
WWF calls for more action to protect endangered animals

Kratie Province–World Wildlife Fund Cambodia yesterday urged Kratie provincial authorities to take firm action against fishing, forestry, and forest land encroachment crimes in order to protect and preserve rare species of wild animals that are currently under threat. Horm Chandet, a landscape manager for WWF’s ...

Pech Sotheary

WWF urges stronger elephant conservation

WWF Cambodia said that elephants play a crucial role in balancing ecosystems by maintaining biodiversity. It said that elephants continue to face extinction due to habitat destruction and conflict with humans, including poaching. ...

Pech Sotheary

Government rips into WWF report

The Ministry of Agriculture’s Forestry Administration spokesman Keo Omaliss hit back on Thursday at a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report that claims the Greater Mekong will lose 30 percent of its forests by 2030 without drastic action. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya


Provincial and border police in Banteay Meanchey province caught a crocodile on Wednesday night while on flood patrol along the river, prompting officials to warn people living in flood zones along rivers to be on the lookout for the toothy interlopers. Officials are looking into ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Growling prowlers rumble in the jungle

The government is working in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund on a plan to release eight tigers into the wild in Mondulkiri province by 2022. WWF-Cambodia communication manager Un Chakrey said yesterday that they are working with the ministries of environment, agriculture and tourism, among ...

Mom Kunthear

Expert says tiger reintroduction plan sure to fail

A leading Indian conservationist and tiger expert is warning that a multimillion-dollar scheme to reintroduce the big cat to Cambodia will be a “tragic failure” that could cost lives, and that its advocates will come to rue the attempt.    ...

Zsombor Peter

World tiger numbers rise for first time in 100 years

The number of tigers in the wild has risen for the first time in 100 years, marking a major turning point in the big cat’s plight against poaching and habitat loss. Figures collated from national surveys conducted in tiger range states and from the International Union ...


Endangered irrawaddy dolphin found dead in Kratie

A dead Irrawaddy dolphin was found on the banks of the Mekong early yesterday morning in Kratie province’s Chet Borey district, according to police. District police chief Noun Yin said officers were unable to determine the cause of the dolphin’s death because there were no physical ...

Srey Kumneth

Dolphin’s decline down, infant survival rate up

The rate at which the population of Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River is declining has dropped dramatically in recent years, although more dolphins must be protected into adulthood to save the species from extinction, according to a new report released Tuesday. ...

Taylor O'Connell and Ouch Sony

Cambodia urged to act on plans to reintroduce tigers

The Cambodian arm of the World Wildlife Fund has called on the government to move forward with plans to reintroduce wild tigers in the country’s eastern forests, but reiterated concerns over possible development in the area.​ ...

Worldbulletin News Staff

Sun bears under the gun

Facing snares, hunters and deforestation, sun bears are in danger of being classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – and deforestation is their main threat. ...

Pav Suy and Jonathan Cox

Cooperation on dolphins urged

The World Wildlife Fund has called for closer cooperation between Cambodia and Laos to protect the Mekong River dolphin, in the wake of the death this week of a female thought to be one of less than 85 left in the river. ...

Charles Parkinson

Smooth road means more tourism for remote province

At the Coffee Resort in Sen Monorom, the capital of Mondulkiri province, business is booming. In just an hour, about 50 tourists, local and foreign alike, come through, ordering coffee or avocado shakes to go. Coffee beans and avocados grow well here, and now, thanks to ...

Phorn Bopha

Road could affect future tiger habitat

A recently approved road project leading to the border with Vietnam in Mondulkiri would do irreversible damage to the province’s protected forest and threaten future attempts to reintroduce tigers to the Kingdom, according to the World Wildlife Fund. ...

Sean Teehan and Phak Seangly

NGO says work on Don Sahong dam under way

A conservation group has said its recent trip to Laos revealed that construction on a controversial hydropower dam decried by neighbouring Mekong countries is already under way. International Rivers representatives visiting the proposed site of the 260-megawatt Don Sahong Hydropower Project earlier this month say they ...

Laignee Barron

WWF petitions to halt Don Sahong dam

World Wildlife Fund is taking to the internet to halt a hydropower project it claims will serve as the nail in the coffin for the critically endangered Irrawaddy dolphin. On Friday, WWF launched an online petition calling on the developers of Laos’s 120 megawatt Don Sahong ...

Laignee Barron

Cambodia seizes 3 tons trafficked ivory tusks at sea port

Cambodian customs officers on Friday morning confiscated around three tons of elephant tusks at the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port in Southwestern Preah Sihanouk province. In February, customs officers nabbed two Vietnamese men at the Siem Reap International Airport for smuggling 79.5 kg of illegal elephant tusks ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Cambodian experts concerned over Laos dam project near border

Cambodian experts on Thursday expressed concerns over the Laos Don Sahong dam development project, saying the proposed hydroelectric dam would pose a serious threat to the existence of the biodiversity on the Mekong River in Cambodia. Some 90 conservationists, environmentalists, development partners, academia, fishery scientists, and ...

Global Times News Staff

Dam critics unswayed

Cambodian environmental groups yesterday stepped up their calls for the Don Sahong dam in Laos to be cancelled, after a visit to the site failed to convince them the hydropower project would not harm the Mekong River and the people who depend on it. ...

Laignee Barron

WWF unveils bid to help Mondulkiri forests

In the latest bid to protect Mondulkiri’s ravaged forests, World Wildlife Fund is rolling out a new project designed to give locals financial incentives to help preserve Mondulkiri Protected Forest and Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary. Cultivating small-scale, community-run businesses such as resin tree tapping and beekeeping ...

Amelia Woodside

Dam developers hit back

Hydropower developers in southern Laos have fired back at the World Wildlife Fund after the conservation group issued two disparaging reports in as many weeks on the Don Sahong dam project. WWF released a brief on February 19 alleging that construction of the 260-megawatt damcould result ...

Laignee Barron

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