Non-taxpayers targeted
The government will not increase the rate for income tax and other taxes for the next two years, but will instead concentrate on expanding the base for tax collection, taking into account that there are still many individuals and businesses that do not pay tax ...
Sok Chan
Private firm takes over responsibility for work permits
The Ministry of Labor passed all responsibility for foreign work permits today to E-Solutions (Cambodia) Co., leaving a multitude of unanswered questions about the private company that will process, produce and distribute the permits online. Ministry spokesman Heng Sour declined to answer questions about the company, ...
Sek Odom and Janelle Retka
Tax registration deadline pushed back
The tax department issued a notice yesterday extending the deadline for businesses to finish their tax registration until May 31, the latest in a long string of delays that followed the introduction of strict new rules on tax registration in 2014. ...
Jonathan Cox
Corners cut in crowded ISP war
A Google search for Cambodian Internet service providers (ISPs) turns up a dizzying number of results, some advertising monthly rates as low as $18 for 4 Mb/s. ...
Jonathan Cox and Igor Kossov
Resurgent mobile deals could hurt margins, analysts say
‘Top up $2 and get 30 free minutes daily for 20 days. Top up $5 and expand the same offer for a month. And, for a $10 recharge, that half-an-hour freebie lasts 50 days.” Mobile operator Beeline, which announced the promotion in August, called it “another ...
Anne Renzenbrink
Telecoms Regulator Calls For Price Meeting
The Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) is calling all mobile phone operators to attend a meeting next week in order to reconsider the costs for within-and across-network calls, after disputes over bonus promotions in Cambodia’s crowded telecoms market. TRC director Mao Chakrya said that for the ...
Government tells telcos off
The Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued warning letters to mobile operators Beeline and Smart over their recent advertisement, stating it violates the Inter-Ministerial Prakas, or edict, signed in 2009. The separate letters, obtained by the Post last week, ...
Investment options for Cambodian telcos
With Myanmar’s telecom industry showing signs of gradually opening, operators in Cambodia’s overcrowded telecom market see opportunities for potential investment. But in stride with the market’s latent potential come challenges, industry experts say, and lessons learned locally need to be applied overseas. “Myanmar remains one of the ...
Cambodia business embraces Facebook advertising
With an average of 1,100 additions every day, a new user joins Facebook in Cambodia every two minutes, according to estimates from social media marketing and advertising agency Social Media Plus. Founder of Social Media Plus Anthony Galliano said more and more companies operating in Cambodia ...