Kampot district, Kampot province to develop the international port and Kampot special economic zone in proportion to the state's share of 30% of the land and Kamport Port Company shared 70% of the land size.
The general process of environmental management planning in the project area includes:
1. Data collection and analysis by the project owner or project consultant
2. Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports made by the project owner or project consultant
3. Receipt of reports and implementation of inspections and recommendations for reports by the Ministry or Department of Environment and relevant institutions.
As for the budget, the general preparation and management of the environmental management plan depends on the actual situation when the project is operational.
The company plans to set up a social fund for environmental impacts to facilitate people's livelihoods, such as:
1. Establish a fund for the restoration of environmental resources
2. Fund for the Restoration of People's Livelihoods
3. Fund for Social Infrastructure.
The report covers measures to reduce environmental and social impacts in three phases: pre-implementation, operational and project completion stages, and focuses on physical, biological and socio-economic resources.
US$ 6,000,000
26 |
The company has applied for a project to invest in mineral resources from the government through the Senior Minister of the Ministry of Environment on an area of 4 square kilometers, the proposed investment for metal mining business is located in the area of Phnom Prek, Phnom Prek district, Battambang province. The company has been engaged in mining since 1981. The company was called Yantai Blue Force Mining and Machinery Co., Ltd, located in the industrial park of Linglong County, Shaoyuan City, Shandong Province, China.
USD 812,450
Mr. Lin Lun
The company is headquartered at # 26, Street 247, Sangkat Boeung Prolit, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
Located in Phnom Proek area, Phnom Proek district, Battambang province.
Phnom Proek and Beng Saat
Phnom Proek area
Phnom Proek
9 years
4 sq. km
Metal Mining Project
Green Environment Group Co., Ltd.
Not found
# E05, Street 466, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh
Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management
Law on labor
Law on Management and Exploitation of Mineral Resources
Law on Land
Law on Forest
Law on Fisheries
Law on Water Resources Management
Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control
Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Sub-Decree on Control of Air Pollution and Noise
Prakas on General Guidelines for the First and Complete Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Agreement on the study and exploitation of metal ores in Phnom Prek area, Phnom Prek district, Battambang province
The company was able to earn $ 34,200,000 and spend a total of $ 5,780,966. However, the company had to pay $ 20,000 in taxes and patents, so the net profit was $ 19,873,324 per year.
The positive effects of the project include:
Reduce the influx of anarchic mining activities in the region.
Help restore forest land resources through tree planting plans.
Help with local breastfeeding
Help build roads and infrastructure
Provide a lot of work
Reduce migration
Help develop the national economy by paying taxes
Shows a postive image of the imvestment process.
40 people
Representative of Battambang Provincial Hall
Department of Industry, Mines and Energy
Department of Environment
Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Land Management Urban Planning & Construction
Department of Water Resources and Meteorology
Forestry Administration
Fisheries Administration
Phnom Proek District Authority
Phnom Proek Commune Authority
Phnom Proek and Beng Saat Village Authority
The project area is a plantation area with no forest. The forest is only on the mountain, a degraded forest.
An environmental management plan is the responsibility of the company to carry out its own group with the company's environmental unit or office to monitor environmental issues that occur in and around the mining project investment site. The company will review the environmental management plan and must report the review to the Ministry of Environment every six months.
The company has two production plans including: (1) the topsoil is peeled off and then the soil is transported by truck to be stored outside the development area and (2) gold mining.
The company also plans to reduce environmental and social negative impacts in the mining area. The plans are divided into three phases: pre-project implementation phase, project implementation phase and project completion phase.
The company plans to provide $ 15,000 per year for community development and $ 15,000 per year for environmental restoration for nine years.
27 |
Sinohydro KAMCHAY Hydroelectric Project Co., Ltd is hydropower investment company in Cambodia with a 44-year contract, including a four-year construction period. The company is a subsidiary of SINOHYDRO Corporation Limited (SINOHYDRO) of the Republic of China, which bid openly and internationally for investment rights from June 2004 to January 2005 with 1st ranking. On February 23, 2006, the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Economy and Finance signed a "BOT" investment agreement for the Kamchay Hydropower Development Project in Kampot Province with the Sinohydro KAMCHAY Hydroelectric Project Co., Ltd. Total investment of the project investment is 330 million USD.
USD 170.000.000
Inv. 1105/06E
Representative by: Shen decai
Company headquarter is located at #49, St 310, Beoung Keng Kang I, Khan Chamkar Mourn, Phnom Penh City
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Ministry of Mine and Energry
Kamchay Sinohydro Hydroelectric Co., Ltd. with the hydropower development is located about 15 km north of Kampot town in Teuk Chhou district between coordinates of 10°40,144' and 10°49,496' north latitude and 104°04,667'and 104°08,663' east longitude. The location of the first dam is approximately 4.5 km at the upper the Teuk Chhou eco-tourism site and the second dam is approximately 300 m at upper Teuk Chhou.
Not found
Mak Prank
Teuk Chhou
44 years
KAMCHAY Hydroelectric Project
SAWAC Consultants for Development
SAWAC Consultants is Cambodian's leading consulting firm, which originated from SAWA, a Dutch NGO that has been active in Cambodia since 1993. SWith an increasing number of experienced Cambodian consultants, SAWA has fully handed over to the senior local staffs to manage and operate from 1999, and the firm was officially registered with the Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia, with an official name “Sawac Consultants Cambodia Co., Ltd".
No. 01, Street 259, Sangkat Teuk L'ak1, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Relevant Laws include:
- Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996
- Labour Law in 1997
- Land Law in 2001
- Law on Forestry in 2002
- Fisheries Law in 2006
- Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2007
- Law on Protected Areas in 2007
- Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control in 1999
- Sub-Decree on the Solid Waste Management in 1999
- Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process in 1999
- Sub-Decree on Social Land Concessions in 2003
The company invests 330 millions USD to the project that is able to generate 457.12 GWh annually. This concession has 44 years (4 years for construction).
. Physical and environmental resources: This project will help reduce the use of electricity from gasoline and coal-fired power plants, which emit carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide as a source of greenhouse gases.
. Economic and social resources:
230 KV high voltage power transmission line of the first, second and third power plant of Kamchay hydropower plant with a length of 11.05 km to Kampot substation, Kampot province: there will be additional power supply to Preah Sihanouk, Takeo and Phnom Penh to meet the needs of effective development for the nation.
In line with the poverty reduction policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia, this project will enable people to have access cheap electricity in agriculture, such as irrigation of rice and plantations. Furthermore, people can have a better life when they have this energy for handicrafts such as sculpture, weaving, etc. It also attracts large and small industrial plants in the areas through which the network passes and can increase employment for the people.
On the other hand, the project has a contribution to the national budget because the company will have to pay import tax on fuel for construction, withholding tax, profit tax and other taxes during the operation and maintenance of the project in acorrdance with contract between the company and the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Land use / land prices and tourism sites due to the impact of project development and its infrastructure may make land nearby the project area more expensive, especially land use for industry, agriculture, modernity and tourism. In some areas, people can turn into tourist areas in their villages and communes as much as they can through this 230 KV high voltage transmission line passes.
