Ways for Cambodia to meet its health system financing and pandemic response challenges
Cambodia has made great strides in recent years, both in terms of economic growth and key health indicators like life expectancy and infant, child and maternal mortality rates. The country reached lower-middle income status in 2015 and was advancing steadily toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) ...
Khmer Times Staff
Jab card check for students a one-off
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport instructed municipal and provincial education departments across the country to inform school administrators that the vaccination card check for students should be done just once on the first day they attend classes. ...
Post staff
Home-based Covid patients warned about waste disposal
Phnom Penh municipal governor Khuong Sreng reminded Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms who are treating themselves at home to dispose of their waste properly. ...
Mom Kunthear
Kingdom to attract more Russians
Russian Ambassador Anatoly Borovik on Tuesday met with Tourism Minister Khon at the Russian Embassy to discuss measures to attract more vaccinated tourists from Russia to the Kingdom. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Ministry of Public Works registers road systems nationwide
The Ministry of Public Works has started the registration of road systems nationwide to ensure the efficient management of repair and maintenance work. ...
Chea Vanyuth
Cambodia hosts 52nd ASEAN STOM
Cambodia is hosting the 52nd ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM) and Related Dialogue Partners Meetings on Nov. 2-3 via videoconference. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry of Education postpones 12th grade exam to early next year
Ros Sovacha, spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, last night said that the 12th grade exam has been postponed from early December to early next year. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Senate okays ‘dual citizen’ edits
The Senate on November 2 unanimously approved the draft amendments to several articles of the Constitution mandating single-citizenship for holders of the top four national institutions. According to the press statement released after its session, a total of 57 out of 62 Senators were present ...
Voun Dara
CMAA warns residents of flooded areas about mines
Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and First Vice-President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), called on government officials at all levels to continue spreading awareness about the dangers of mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) whenever meeting with the public in ...
Voun Dara
Activists say mangroves under threat
Some of Cambodia’s fishing communities and civil society organisations are expressing great concern over the ongoing loss of mangrove forests in coastal areas due to illegal encroachment as well as legal coastal development projects. They called on relevant authorities to intervene on the matter. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
PM: Let kids use jab card copy
Prime Minister Hun Sen on November 2 suggested that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport along with the capital and provincial governors allow students to use copies of their Covid-19 vaccination cards instead of carrying the original ones with them to school in order ...
Mom Kunthear
MoEYS placing strong emphasis on youth empowerment policies
The Kingdom of Cambodia regards youth as a key resource and the most valuable asset for economic, social, cultural and environmental development, as well as for the maintenance of peace in the present and the future. ...
Post Staff
Frustration brews as petrol prices soar 10% on-month
Retail fuel prices have been gradually increasing in recent weeks, adding another burden for low-income households whose finances have been hit hard by Covid-19. ...
Nov Sivutha
Opening ‘not ideal’ for investors to return
The business community has welcomed a government decision to ease restrictions for local and foreign investors who reside in the Kingdom, particularly the waiver of hotel quarantine and the option to isolate at home. ...
May Kunmakara
Referral hospitals to give free Covid jabs indefinitely
Ministry of Health spokeswoman Or Vandine has advised the governors of the capital and provinces to continue vaccinations for children and all unvaccinated people ages 6 and up at designated referral hospitals or health centres despite the first round of the official vaccination campaigns having ...
Mom Kunthear
PP public transport services resume
Phnom Penh Autonomous Bus Transportation (PPABT) began resuming public bus and boat services yesterday. ...
Sen David
Journalists in Cambodia have improved in truth and accuracy
With journalists in Cambodia adhering to the ethical provisions of their profession and improving day by day in their responsibilities and duties in ensuring accuracy in their work, there is no impunity for crimes against them. ...
Mao Chanvireak
Senate passes single nationality draft amendment unanimously
The Senate yesterday unanimously approved the draft constitutional amendment on single citizenship, citing that it is to ensure the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Cambodia. ...
Chea Vanyuth
New solar power plants of 495 MW to come online in 2023
Seven solar power plants of 495 megawatts will be online in 2023 pushing up the supply of such source to represent 20 percent of the total installed power capacity. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Apsara Authority records more than 2 million trees planted
Apsara Authority, with the participation of monks and the private sector, on Monday planted 2,500 trees in the area of Preah Vihear Pram Pi Lveng Pagoda of Angkor Park to complement the beauty and environment of Angkor Wat. ...
Chhun Sun Ly
Phnom Penh’s Governor calls for stricter measures to ensure high-risk businesses remain close
Amid clandestine operations by desperate club, karaoke, and other high-risk business owners, Phnom Penh’s Governor issued an order to authorities of the capital’s 14 districts to implement stricter crackdowns on those who defy administrative measures. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Angkor crowned as best place to visit in Southeast Asia
Angkor in Cambodia’s Siem Reap province came first among the 29 Best Places to Visit in Southeast Asia, according to a survey of Touropia Travel Guides. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Japan donates vehicles and office equipment to Cambodia
Japan has provided the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) with vehicles and office equipment, equivalent to 300 million Japanese Yen (about $2,780,000), for Cambodia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN 2022. ...
Khmer Times Staff
COVAX provides refrigeration equipment to Cambodia
The COVAX Facility donated advanced refrigeration equipment to the Royal Government to boost the country’s vaccination storage capacity. ...
Khmer Times Staff