UN envoy meets with NEC
The National Election Committee (NEC) yesterday told United Nations Special Rapporteur Rhona Smith that election monitoring coalition the “Situation Room” will have to register with the Interior Ministry if it wants to deploy observers for next year’s elections – despite there being no such requirement ...
Soth Koemsoeun and Ananth Baliga
SMEs look for help against imports
Local small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) met with government officials yesterday and accused them of not doing enough to support domestic products against a flood of imports while multiple officials claimed that they could provide little assistance unless businesses were properly registered. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
US-funded National Democratic Institute accused of colluding with CNRP
Leaked materials from the United States-funded NGO National Democratic Institute (NDI) have been portrayed on Facebook and in local media as being part of an “ill intended” strategy to help the opposition party win next year’s national election, with government officials yesterday publicly questioning the ...
Niem Chheng and Ananth Baliga
Still no mango exports to South Korea
Cambodia has yet to export mangoes to South Korea despite signing a memorandum of understanding in 2015 with the East Asian country’s Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, according to a senior official in the Ministry of Agriculture. ...
Sok Chan
Cambodia’s loss of LDC status will bring challenges: World Bank
As Cambodia continues its upward trajectory towards becoming a lower-middle-income country, it will face even greater challenges in reducing high levels of poverty as the Kingdom loses its preferential trade privileges and donor funding dries up, according to a new World Bank report. ...
Kali Kotoski and Hor Kimsay
KrisEnergy signs oil deal next week
Singapore-based oil and gas company KrisEnergy is scheduled to sign an agreement with the Cambodian government next Wednesday for the extraction of petroleum from Block A to develop the Aspara oil field. ...
Sum Manet
Various wild animal horns confiscated after a raid
Officials from the forestry administration raided a home in Mondulkiri province’s O’Raing district on Tuesday, confiscating the remains and horns of various endangered animals and making one arrest. ...
Ros Chanveasna
Environment Law draft in pipeline
A new Environment and Natural Resources Law is to be submitted to the National Assembly by the end of this year. ...
Sen David
Radio tax flip flops
The General Department of Taxation reaffirmed yesterday that two radio outlets, Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, will have to pay tax, contrary to a statement made by Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith. ...
Khmer Times
PM creates brigade after Laos row
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday visited troops in Stung Treng province along the border with Laos, where he announced the creation of a new brigade following tensions between the countries. ...
Mom Sophon
Chinese nuclear pact in the works
Cambodia and China are close to inking an agreement that would bring the Kingdom another step closer to developing its own nuclear technology, officials said yesterday, although it would not be used initially to bolster its electricity production. ...
Daphne Chen
US businesses give Cambodia mixed marks
U.S. companies doing business in Cambodia are optimistic about the country’s overall investment environment, but remain dissatisfied with the supply of cheap and skilled labor, corruption, tax structure, and attitudes toward the U.S., according to a new survey. ...
Ben Paviour
Municipality monitoring pawn shops
Phnom Penh Governor Khoung Sreng said the municipality was half-way through a two-week crack-down on pawn shops in order to prevent the sale of stolen goods at the increasing number of second-hand establishments across the capital. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
NBC unveils online trading platform
In order to promote interbank transactions and lending, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) has officially launched a new online platform which allows financial operators to apply for and trade the central bank’s financial instruments like negotiable certificates of deposits (NCDs), liquidity-providing collateralised operations (LPCOs) ...
Hor Kimsay
Pepper sector shaken by boom
The traditional supply chain dynamics for the renowned Kampot pepper are breaking down due to a market boom that has brought large-scale investment into pepper cultivation, while sidelining the small shareholders that rely on the benefits of being part of the association that represents them. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Officials in flu warning
The Health Ministry has called on citizens to be wary of influenza during the rainy season, even though there has not yet been a serious outbreak. ...
Mom Kunthear
Thais detain more than 30 migrants
More than 30 workers who entered Thailand illegally to find jobs were arrested on Monday in Sa Kaeo province’s Aranyaprathet district and sent to the district police station for questioning. ...
Mom Kunthear
Storms forecast brings flood alert
Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology Lim Kean Hor has urged local authorities and the public to be wary of impending floods caused by heavy rains expected from today until Sunday. ...
Mom Kunthear
Sesan Dam villagers tell officials to leave
Villagers embroiled in a battle against the government and builders of the Lower Sesan II Dam in Stung Treng province yesterday demanded that provincial officials vacate a local pagoda they have occupied as an office. ...
May Titthara
Double trove of wartime explosives unearthed
Hundreds of unexploded landmines and cluster munitions were found in Battambang and Kampong Cham provinces on Monday, according to an official from the Cambodian Mine Action Centre. ...
Mom Kunthear
NEC to begin registering voters it missed for 2017
The National Election Committee said it will aim to register around 1.4 million of the nearly 2 million eligible voters it was unable to get on voter rolls last year, though the body’s chairman, Sik Bun Hok, refused to address yesterday whether the process would ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Bangladesh signs big rice deal
Two weeks after Bangladesh and Cambodia signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Phnom Penh to purchase rice from Cambodia, on Monday of this week Bangladesh signed a deal to buy 250,000 tonnes of milled rice from Cambodia. ...
Sok Chan
Minister of Information: We tax only stations that rent and use local frequency
After receiving a letter from the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the request to take actions against the Radio Free Asia and the Voice of America located in Cambodia, which have been actively engaged in broadcasting and renting airtime from other radio stations yet ...
Un Rithy
Cambodia, China looking for MoU on nuclear power cooperation
Cambodia’s relevant officials of the Ministry of Environment have been working closely with their Chinese counterparts for a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on nuclear power cooperation. ...
Khan Sophirom