-Through this project, Cambodian people will also be employed during the project construction phase. 40 staffs will be recruited, including 30 local people and 10 Chinese workers, while the implementation phase and Maintenance of the project will recruit
SAWAC's Social Environmental Impact Assessment Research Team has consulted and consulted with the relevant authorities and relevant units as follows:
- Deputy Governor of Kampot Province and Head of Kampot Provincial Department of Environment
- Head of the Department of Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral Affairs of Kampot Province, Deputy Governor of Teuk Chhou District and Chief of Mak Prang Commune.
- Head of Kampot Provincial Department of Industry, Mines and Energy
- Head of Kampot Water Supply Authority
- Chief of Electricity of Kampot Province
- Head of Kampot Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology
- Chief of Kampot Provincial Forestry Administration
Deputy Chief of Kampot Fisheries Administration
- Head of Monivong Bokor National Park
- People are affected by the project
This project cover 2291.37 hectares and affected to the forest 1961.96 hectares (Evergreen forest for 1545.96 hectares and bamboo forest 416 hecates) agriculture land for 301.37 hectares (includig the second dam ).
The environmental management plan of the company is to set out some important measures to prevent and reduce any negative environmental impacts to ensure the effective management of environmental resources in the area in accordance with technical and environmental standards and to ensure a sustainable development project, which includes the key points to write a report to the Ministry of Environment:
- Organize the responsible division or group for the implementation of work plan.
- Be clear on work schedule in environmental protection.
- Equip health protection equipment, hazards and modern machinery in a technical manner.
- Establish a solid waste storage area.
- Prevent and control of various epidemics.
- Manage of solid, liquid and toxic waste.
- Prevent of erosion in the retaining mountain walls and landfills and rocks by planting grass and trees.
- Reduce opacity at stone washing sites and concrete mixing plants.
- Promote the planting of trees in public places or areas around protected areas: Conservation of important wildlife species that once existed in the project area and operation of a fish hatchery and turtle rescue station.
- Cooperate with professional institutions to inspect the technical location and accept any technical modifications that skills require.
- Disseminate and educate on forest species and wildlife to be conserved in the project area. Dissemination and education on health protection, hygiene and occupational safety.
- Prepare a budget for the implementation of environmental management plans and expenditures on this budget.
.The company will build another road on the left hand side of Prek Teuk Chhou with a length of 3800 meters. This road will be made of reinforced concrete with the same width of 6 m. In addition to this concrete road, Constructin of red gravel / stone road with length 15430 m and back width 8 m extends to National Road 3 ,including rehabilitation of the old road length 2650 meters. In order to avoid damage to National Road No. 3 due to the transportation of stones from the quarry in Bo Mon Prey, Tvear Thmei Village, Prey Khnong Commune, Teuk Chhou District, the company has built a temporary red gravel / stone road along National Road on the left hand side (in a direction from Kampot towards Phnom Penh) 13830 meters long, 4 m wide back and connected from this road. With Yeay Mao bend road to the quarry, the company has restored the old road 4750 meters long, 8 meters wide back. Total construction of access roads of this project is a total length of 41.76 km.
. Company will construct four bridges, two of which cross the Kamchay River, one made of temporary concrete (opposite the first power building) and the second concrete bridge below the first dam. The other two bridges are made of concrete through O Bei or Otada, and the other made of steel across Stung Keo to connect the two thin roads.
The company recommends mitigation measures during the project design phase, construction phase, project implementation and maintenance phase, and project closure phase. Additionally, the following study categorizes on topographic and topography studies, soil erosion, surface hydrological systems, quality. Air, water quality, soil quality, aquatic life, forest resources and wildlife habitat, wildlife biology, local community livelihoods and occupations, cultural and religious traditions, water supply systems, transportation, public health, aesthetics , Risk.
.The company will provide USD 17,500,000 (seventeen thousand five hundred thousand US dollars) for environmental protection, including 12,000,000 (twelve million US dollars) during the four-year and 5.500,000 (five million five hundred million US dollars) for 40 years in the implementation of environmental protection plans, including solid waste management processes, etc. In addition, the company will build a dam at the bottom of the second dam to conserve fish species originating from the project area and the surrounding area. Providing 100,000 local fish in the conservation area and around the project area is for 10 years at a cost of $ 0.75 per fish, which is equivalent to $ 7,500 per year.
. The company has issued social impact compensation, including compensation for the impact on plantations, crops and land lease around the quarry with a total of USD3,500,000 of which are USD 3,348,900 for actual compensation and USD 151,100 for Other expenses.
.The project will support 4 fisheries officials to conserve fisheries resources in the area where the company will build the lower fish reservoir dam, the second dam. The officials benefits from the company with each $ 300 per month, a total of $ 14,400 per year ($300 x 12 months October x 4 people = $ 14,400 per year)
.The project will support 5 forest rangers (environmentalists) in conserving forest resources in/around the area with stipend of $ 300 per month, total $ 18,000 per year ($300 x 12 October x 5 people = $ 18,000 US per year).
. In the 20-year, a total budget of $ 4,000,000 is for reforestation throughout the area of the project.
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DAU TU S.AIGON-BINH PUOC (SBK) CO., LTD is a company with many years of experience in investing in agro-rubber industry in the country. Vietnam Mr. Dang Thanh Tam is the Chairman of the Board. And recently, the company added another new member, KRATIE PLANTATIONS IIOLDINGS ITE. LIMITED, a technical expert with 24 years of experience.
Registered KHR 100,000,000
investment: USD 30,000,000
1- Letter No. 1437, dated March 19, 2017 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the application for a 10,000-hectare land concession of Do Saigon-Binh Hiek Company (SBK) for rubber plantation investment. Cassava, cashew and processing factory in Thmey and Kantuot communes, Chit Borey district, Kratie province.
2- Letter No. 377 SORN dated 23 March 2007 of the Office of the Council of Ministers on the Case of the Application for a 10,000-hectare Land Concession of the Dot Saigon-Binh Yeak (SBK) Company for Investment in Cashew Rubber And establish processing factories in Thmey and Kantuot communes, Chit Borey district, Kratie province.
3- Letter No. 1700, dated 28 March 2007 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the request for two government grants to sign 6,436 hectares of land concession contracts for investment in rubber, cassava and cashew cultivation. The processing plant is located in Thmey and Kantuot communes, Chit Borey district, Kratie province, owned by Dot Saigon-Binhfic (SBK)
4- Concession No. 32S Prak, dated 04 April 2007 of the Royal Government on the granting of full authority to HE Chan Sarun, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to sign 6,436 hectares of land concession contracts for investment. Plant rubber, cassava, cashew and set up a processing factory with Do Saigon Chin Puek (SBK).
5- Contract dated 18 July 2007 on investment in rubber plantation, cassava, cashew and establishment of processing plant between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Doti Saigon-Binh Yuek (SBK).
Not found
The company has headquarter in Trapeang Sre village, Pi Thnou commune, Snoul district, Kratie province, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
The company is located in Thmey and Kontoot communes, Chet Borey district, Kratie province.
