The Cambodia Daily

Election reform sticking points sent to leaders

The electoral reform working groups from the CPP and CNRP on Monday sent 10 points of disagreement in the drafting of a new national election law to their top party leaders to discuss. ...

Kuch Naren

Opposition leader courts Muslim vote in new eastern province

Drawing on the majority-Muslim nations of Indonesia and Malaysia as examples for Cambodia to emulate for better government, opposition leader Sam Rainsy led a group of lawmakers stumping for votes in Cham Muslim villages in Tbong Khmum province on Saturday. ...

Hul Reaksmey and Alex Willemyns

Court postpones trial over brawl at freedom park

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has postponed today’s scheduled hearing of 11 people, including senior CNRP official Meach Sovannara, who were charged with insurrection and other crimes over a bloody scuffle at Phnom Penh’s Freedom Park in July. ...

Mech Dara

Patient death blamed on doctors’ holiday leave

The parents of a man who died at the Svay Rieng provincial referral hospital of wounds sustained in a motorbike crash say their son might have survived if doctors had not been absent from work celebrating Chinese New Year, and are planning to file a ...

Ben Sokhean

Funcinpec factions war over who can issue official letters

A petty power struggle over who is authorized to issue official Funcinpec letters broke out over the weekend amid the party’s efforts to integrate two formerly warring internal factions after Prince Norodom Ranariddh returned as its leader last month. ...

Hul Reaksmey and Alex Willemyns

Fifty faint after machine catches fire at shoe factory

About 50 female workers fainted at a shoe factory in Kompong Chhnang province Saturday when an embossing machine burst into flames, causing smoke and fumes to fill part of the plant, a union official said Sunday. ...

Hay Pisey

Ousted court director gave seized SUV to policeman son

The former director of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, who was ousted last week amid allegations of serious corruption, gave a luxury SUV to his son—a local police official—after it was confiscated from a suspected drug trafficker, the National Police said in a statement Sunday. ...

Hay Pisey

Gov’t waits to deport activist with expired visa

An immigration official said Sunday that his department would wait for orders before moving to deport environmental activist Alex Gonzalez-Davidson, whose visa the government refused to renew after it expired Friday. ...

Mech Dara and Zsombor Peter

Court lays provisional charges against general

The deputy prosecutor at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court has laid provisional charges against a military general arrested in Takeo province on Thursday, according to a senior military police official, in a high-profile case linked to corruption claims that led to the sacking this week ...

Khy Sovuthy

Gov’t spokesman says Licadho doctored land dispute report

fter rights group Licadho released a statement Thursday saying that more than 10,000 Cambodian families were newly affected last year by land disputes in the 13 provinces where it has monitors—a three-fold increase from 2013—a government spokesman on Friday slammed the NGO’s report as “baseless ...

Kuch Naren and Emily Townsend

CPP proposes new rules in election law talks

The ruling CPP, which has long used election-time generosity as a central campaign strategy, proposed a rule that would ban vote-buying on Friday during ongoing bipartisan talks to write a new election law. ...

Kuch Naren

Gov’t forms body to monitor Kazantip organizers

Provincial authorities here are closely monitoring the movements of the Ka­zantip festival’s organizers to ensure that no replica parties are in the pipeline after the cancellation of the famously debauched rave earlier this week. ...

Hul Reaksmey and George Wright

Number of deceased migrants returned from Thailand rises

Although the number of migrant workers who crossed to Thailand through the Poipet International Border Checkpoint decreased slightly from 2013 to 2014, the number of people who died while working in Thailand appeared to increase, a provincial official said this week. ...

Kuch Naren

Senior garment workers also want salary raise

Thousands of garment workers at one Phnom Penh factory, and about 100 more at another, protested Thursday over the new minimum wage set for the garment sector late last year, upset that those already earning higher salaries were overlooked. ...

Mech Dara and Sek Odom

Military police arrest general with links to ousted judge

Military police in Takeo province last night arrested a military general and close aide of ousted Phnom Penh Municipal Court director Ang Mealaktei, who was officially removed from his position Wednesday amid allegations of vast corruption. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Puppet parade to spotlight endangered species

Seven giant puppets in the shapes of endangered animal species will snake their way through Siem Reap City Saturday night, carried by the 500 children who created them as part of a program that mixed art and the environment. ...

Michelle Vachon

Phnom Penh gardeners threaten to strike over pay, sick leave

About 50 of Phnom Penh’s 270 gardeners gathered at the National Assembly and then City Hall on Monday morning to deliver petitions asking for a substantial raise to their modest monthly salaries, threatening to go on strike if they were denied. ...

Mech Dara

Judge’s past offers little hope for real reform

In the highest-profile sacking since Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to rid the government of corruption after the CPP’s shock losses in the July 2013 election, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court’s chief judge was removed this week amid claims that millions of dollars had reversed ...

Alex Willemyns and Khy Sovuthy

Local unions join Right-to-Strike campaign

Three of the country’s largest unions on Wednesday added their voices to a global campaign urging member states of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Governing Body, which Cambodia recently joined, to not revoke the option to go on strike as a fundamental right. ...

Mech Dara and Zsombor Peter

Thai army says it’s too early to lay blame for loggers’ deaths

Thailand’s army has asked Cambodia “not to jump [to] the conclusion” that its soldiers were to blame for the deaths of three Cambodian loggers who were shot dead earlier this month while searching for rosewood across the border, according to Thai media. ...

Aun Pheap

Ousted judge given position in Justice Ministry

Former Phnom Penh Municipal Court director Ang Mealaktei, who was ousted Tuesday amid claims of corruption at the court, was granted a new position in the Ministry of Justice during the ceremony to replace him on Wednesday. ...

Khy Sovuthy and Alex Willemyns

Three more women faint as factory reopens

The Labor Ministry official in charge of garment factory faintings declared Wednesday’s reopening of a Svay Rieng province factory—where 100 workers fainted in the past week due to chemical fumes—a relative success, with only three more women collapsing while working. ...

Ben Sokhean

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