Metta forest’s Buddhist statues destroyed in wind
The Metta forest community in Kampong Speu says three Buddha statues around the forest’s pagoda have been destroyed after wind blew down nearby trees, and residents are blaming loggers who they say are continuing to cut down the surrounding forest. ...
Meng Kroypunlok
Mondulkiri officials probe Bunong logging allegations
Mondulkiri provincial environment officials are working to identify loggers who a Bunong indigenous community accused of clearing nearly 100ha of community forest in Koh Nhek district’s Rayum commune. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Mondulkiri indigenous request authorities to stop encroachment of forest land at Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary
Representatives of indigenous communities in Mondulkiri province request the Ministry of Environment and relevant institutions to investigate and prevent illegal forest land expansion at “Phnom Prech Wildlife Sanctuary” from an unidentified group and punish them according to the law. ...
Power line markers reveal looming path of destruction in Prey Lang
In early March, Auon Seap noticed a group of unknown men approach his farm on a koyun, an elongated tractor mostly used for farming or logging. Strangers are not so common in his village on the northeastern edge of the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Keat Soriththeavy and Danielle Keeton-Olsen
Preah Vihear’s indigenous patrollers red flag Preah Roka logging
Indigenous community patrollers found around 250 cases of suspected deforestation at Preah Vihear’s Prey Preah Roka forest during two patrols in July and August, and are urging authorities to allow more patrols into the forest. ...
Meng Kroypunlok
Task Force is investigating a military police officer in the case of logging around Prey Lang
A senior military official claims that they are investigating the Deputy Director of the Office of Military Police Defamation who cut down the trees and buy timbers in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Khan Leakhena
Illegal logging in Mondulkiri soars after border reopens
Illegal logging is on the rise in Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province, with timber traders rushing to move the luxury wood along smuggling routes into Vietnam, right under the noses of local authorities. ...
Nang Veasna
Illegal logging at Areng continues with lack of action by local authorities
Areng, an ecotourism site in Koh Kong’s Thmor Bang district, is being threatened by logging. ...
Sovann Sreypich
Oral community to block entrance to forestland to protect from military clearance
Villagers in the Oral district of Kampong Speu province are digging in to protect what they claim as their community forest land, despite increasing pressure from the military to leave the site. ...
Sorn Sarath
RAC to reduce crimes in its protected forest
The Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC) discovered 10 cases of deforestation and land encroachment this month in the Techo Sen Russey Treb Park protected area which is under its jurisdiction. ...
Son Minea
Siem Reap orders tough, immediate crackdown on illegal timber sites
Siem Reap provincial deputy governor Ngan Phirun has instructed authorities to immediately put a stop to all activities at more than 140 illegal logging sites in or near protected areas and biodiversity corridors in the province to prevent further deforestation. ...
Forest Chief takes actions against illegal loggers and encroachers
Legal measures will be taken against those who illegally logged and encroached on the community forest in one of Stung Treng’s districts stated the forest chief. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Bokor National Park squatters told to clear out by December 15
The Kampot provincial Department of Environment warned people who have encroached upon land in Preah Monivong Bokor National Park and claimed it as their own to voluntarily remove their boundary posts or huts by December 15 or face legal action. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Gov’t rejects logging claims
The Ministry of Environment has rejected reports by Amnesty International and the Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) that large-scale illegal logging has increased in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary since PLCN was banned from patrolling the area. ...
Nov Sivutha
Prey Lang forest activists concern over illegal logging amid C-19
Forest protection activists in Kampong Thom province have expressed concern over increased illegal logging in Prey Lang forest as authorities are preoccupied with the recent COVID-19 situation. ...
Tith Kongnov
Suspects wanted for logging thousands of trees in Mondulkiri
Mondulkiri provincial authorities are working to identify suspects who cut down tens of thousands of trees and buried them in a 60ha patch of forestland in order to take over the land. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Hunt on for illegal loggers as timber found in Ratanakkiri
Ratanakkiri provincial and O’Yadav district police forces seized 30 logs of mixed timber from a plantation in Pak Nhay commune’s Lom village on Sunday. Police suspect traders hid the logs at the plantation while they waited to transport them to be sold in Vietnam. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Environment rangers grab two for felling trees
Kampong Thom provincial rangers arrested two suspects on Saturday as they were felling trees and about to clear some 5ha at the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary, said the Ministry of Environment. ...
Ry Sochan
Illlegal constructions in protected areas demolished
Park rangers over the weekend found three illegal structures built in natural protected areas in the provinces of Siem Reap and Kratie, the Ministry of Environment revealed yesterday. The structures are said to have been the hiding sites of illegal loggers and poachers. ...
Sen David
Logging is rampant at Prey Lang, report says
Denmark’s University of Copenhagen has drawn Prey Lang stakeholders’ attention to recently published data which shows increased illegal logging within the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Ry Sochan
Kampong Speu authorities, NGO confronted in timber truck raid
The Kampong Speu provincial Forestry Administration and environmental watchdog ACNCIPO attempted to seize 20 home-made trucks and nearly 20 cubic metres of timber from the Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary on Saturday but were stopped by over 100 people who gathered in groups to resist the ...
Soth Koemsoeun
NGO urges closure of Kampong Speu logging roads
Environmental watchdog ACNCIPO director Chea Hean has requested the service of Kampong Speu provincial officials to help close logging roads in the Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary and the Central and Southern Cardamom National Parks. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Soldiers, residents trade blame over illegal logging in Mondulkiri
Indigenous people in Mondulkiri province plan to file a complaint with the provincial court against a military officer from the Army Base “K1” in O’Raing district’s Dak Dam commune, for clearing forest land for personal ownership within the Phnom Nam Lear Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Khorn Savi
Village leader confesses to illegal logging allowances in Siem Reap
Banteay Srei district governor Khim Finan has issued fines of 12 million riel ($3,000) to 10 villages and a formal warning to a village chief for illegal logging in Skun village, Tbeng commune, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province. ...
Soth Koemsoeun