Not found
Thmey and Kontoot
Chet Borey
70 years
5436 hectares
Rubber and Cashew Plantation Agro-Industrial Project
Envirotech Sevice Company
Not found
Not found
Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management
Forest Law
Land law
Labor Law
Fisheries Law
Law on Management and Exploitation of Mineral Resources
Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Biosecurity Law
Law on the Amendment of the Investment Law of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Law on the Management of Pesticides and Fertilizers
Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control
Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
Sub-Decree on Control of Air Pollution and Noise
Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions
Sub-decrees and other letters of the concession area
Rectangular Strategy Phase 3 of the Royal Government, 5th Legislature of the National Assembly
Land policy
Regulation 01 on Measures to Strengthen and Increase the Efficiency of ELC Management
The cost of civil construction is estimated to be in the first seven years (2008-2014) with a budget of approximately US $ 1,800,000. The company plans to spend another 2,750,000 for the installation of a processing plant.
Construction of infrastructure such as roads, employment opportunities for local people.
About 1,044 workers, technicians and managers will be employed in the first year and increased to 1,825 in the fifth year. From the sixth to the tenth year, the company plans to employ more than 1,521 people.
Dissemination to authorities and local communities about development projects
Recommendations of relevant ministries / institutions / organizations Local authorities
Workshop on Consultation on the Results of the Full Impact and Social Assessment Study on the Geographical Location of the DLC Saigon-Binh Fork Economic Concession (SBK)
Consultation on relevant orders on economic land concessions in Thmey commune
Consultation on relevant order on economic land concession in Kantuot commune
Consultation on the development fund plan for the implementation of community livelihood improvement programs by providing family income options for the people of Kantuot commune
Survey with local people
Survey with affected local people
Overall conclusion on the results of the consultation
The company has applied for an economic land concession from the Royal Government of Cambodia through His Excellency the Provincial Governor and His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the actual land area of ??5,436 hectares. Chit Borey, Kratie Province. Rubber plantation area: 5,000 hectares.
436 hectares of processing plants and other infrastructure
Total business area 5436 hectares
. Prepare an environmental team for the implementation of this plan.
- Develop a clear action plan for environmental protection Equipped with health protection equipment, hazards and modern machinery in a technical manner.
- Prevent accidents due to project activities on natural and social Resources.
- Cooperate with professional institutions to inspect the technical location and accept any technical modifications that the specialist requires.
The main goal of this land concession investment is to contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural economy and to reduce the poverty of the Cambodian people by investing in restoring and increasing agricultural production by developing rubber plantations to increase economic efficiency. The objectives of this investment project are as follows:
Increase agricultural productivity on deforested land in concession areas through the development of agro-industrial rubber plantations.
Expand forest cover lost by previous anarchic deforestation, replacing rubber forest to increase the amount of forest cover to protect the natural environment in the concession area.
Contribute to rural economic development, increase income for people living near land concessions in order to reduce poverty in accordance with the policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
"Promote the processing of agricultural products, especially rubber products and other products such as cashews for domestic demand and export, etc.
The company's rubber plantation investment project will have a negative impact on the natural and social environment caused by project activities at all stages of the project. The implementation of the DOC is the task of the environmental team, which will be developed and implemented by the project owner in collaboration with relevant professional institutions and will be under the strict supervision of the Ministry of Environment to determine the size and cut. Minimize the environmental impacts that may occur due to investment activities.
For the environment, $ 25,000
For community development $ 30,000
Total $ 55,000
29 |
Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Limited (RNS) has been granted two licenses for metallic mineral exploration (Okvau and Ochhung, 192km² and 182km² respectively) located in Chong Plas commune, Keo Seima district, Mondul Kiri province. After almost ten years of exploration, RNS has developed a firm prospect at the Okvau deposit and is proposing to develop a gold mine at the site, referred to as the Okvau Gold Project. The Project will be an open cut gold mining operation with an annual production target of up to 100,000 oz of gold over an initial mine life of 8 years.
Not found
Not found
Not found
Not found
Not found
House 26, Street 222, Khan Daun Penh
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Telephone: (+855) 23 221 085/86 M:(+855) 12 313 777
Ministry of Environment (MOE)
Okvau and Ochhung, Chong Plas commune, Keo Seima district, Mondul Kiri province
Okvau and Ochhung
Chong Plas
Keo Seima
8 years
192km² and 182km²
(1,150 ha)
1. E&A Consultant Co. Ltd
2. Earth Systems
Not found
1. House 69, Street 111, Sangkat Beoung Prolet,
Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Telephone: (+855) 23 699 050
2. Church Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3122, Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9810 7500
. Constitution of Kingdom of Cambodia (1993)
. Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management (1996) Law on Mineral Resource Management and exploitation (2001)
. Law on Amendment to the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
. Law on Land (2001)
. Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Constructions
. Law on Forestry (2002)
. Law on Fishery (2006)
. Law on Labor (1997)
. Law on Expropriation (2010)
. Law on the Management of Weapons, Explosives and Ammunition (2005)
. Law on Social Provision Fund (2002)
. Law on Taxes (1997)
. Law on Traffic (2015)
. Law on Road Transport (2014)
. Law on Cultural Heritage Protection (1996)
. Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (1999)
. Sub-Decree on Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance Control (2000)
. Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management (1999)
. Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control (1999)
. Sub-Decree on Management of Mining Exploration and Industry (2016)
. Sub-Decree on River Basin Management (2015)
. Sub-Decree on Environmental and Social Fund (2015)
USD130–140 million over 8 years (excluding
taxes on employee salaries and general Government fees)
The benefits of the Project to Cambodia are significant, including an estimated USD22 million in royalties, and USD60 million in corporate taxes. The Project will directly generate employment out of the regional centres of Saen Monourom, Snoul and Kratie, and indirectly generate employment through the creation of jobs with mine contractors and other service providers. During peak construction, the Project will employ up to 500 people. During operations, the Project will employ up to 350 staff and contractors. RNS will establish a voluntary Environmental Fund and Social & Community Development Fund, and support biodiversity conservation efforts in the Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary (PPWS). Other benefits include economic activity resulting from spending, increased consumption from wage and salary income, skill development, technology and knowledge transfer, infrastructure development, business development, community Infrastructure and services, and institutional capacity building.
. Most affected populations (MAPs), representing those living in and around the Okvau PDA and would be displaced by the Project
. Upstream affected populations (UAPs), representing those living in the upper parts of the Prek Te River, primarily in the Chong Plas and Me Mong communes in Keo Seima districts of Mondull Kiri Province.
. Downstream affected populations (DAPs), representing those living in the lower parts of the Prek Te River near its confluence with the Mekong River in Kratie Province
. Local and government authorities at sub-national (i.e. commune, district, provincial) and national levels (i.e. Department of EIA, MOE), as well as relevant non-governmental organizations (i.e. World Wildlife Fund - WWF).
The Project is located in Chong Plas commune, Keo Seima district, Mondul Kiri Province (Okvau and Ochhung, 192km² and 182km² respectively), approximately 90 km east of the town of Kratie. The Project lies within the Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary (PPWS) outside of the core conservation zones. The Project lies entirely within the catchment of the Prek Te River, which joins the Mekong River approximately 100 km downstream near the town of Kratie.
