The Phnom Penh Post
ANZ to remain in local market?
The chief executive of ANZ Royal Bank has denied media reports that the Australian and New Zealand Bank Group (ANZ) is considering pulling the plug on its Cambodian operations amid a planned retreat from the region’s markets. ...
Kali Kotoski
Cambodia at ‘high’ risk of Zika outbreak in 2017
Amid reports of the emergence of the Zika virus in Myanmar and the discovery of the first birth defect believed linked to the virus in Vietnam, two researchers with Phnom Penh’s Pasteur Institute have concluded that Cambodia is at high risk of its own Zika ...
Yesenia Amaro
Hometown of Samrin not in swap: gov’t
Minister in Charge of Border Affairs Var Kimhong yesterday moved to quash the latest outbreak of rumours that National Assembly President Heng Samrin’s native village of Thlok Trach would be given to Vietnam in a land swap. ...
Meas Sokchea
Three forex giants hold sway
A recent study on the role of Cambodia’s moneychangers found that three private forex traders control two-thirds of the total demand for riel currency and exert more influence on foreign currency exchange rates than the central bank, raising the possibility of collusion in fixing rates. ...
Hor Kimsay
Minister calls for higher standard for road work
Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol yesterday ordered his officials to keep a close eye on a new $1.3 million project to widen National Road 4 in Preah Sihanouk province in order to halt criticism of shoddy road quality and corruption in his ...
Touch Sokha
US envoy’s appeal won’t spur negotiations: CPP
Prime Minister Hun Sen has no plans to negotiate with his Cambodia National Rescue Party counterparts, a ruling party spokesman reiterated yesterday, following calls for intra-party talks last week by a senior US diplomat. ...
Meas Sokchea
Prey lang activists ‘assaulted’ in Kratie
Three members of the Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) were attacked in Kratie province on Thursday by men believed to be involved in illegal logging, PLCN activists said yesterday. ...
Touch Sokha and Cristina Maza
Chroy Changvar locals reject city’s ultimatum
About 40 Chroy Changvar peninsula residents yesterday held a press conference rejecting City Hall’s two-month ultimatum to part with most of their land or accept below-market rates to make way for a planned satellite city. ...
Touch Sokha
Betel nut use raises risk of oral cancer six-fold: study
Cambodian betel nut chewers are six times more at risk of contracting potentially malignant oral cancers, according to a new report. The study surveyed 1,634 people in Phnom Penh, Kampot, Kampong Cham, Pursat and Stung Treng and found that 54 percent had oral lesions – white ...
Erin Handley
Tainted prahok found in Takeo
Over 3 tonnes of contaminated prahok – made of fish illegally imported from Vietnam – were confiscated on Friday by Takeo authorities from some of the same sites that in September had already been warned to stop using smuggled fish. ...
Niem Chheng
Ministry drafting new minimum wage law to cover all workers
The Labour Ministry said last week it was drafting a minimum wage law that would expand beyond the garment industry and cover all workers, a proposal that drew cautious praise from union leaders and advocates, along with a healthy dose of scepticism. ...
Bun Sengkong and Ananth Baliga
Ministry sets out rules on disposal of batteries
The Ministry of Environment on Thursday issued its first prakas on safe battery management, laying out specific guidelines on the collection, storage, treatment, delivery and disposal of batteries by households and businesses alike. ...
Kong Meta
Voter registration push slows in recent days
The number of people registering to vote has dropped sharply in recent days, statistics show, with an election watchdog calling on the National Election Committee to step up its game. ...
Bun Sengkong
Kampong Cham piques the interest of developers
Kampong Cham may no longer be the quiet city it is today if its purported economic potential continues to be realised. Local developers have already taken a keen interest in the town with the development of the first borey underway. ...
Siv Meng
Waiting to tap rubber’s rebound
The large-scale rubber plantations that arrived in force in Cambodia a decade ago as global rubber prices moved to historic peaks are facing sober prospects as trees they planted before the commodity’s prices headed south begin to reach maturity. ...
Kali Kotoski and Cheng Sokhorng
US diplomat expresses concern, hopes over upcoming elections
United States Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel yesterday said Cambodia’s political stalemate was a matter of concern, but nonetheless expressed hope the coming elections would be free and fair. ...
Vong Sokheng and Shaun Turton
Ticon follows factory shift to Cambodia
Ticon Industrial Connection Plc, a Thai-based factory and warehouse developer, is expanding its operations into fast-growing Southeast Asian economies, including Cambodia, to help offset sluggish growth at home. ...
Cam McGrath
Plotted land trend spreading to numerous provinces
While big-scale land selling seems to be grinding to a halt, plotted land sales are understood to be picking up speed, spreading from Phnom Penh to many other provinces. ...
Siv Meng
Schools to offer career guidance
As part of ongoing education reforms, a new curriculum set to be implemented in 2018 will address the lack of career counselling in high schools across Cambodia, a Ministry of Education official told attendees of an education forum yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Rosewood, first-grade timber seized in busts
Nearly 500 pieces of illegal first-grade timber were seized in a series of busts conducted by police across three different provinces this week. ...
Mech Dara and Kim Sarom
Push for border use of local currencies
Business leaders from the Lower Mekong region are urging their respective governments to use local currencies for trading in border regions instead of the US dollar, arguing that this would facilitate business transactions and reduce exchange costs, a Thai newspaper reported yesterday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Military voting scheme ‘concerning’: watchdog
An election watchdog yesterday announced it had uncovered plans to move registration stations closer to military bases in Kampong Speu, Tbong Khmum and Kampong Chhnang provinces. ...
Vong Sokheng and Shaun Turton
Miners ask Hun Sen to let them dig deeper
More than 500 villagers in Mondulkiri’s Chung Phlas’ mining community thumbprinted a letter sent to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and its provincial counterpart, requesting that those holding a community mining licence be allowed to dig below the ...
Sen David
Timber inspection halted in Ratanakkiri
Authorities in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadav district were thwarted in their attempt to inspect an ethnic Jarai community’s timber stocks on Tuesday, with some officials and observers ascribing the incident to a clash of cultures. ...
Touch Sokha