Environmental and social management strategy:
. Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
. Environmental and Social Monitoring Manual . Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP, for construction contractors) . Standard Operating Procedures . Transport Environmental Management Plan . Blasting Management Plan . Waste Management Plan (inclusive of hazardous wastes) . Waste Rock Management Plan . TSF Operating and Monitoring Manual and . Occupational Health and Safety Plan. |
RNS proposes to develop an open cut gold mining operation with an annual production target of up to 100,000 oz of gold over an initial mine life of 8 years. The Project will target gold within a series of This document is strictly not to be distributed without the explicit consent of Emerald Resources NL under any circumstance. The mine will be developed as an open pit by conventional open pit mining methods (drill, blast, excavate and haul). Ore will be processed by ultrafine grinding and carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold extraction, with gold recovery and doré smelting conducted on site.
Management, mitigation, remediation, decommissioning, demolition and rehabilitation measures will be consistent with Cambodian and international best practices to minimise post-operational impacts and reform the PDA to support self-sustaining vegetative communities and ecosystems.
. Completion of rehabilitation and revegetation including final closure works to restore predevelopment environmental and social values and establish a safe, secure and geotechnically and
geochemically stable site
. Implement the Final Rehabilitation and Closure Plan, including transfer of remnant potentially acid forming mineral waste on the ROM Pad or MWS where appropriate to the base of the pit, flooding of the mine pit, construction of permanent drainage controls, water courses and wetlands, and construction of cover systems on the TSF and WRD (if required) . Decontamination of all facilities and materials impacted by chemicals, process reagents, hydrocarbons, fuels, grease, oil and other contaminants . Decommissioning and clearing of all facilities, buildings, concrete foundations, hardstands, stores and equipment, including removal and appropriate disposal of hazardous materials . Cleaning and sealing of buried pipelines, and removal of power lines and above-ground pipelines for disposal . Rehabilitation of non-vital site roads and drainage and erosion controls . Contaminated land survey and decontamination or safe disposal of affected soils as appropriate This document is strictly not to be distributed without the explicit consent of Emerald Resources NL under any circumstance. . Removal of fencing unless retained for public and wildlife safety reasons . Monitoring of water, air, noise, vibration, light, security, safety and health during closure works . Monitoring of rehabilitation stability, water quality and other parameters for comparison with closure success criteria. |
Not found
30 |
Power Engineers Consulting-1 (PECC-1), a Vietnamese company that is studying the full potential for the Vietnam Electricity Project (now EVNI), which is investing in the second Lower Sesan project. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between EVN and the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME) of Cambodia was signed in June 2007 to allow EVN to conduct feasibility studies.
USD 816.23 million
Not found
Not found
Not found
Km9+2000, Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84) 042148006, Fax: (84) 048541208
Environmental impact assessment
Ministry Mines and Energy
Tonle Sesan
Not found
Phluk, Srae Kor, Ta Lat and Kbal Romeas
Stung Treng
Not found
Hydropower dam
Key Consultants (Cambodia)
Not found
Not found
Constitution of Kingdom of Cambodia (1993)
Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management (1996)
Law on environmental protection and natural resources managment
Royal decree on natural(1993) protected areas
Sub-decree on environmental impact assessment process (1999)
Sub-decree on water pollution control (1999), Sub-decree on solid waste management (1999)
Law of Land (2001)
Law of Forestry law(2002)
Law of water resources management (2007)
National water resources policy (2004)
Not found
Positive impacts on the environment and society include:
-Electricity: 400 MW turbine and total power 1953.9 GWh
-Rural Infrastructure: The project will build a new road to the bypass and bridge project area on the east side of the Sesan River to connect the resettlement area of Srekor village and Khsach Thmey village. The project also builds all community facilities in the resettlement area, including community schools, pagodas, roads, and wells, to a number and standards equivalent to or better than what will be destroyed in the village, which will be flooded.
-Employment: Employment for community workers / people from 2010 to 2014 with a total of approximately 9,500
- Tourism: Natural resources in and around the lake, infrastructure projects and visits to hydropower plants, fishing
-Revenue: Selling local products, tourism activities, construction contractors
-Economy: Develop Cambodia's infrastructure, including industry / handicraft, agriculture and tourism in the region, paying taxes to the Royal Government of Cambodia through investment law contracts
The project will generate income for local people at the provincial and national levels due to the large number of jobs provided during the construction and implementation phase.
Public consultation participation was conducted through interviews and individual consultations with key stakeholders (family and institutional) throughout the EIA study. In this regard, directly and indirectly affected people and related institutions have the opportunity to provide feedback on project improvements.
Not found
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) provides a guide for monitoring and mitigation measures for pre-construction, post-construction and project operation. EMPs include institutional summaries, mitigation measures, and monitoring programs. Mitigation measures and monitoring programs will include analysis of responsible institutions and budgets.
The project will be constructed by a length of 8 kilometers in Sesan river in Stung Treng Province, Cambodia is 1.5 km below the intersection of the Sesan river and Srepok river. The water in the basin will be used to pull an electric turbine that will be installed in a powerhouse that can generate 1953.9 GWh of electricity, which is considered one of the largest power plant projects in Cambodia.
The mitigation measures that should be taken are
-Reduce the reservoir area as much as possible by reducing the dam height as much as possible.
-Provide a suitable location for the resettlement area, which is far from the main shelter area.
-Adequate compensation for the people along the river, who will especially suffer the loss of fish as a result of the plains, based on this annual basis can be made in the sense of livelihood improvement initiatives.
-Carefully monitor the quantity and quality of water from the dam to ensure that the quantity and quality of water is sufficient for the health of water users below the river to avoid adverse effects and to maintain the ecology of the river and provide compensation measures if Dams cause harm to ecological health as a result of poor quality or quantity of water coming out of the dam.
-Ensure that traffic related to the project complies with the road rules and the damage to the road is repaired quickly.
- Make sure that the dam is built to withstand earthquakes so that it does not collapse in the event of an earthquake
-Ensure that construction work begins when demining is complete.
-Provide remedial measures for tree loss and climate change campaigns by replanting trees according to the type and amount lost.
-Collaborate with other dam operators in the catchment area to reduce and manage the overall impact of the dam
Not found
31 |
Power Engineers Consulting-1 (PECC-1), a Vietnamese company that is studying the full potential for the Vietnam Electricity Project (now EVNI), which is investing in the second Lower Sesan project. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between EVN and the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME) of Cambodia was signed in June 2007 to allow EVN to conduct feasibility studies.
USD 816.23 million
Not found
Not found
Lam Du Son
Km9+2000, Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84) 042148006, Fax: (84) 048541208
Environmental impact assessment
Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy(MIME)
Lower Sesan II, in Sesan district, Stung Treng province, Cambodia, about 20 km east of Stung Treng provincial town, about 450 km northeast of Phnom Penh, about 60 km from the Lao border and about 150 km from the Vietnamese border.
Not found
Phluk, Srae Kor, Ta Lat and Kbal Romeas
Stung Treng
Not found
Hydropower dam
Key Consultants (Cambodia)
Not found
Not found
Constitution of Kingdom of Cambodia (1993)
Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management (1996)
Law on environmental protection and natural resources managment
Royal decree on natural(1993) protected areas
Sub-decree on environmental impact assessment process (1999)
Sub-decree on water pollution control (1999)
Sub-decree on solid waste management (1999)
Law of Land (2001)
Law of Forestry law(2002)
Law of water resources management (2007)
National water resources policy (2004)
Not found
Positive impacts on the environment and society include:
-Electricity: 400 MW turbine and total power 1953.9 GWh
-Rural Infrastructure: The project will build a new road to the bypass and bridge project area on the east side of the Sesan River to connect the resettlement area of Srekor village and Khsach Thmey village. The project also builds all community facilities in the resettlement area, including community schools, pagodas, roads, and wells, to a number and standards equivalent to or better than what will be destroyed in the village, which will be flooded.
-Employment: Employment for community workers / people from 2010 to 2014 with a total of approximately 9,500
- Tourism: Natural resources in and around the lake, infrastructure projects and visits to hydropower plants, fishing
-Revenue: Selling local products, tourism activities, construction contractors
-Economy: Develop Cambodia's infrastructure, including industry / handicraft, agriculture and tourism in the region, paying taxes to the Royal Government of Cambodia through investment law contracts
Employment for community workers / people from 2010 to 2014 with a total of approximately 9,500
Two public consultations:
First consultation: Affected communities in Phluk Srekor commune, Kbal Romeas Talat
Second consultation: Representatives of affected communities in all provincial departments, NGOs (CEPA, PSDD, MEDICAM, Oxfam Australia), private sector (land and forest concession companies) and representatives of the EIA of the Ministry of Environment and the Department of Energy Of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy.
Not found
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) provides a guide for monitoring and mitigation measures for pre-construction, post-construction and project operation. EMPs include institutional summaries, mitigation measures, and monitoring programs. Mitigation measures and monitoring programs will include analysis of responsible institutions and budgets.
The project will build a new road to the bypass and bridge project area on the east side of the Sesan River to connect the resettlement area of Srekor village and Khsach Thmey village. The project also builds all community facilities in the resettlement area, including community schools, pagodas, roads, and wells, to a number and standards equivalent to or better than what will be destroyed in the village, which will be flooded.
The mitigation measures that should be taken are
-Reduce the reservoir area as much as possible by reducing the dam height as much as possible.
-Provide a suitable location for the resettlement area, which is far from the main shelter area.
-Adequate compensation for the people along the river, who will especially suffer the loss of fish as a result of the plains, based on this annual basis can be made in the sense of livelihood improvement initiatives.
-Carefully monitor the quantity and quality of water from the dam to ensure that the quantity and quality of water is sufficient for the health of water users below the river to avoid adverse effects and to maintain the ecology of the river and provide compensation measures if Dams cause harm to ecological health as a result of poor quality or quantity of water coming out of the dam.
-Ensure that traffic related to the project complies with the road rules and the damage to the road is repaired quickly.
- Make sure that the dam is built to withstand earthquakes so that it does not collapse in the event of an earthquake
-Ensure that construction work begins when demining is complete.
-Provide remedial measures for tree loss and climate change campaigns by replanting trees according to the type and amount lost.
-Collaborate with other dam operators in the catchment area to reduce and manage the overall impact of the dam
Not found
32 |
Not found
USD 861 million
Not found
Not found
Nguyen Thanh Huan
78A Duy Tan, Hai Chau, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 511 2226800
Fax: +84 511 3633991
Complete Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy(MIME)
It has been requested that the project will be the construction of an 8 km dam on the Sesan River in Stung Treng Province, Cambodia, about 15 km below the intersection of the Sesan and Srepok rivers.
Not found
Phluk, Srae Kor, Ta Lat and Kbal Romeas
Stung Treng
Not found
Not found
Hydropower dam
Key Consultants (Cambodia)
Not found
Phnom Penh Center, Building F, 6th floor, Room 684, Tonle Basac, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Tel: +855 12 825 512. Tel/Fax: +855 23 224 362, Email: key_consultants@online.com.kh
Constitution of Kingdom of Cambodia (1993)
Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management (1996)
Law on environmental protection and natural resources managment
Royal decree on natural(1993) protected areas
Sub-decree on environmental impact assessment process (1999)
Sub-decree on water pollution control (1999)
Sub-decree on solid waste management (1999)
Law of Land (2001)
Law of Forestry law(2002)
Law of water resources management (2007)
National water resources policy (2004)
Not found
Positive impacts on the environment and society include:
-Electricity: 400 MW turbine and total power 1953.9 GWh
-Rural Infrastructure: The project will build a new road to the bypass and bridge project area on the east side of the Sesan River to connect the resettlement area of Srekor village and Khsach Thmey village. The project also builds all community facilities in the resettlement area, including community schools, pagodas, roads, and wells, to a number and standards equivalent to or better than what will be destroyed in the village, which will be flooded.
-Employment: Employment for community workers / people from 2010 to 2014 with a total of approximately 9,500
- Tourism: Natural resources in and around the lake, infrastructure projects and visits to hydropower plants, fishing
-Revenue: Selling local products, tourism activities, construction contractors
-Economy: Develop Cambodia's infrastructure, including industry / handicraft, agriculture and tourism in the region, paying taxes to the Royal Government of Cambodia through investment law contracts
The project will provide employment to Cambodian workers, especially to local people in the community, who can work as construction workers during the construction of the project. Hundreds to thousands of Cambodian people will have the opportunity to work for the project during the construction period 4 To 5 years. Based on the construction analysis, the project will need to recruit the total number of workers and staff according to the following time:
2010 = 500 people, 2011 = 2000 people, 2012 = 3000 people, 2013 = 3000 people, 2014 = 1000 people.
Two public consultations:
First consultation: Affected communities in Phluk Srekor commune, Kbal Romeas Talat
Second consultation: Representatives of affected communities in all provincial departments, NGOs (CEPA, PSDD, MEDICAM, Oxfam Australia), private sector (land and forest concession companies) and representatives of the EIA of the Ministry of Environment and the Department of Energy Of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy.
Not found
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) provides a guide for monitoring and mitigation measures for pre-construction, post-construction and project operation. EMPs include institutional summaries, mitigation measures, and monitoring programs. Mitigation measures and monitoring programs will include analysis of responsible institutions and budgets.
The Lower Sesan II hydropower project includes the following key components:
• The main dam is an earthen dam with a uniform length of 8 km, 83 m (compared to sea level) and 8 m wide. In front of the river, the dam is made of reinforced concrete.
• Power plant on the left bank equipped with 5 turbines, each with a capacity of 80 MW
• Rectangular span structure with dimensions of 15m x 16m and 12 gates in accordance with the hydrological analysis of the river flow.
• Reservoirs with a storage capacity of 1.79 billion cubic meters and a submerged area of 335 km2 when the water level in the reservoir reaches a height of 75 m.
• Other accessories include water inlet, shutter valve, 220Kv switch yard, tailrace drain, administration building and operating building.
• Other construction compensation for project construction
- Land and rock excavation site is located in the project reservoir area
- The sand extraction site from the first site is 500 meters behind the dam and the second site is on the Srepok River in front of the dam, more than 3 km.
- Solid waste management: Construction of landfills in each project location based on the waste management standards of the Ministry of Environment after filling and compacted soil.
- Toilets: Build toilets suitable for workers and staff, the whole project, and the site and accommodation.
- Sewage: Build a mixed reservoir to collect wastewater from various activities of the project, including wastewater from homes, with disinfectants if necessary.
- Water supply (drinking water): Water purification, filtration, and disinfection and is provided to purify the Sesan River water for cooking and eating needs.
- Power supply: Use the generator of the project.
The project owner will implement the following mitigation measures for the environmental and social impacts:
- Reduce land areas that are affected by reservoirs and resettlement areas by reducing dam heights as much as possible
- The resettlement area and the road between National Road No. 8 shall be located in the area with the least environmental impact and the construction budget will be the burden of the dam construction company.
- Establish a research and hatching station next to the project area and have a program to monitor fish production and fishery resources.
- The resettlement is done in accordance with the resettlement management plan, and the land and infrastructure provided must be the same as or better than the land and infrastructure that the villagers had before.
- Compensation will be provided in consultation with the affected villagers and in accordance with the resettlement plan form approved by the IRC / MEF and inter-ministerial.
- Environmental funds will be paid to the Royal Government of Cambodia for unforeseen rehabilitation and environmental management plans, including reforestation or local forest protection and wildlife conservation programs.
- The agreement between the project owner and the land and forest concession owner must reach an agreement on the land or forest concession area that will be flooded by the reservoir before the dam is built.
- Dams must be designed and built to withstand local earthquakes.
You clear explosive remnants and unexploded ordnance at resettlement sites and landfills and do so to avoid health risks.
Work with inter-ministerial and local authorities to develop a plan for collecting valuable timber from the forest to be submerged in reservoirs for other purposes before flooding.
Proper erosion and erosion control and waste management practices will be implemented, especially during the construction phase.
Check the quality and quantity of water that will be done regularly above and below the dam site and any damage to the water quality must be improved immediately.
Road damage caused by the project traffic will have to be repaired immediately and the cost of repair is the responsibility of the project owner.
The project owner will prepare an order for the project workers to respect the culture and traditions of the local community.
The project owner will have to prepare signs for all roads, the signs must also indicate the use of roads in accordance with all road rules, which must strictly adhere to traffic regulations, especially speed limits.
Health centers will be provided in the project area for screening and treatment of project workers and local people to prevent and treat the spread of disease, especially to local communities.
Properly manage all construction site waste and human waste from workers' camps.
Provide agricultural support programs to villagers living along the Sesan and Srepok rivers in Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri provinces, such as (1) raising animals: cattle, chickens, ducks, pigs and other livestock. (2) Cultivation of rice, vegetables and other crops.
The total budget for environmental and social impacts is 77,860,084.00 USD and the total estimated budget for the environmental monitoring program of the whole project is 135,240.00 USD.
33 |
(Cambodia) Fiber Optic Communication Network Co., Ltd has about 180 Cambodian and foreign employees registered with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training. More than 20 years of successful operational experience in the information technology market. An investment company in the construction of fiber optic communication network in Cambodia. The investment period in the Kingdom of Cambodia is 99 years and the quality of the fiber optic cable is 30-40 years.
USD 3,000,000
Inv. 1139 E/2006
No. 29, Street 592, Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.
Initital Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
ក្រសួងប្រៃសណីយ៍ និងទូរគមនាគមន៍
Cambodia Fiber Optic Communication Network Co., Ltd., which commissioned PPiC Co., Ltd. to conduct research, has studied the target locations in two provinces, Pursat and Kandal.
Not found
Preaek Ta kov, Svay Sa
Khsach Kandal, Krakor
Kandal, Pusat
99 years
Not found
Build fiber optic network in Cambodia
Not found
No. 56, Street 246, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Phone (855 23) 42 66 78, (855 88) 38 75 878 Email: ppicltd@online.com.kh
ppicltd@ppicltd.com |
- Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia 1993
- Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996
- Exemption Law
- Law on Water Resources Management 2007
- Fisheries Law 2006
- Forestry Law 2002
- Land Law 2001
- Labor Law 1997
- Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, 1994
The total investment of this project is 110 million US dollars.
People hope that the company will maintain the aesthetics of the environment in the project area and get the fiber optic cable fast, and affordable, the use of modern electronic devices in the home.
People are growing rapidly in general knowledge and information due to the availability of e-services, especially job creation, strengthening skills and opportunities for local businesses and businesses.
The results of public participation from the provincial public support 100%, but must be built to the target area. District and commune level support 100% but must compensate the people. People support 100% because of developments such as internet, TV, telephone, and security cameras and ask for appropriate compensation.
A total investment of 8,514 km of land in the province in 5 target groups with a total of 41 plant species in the study area. A total of 62 species of animals.
Composed of monitoring teams, and environmental protection measures, key measures for environmental protection, monitoring programs, implementation of environmental protection measures, cost estimates for environmental management plans
(Cambodia) Fiber Optic Communication Network Co., Ltd has invested in a project to build a fiber optic network in Cambodia. The project is classified into three phases of implementation. Phase 1: 2007-2014 achieved 7429 km Phase 2: 2015 planned and under construction 1085 km Phase 3: Future construction projects based on business development needs.
Key measures for environmental protection and preparation of monitoring programs for the implementation of environmental protection measures and training programs.
Not found
34 |
(Cambodia) Fiber Optic Communication Network Co., Ltd has about 180 Cambodian and foreign employees registered with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training. More than 20 years of successful operational experience in the information technology market. An investment company in the construction of fiber optic communication network in Cambodia. The investment period in the Kingdom of Cambodia is 99 years and the quality of the fiber optic cable is 30-40 years.
USD 3,000,000
Inv. 1139 E/2006
No. 29, Street 592, Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.
Initital Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
ក្រសួងប្រៃសណីយ៍ និងទូរគមនាគមន៍
Held in 5 target provinces along Street 135 in Daun Yoy Commune and Sat Commune, Chhuk District, Kampot Province, National Road 8 in Kampong Popil Commune, Pearang District, Prey Veng Province, Street 308 in Krouch Chhmar District, Tbong Khmum Province, Street 219 in Sandan and Mean Rith Commune, Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province, National Road No. 5 in Sangkat Prey Nhy, Pursat City Hall, Pursat Province, in the project location of the company received from the Royal Government of Cambodia, in which the project completed the construction of 1085 km of fiber optic cable in 2015.
Not found
Daun Yoy, Sat, Kampong Popil, Sandan, Mean Rith, Sangkat Prey Nhy
Chhuk, Pea Reang, Krouch Chhmar, Sandan, Pursat
Kampot, Prey Veng, Tboung Khmum, Kampong Thom, Pursat
99 years
Not found
Build fiber optic network in Cambodia
Not found
No. 56, Street 246, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Phone (855 23) 42 66 78, (855 88) 38 75 878 Email: ppicltd@online.com.kh
ppicltd@ppicltd.com |
- Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia 1993
- Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996
- Exemption Law
- Law on Water Resources Management 2007
- Fisheries Law 2006
- Forestry Law 2002
- Land Law 2001
- Labor Law 1997
- Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, 1994
The total investment of this project is 110 million US dollars.
People hope that the company will maintain the aesthetics of the environment in the project area and get the fiber optic cable fast, and affordable, the use of modern electronic devices in the home.
Until these days, the company has about 180 Cambodian and foreign employees registered with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training.
Consultation with local authorities in Chhouk district, Kampot province
Consultation with Sat Pong Commune Authority, Chhouk District, Kampot Province
Consultation with villagers in Trapeang Kor Koh village, Daun Noy commune, Chhuk district, Kampot province.
Consultation with authorities in Daun Yoy commune, Chhouk district, Kampot province
Consultation with villagers in Trapeang Andong village, Sat Pong commune, Chhuk district, Kampot province
Consultation with local authorities in Krouch Chhmar district, Tbong Khmum province
Consultation with Svay Khleang Commune Authority, Krouch Chhmar District, Tbong Khmum Province
Consultation with people in village 1 to village 6, Svay Khleang commune, Krouch Chhmar district, Tbong Khmum province
Consultation with local authorities in Sandan district, Kampong Thom province
Consultation with Sandan Commune Authority, Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province
Consultation with people in Sandan village, Sandan commune, Kampong Thom province
Consultation with people in Tbong Teuk village, Mean Rith commune, Samdan district, Kampong Thom province.
Consultation with local authorities in Pearang district, Prey Veng province
Consultation with Kampong Popil Commune Authority, Pearang District, Prey Veng Province
Consultation with Local Authority, Krakor District, Pursat Province
Consultation with local authority of Pursat City Hall, Pursat Province
Consultation with Sangkat Prey Nhy Authority, Pursat City, Pursat Province
Consultation with people in Moanche and Sala Kumro villages, Pursat city, Pursat province
CFCON has achieved its goal of completing the construction of 7,429 km of fiber optic cable covering the whole country, provinces and cities.
Composed of monitoring teams, and environmental protection measures, key measures for environmental protection, monitoring programs, implementation of environmental protection measures, cost estimates for environmental management plans
(Cambodia) Fiber Optic Communication Network Co., Ltd has achieved its goal of completing the construction of 7,429 km of fiber optic cable covering the whole country, provinces and cities.
Key measures for environmental protection and preparation of monitoring programs for the implementation of environmental protection measures and training programs.
Not found
35 |
The Company is a Limited Liability Company registered in the Trade Register pursuant to no. 1180, issued on February 28, 2013. The Company is Mr. BUI KIM NGUYEN, male, Vietnamese, is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.
USD 10,000,000
House No. 56, Street 294, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang Ti Muoy, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
Ministry of Mines and Energy
Project location: Located in the Veal LaEang area
Svay Chreah
Not found
30 ha
quarry business
Not found
House No. 43, Street 317, Corner of Street 572, Sangkat Boeng Kak Ti Pir, Khan Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh.
• Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia
• Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management
• Labor Law and Law on Amendment of the Labor Law Articles 139 and 144
• Tax Law
• Law on Management and Exploitation of Mineral Resources,
• Land Law
• Law on Social Security for People Under the Provisions of Labor Law
• Law on Forestry
• Law on Amendment to the Investment Law of the Kingdom of Cambodia
• Law on Fisheries
• Law on Water Resources Management Kingdom of Cambodia
• Law on Road
• Law on Road Traffic
• Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
• Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control
• Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
• Sub-Decree on Air Pollution and Disruption Control By Voice
• Sub-Decree on Urban Solid Waste Management
• Sub-Decree on the Establishment of Environmental and Social Funds
• Prakas on General Guidelines for the Initial and Complete Environmental Impact Assessment Report
• Inter-Ministerial Prakas on Resource Rate Mines and Procedures for Paying Royalties
• Inter-Ministerial Prakas on Classification of Environmental Impact Assessments for Mining Projects, Construction of All Kinds or Other Minerals as Craft and Small Business
• Inter-Ministerial Prakas on Land Fees Mineral License Area
The following project revenue and expenditure analysis (economic analysis) is estimated based on the current actual market situation:
- Project revenue (domestic sales) over a period of 5 years:
Total expenditure (in 2017 not available) 7,705,200 (in 2018) 10,273,200 (in 2019) 10,273,200 (in 2020) 10,273,200 (in 2021)
Total profit after tax (in 2017 not available) 276,360 (in 2018) 368,760 (in 2019) 368,760 (in 2020) 368,760 (in 2021)
The project will provide many benefits to the national society, such as: extracting granite and recycling it into quartz for domestic construction work and exporting abroad, to contribute to the country's development by extracting existing mineral resources for sustainable and productive use, to boost local product and create jobs for Cambodian citizens, reducing migration, contributing to national economic development through paying various VAT taxes to the Royal Government.
In order to operate this stone business, the company needs a total of 60 employees/workers (05 foreign employees, Vietnamese), of which 27 permanent employees/workers are on site and 33 temporary employees.
The environmental and social impact assessment on the project has been discussed with relevant parties, departments and institutions, including:
• Kratie Provincial Hall
• Department of Environment
• Health Departments
• Department of Handicrafts and Industry
• Department of Mines and Energy
• Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Fisheries Administration District)
• Department of Employment and Vocational Training
• Department of Tourism
• Department of Water Resources and Meteorology, Department of Planning
• Department of Public Works and Transport
• Department of Culture and Fine Arts
• Department of Rural Development
• NGOs (WWF Cambodia)
Not found
The company plans to store waste, transform after-business sites into public benefits, put up hazard site guidance signs, replant saplings at business sites.
In the business area of 30 hectares, the company plans to prepare quarrying sites of 20 hectares and 10 hectares for the construction of various infrastructures
The company has mitigation measures such as: on soil degradation, air quality, vibration sound, groundwater quality, groundwater quality and soil quality, protect forests and wildlife, have disease prevention plans for employees/workers, land disputes
The Company has prepared a reserve budget of USD 50,000 for environmental restoration work.
36 |
This company is a limited liability company registered on July 7, 2008 with a registered capital of 20,000,000 Riels by Ms. Ung Siv Hour, a female national Khmer, Khmer nationality, holding ID card number 010285962, dated November 17, 2003, as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
20.000.000 USD
Ms Ung Sivhour
#36 St.114 Sangkhat Mitpheap Khan 7 Makara Phnom Penh
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA)
Miniatry of Mines and Energy
Phnom Sruoch (Phnom Krom)
krang khcheay
Tang Sya
Pnhom Sruoch
Kampong Speu
10 years
20,92 ha
Construction stones
Not found
#43 St.317 corner 572 Sangkat Beong Kak Ti Pir Khan Tuol Kouk , Phnom Penh
This company follow relevant laws and regulations including: 11 laws, 7 sub degree, 4 Prakas, 2 legal documents.
Based on the evaluation and economic and financial analysis of the construction stone business for the past 5 years of the company and based on the current market situation. In the first year, profit of USD 44,037 and expenditure of USD 154,640 In the second year, profit of USD 55,447, expenditure of USD 154,640, in the third year, profit of USD 60,257, expenditure of 154,640 years Fourth, profit of 72,472 US dollars, cost 154,640 US dollars, fifth year, profit of 78,131 US dollars, cost 154,640 US dollars
The project will provide many benefits to the society such as: improving public infrastructure near the project site and province, creating job and income opportunities, increasing state revenue, reducing costs and gaining new technical knowledge. Not only that, for the contribution of social and environmental funds, the company has prepared a budget of 10,000 US dollars in 10 years, equivalent to 1,000 US dollars in 1 year.
In this construction stone business, the company employs 25 employees, all of whom are local employees (Khmer nationality).
Assessing the magnitude of the impact of the project consisted of three discussions: first, consultation with the people (FGD), second, direct consultation with the local authority (village, commune, district) and third, a consultation workshop. Presenting the results of the IESIA report with consultation and presentation of the study results will be done with the relevant departments and institutions.
Not found
The company has environmental management plan, environmental control, audit plan and environmental mitigation measures.
In 2043, the company plans to transform the business area into a green tourism area
The company has developed a mitigation strategy to maintain the topography,soil erosion, air quality, sounds and vibration, waterway and surface water quality, groundwater quality, soil quality, aesthetics and landscape.
The company has prepared a fund of 10,000 USD for 10 years.
37 |
RPB Investment Co.,Ltd is a foreign company with experience and a good name. All of these projects are prepared and mapped out in accordance with national and international standards under accurate and quality technical supervision. The company is a private company responsible for the investment of development with an investment capital of more than 10,009,000 usd (ten million nine thousand us) with fedorov vitaly as the chairman.
Not found
Not found
Not found
No 7. St Mettapheap Khmer-Soviet, Khan Mittapheap, Sihanok Ville
Complete Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Ministry of Environment and some relevant ministries
Koh Krabey Area
Prey Nob
Preah Sihanouk
99 years
10 hectares
Koh Krabey Resort Development Project
Creative Green Design Co., Ltd
Not found
#322P, St.271Z, Sangkat Terk Tla, Khan Resey Keo, Phnom Penh
(1) Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management
(2) Forest Law
(3) Law on Water Resources Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia
(4) Law on Fisheries
(5) Land law
(6) Labor Law
(7) Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
(8) Law on Tourism
(9) Royal Decree on the Establishment of the Land Settlement Commission
(10) Sub-Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts
(11) Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process
(12) Sub-Decree on Water Pollution Control
(13) Sub-Decree on Solid Waste Management
- The cost of the construction and renovation of the Koh Krabey Island area includes (1) construction worker costs, (2) construction materials and furniture, villa and resort decoration, (3) purchase of machinery, (4) study and layout preparation, and (5) administrative expenses.
- According to the observation and estimate of the income received from the project, it is stated that there are two main sources of income that this investment project can receive:
(1) Room rental, 5-star hotel and luxury motel
(2) Provision of resort services such as laundry services, massage and spa services, food and beverage services, tourist services and other services, etc. After the completion of the construction project, the consultancy made a prediction that the Koh Krabey Island resort could attract tourists to stay, on average from 500 rooms per month, equivalent to US$220,000 per month.
The project will provide social and environmental benefits such as:
1) For people to get jobs, trade more than before, build infrastructure
2) For the national society, the State receives money from paying taxes, receives money for environmental and social protection, and promotes the domestic tourism sector |
- In the construction phase of the project: The company needs a total of 600-700 local workers (Khmer) and 30 office workers, of which 15 are foreigners (Russians).
- In the project execution phase: The company needs a total of 130 local workers (Khmer) and at least 10 foreigners (Russians).
According to consultations and interviews received from Sihanoukville Provincial Hall, Sihanoukville Environment Department, relevant departments, local authorities and residents informed that there is full support for the Koh Krabey Island Resort Development Project in the Koh Krabey area
Revise the classification from public property to private property of the state in the Koh Krabey Island region.
The Company will make a report to the Ministry of Environment every 6 months to check and monitor for improvement in the progress of the project in accordance with experiments and techniques and to avoid serious negative environmental impacts to the minimum level
Koh Krabey Resort Development Project is divided into 5 main projects, including
- The first area development project for the construction of a natural recreation house with a total area of 7.5 hectares.
- The second area development project includes a restaurant with a bar, a shared swimming pool, a spa / gym, a library / arts venue / performance venue, a flower garden and a reception area (guest arrival) with a total area of 1 hectare. .
- The third zone development project is organized as a tourist port / port for technical ... Equipment / technical facilities, staff accommodation and police or security headquarters with a total area of 1.5 hectares.
- The fourth zone development project is designed to provide information on ports and car parks with a total area of 1,000 square meters.
- The 5th Zone Development Project will be organized as a reception area for supplies, warehouses, engineering workshops, canoe repair workshops, human resource offices, staff training rooms, accounting offices, parking lots / motorbikes of staff, fuel storage room for boats with a total area of 500 Square meters.
The Company has taken measures to mitigate a number of environmental impacts such as: forest resources, wildlife, air pollution, noise disturbances, groundwater and groundwater quality, public health and well-being, and the Company has divided it into three phases: pre-project execution, during execution and post-project completion.
- Environmental Fund from Year 1 to 20 onwards: Participate in tree planting totaling $50,000, Conservation of biodiversity totaling $50,000
- Social fund from the 1st to the 20th year onwards: various skills training of $50,000, infrastructure building $50,000
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Kampot Cement Co., Ltd. is a limited liability private company which is registered in the commercial register and recognized as a full legal entity by the Ministry of Commerce by letter No. MOC-63567983. Dated November 10, 2005, represented by Mr. AREE CHAVLITCHEE WINGUL, Thai, Chairman of the Board.
128.715.00 USD
#100 St.2 Sangkhat Chak Angrae Leu, Khan Mea Chey, Phnom Penh
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Ministry of Mines and Energy
Pnhom Totung and Phnom Touch
Not found
Tuk Meas Khang Lech and Voat Angk Khang Tboung
Dang Tong and Banteay Meas
5 years
343.75 ha
Project of limestones business
Not found
#43 St.317 corner 572 Sangkat Beong Kak Ti Pir Khan Tuol Kouk , Phnom Penh
This company follow relevant laws and regulations including: 17 laws, 6 sub degree, 3 Prakas.
In order to run this business project and use limestone for the first 20 years, the company needs more than US $ 1 million in capital for civil construction and procurement of materials.
The project will develop a budget of $ 3,000 / year to support action plans and initiatives to improve local environmental standards and the well-being of the people for the first five years. The budget is divided into two parts: first, to help improve local environmental standards through education and promotion campaigns on solid waste storage and tree planting. Second, to help restore and develop local infrastructure, such as supporting the mouth of the village, roads, pagodas and caves.
The company will need 212 direct workers for key jobs. These workers will receive a salary of between $ 150 and $ 400 / month.
There are three stages in the public consultation process: Group discussions with FGDs in 9 villages and 15 people in 1 village were asked to participate. 2. Direct consultation with local authorities (villages, communes) Relevant village chiefs of 18 villages in the study area 05 km were contacted to request a meeting. 3. Consultation workshop showing the results of the ESIA report with relevant institutions.
Not found
An environmental management plan will be drawn up every six months, outlining data on the amount of solids, liquids, particles, sound, vibration and control measures and facilities submitted to the Ministry of Environment for review. If necessary, the environmental management plan will be updated or revised to include issues of urgency, randomness, inspection, monitoring and audit.
Upon completion, the company plans to replant trees on the limestone mines to rehabilitate the environment and biodiversity in the area, with a total area of 386784 square meters and to be used. 24174 saplings for planting. In addition, the company will maintain the small mountain in the license without exploding the rock. All implementation of company protection measures must cooperate with the license of the local bank and the relevant institutions.
The company has developed a mitigation strategy to maintain the topography,soil erosion, air quality, sounds and vibration, waterway and surface water quality, groundwater quality, soil quality, aesthetics and landscape.
The company has prepared a fund package of 3,000 USD / year for the first 5 years