
US Debt Woes Could Affect Cambodia, Conference Told

Cambodia is concerned that US debt could lead to rising import costs. US lawmakers are currently trying to pass a deficit-cut deal before Aug. 2 when the US reaches its own debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion. Without a deal the US would default on its ...

Concessions Affect 3,000 Families, Adhoc Says

According to human rights group Adhoc, five agro-farming concessions granted to Chinese firms are adversely affecting 3,000 families in Preah Vihear province. The concessions have come with warnings of possible land disputes and potential protests. Prime Minister Hun Sen granted the economic land concessions to ...

Basic Concerns Remain Priority in Rural Areas

Roads, bridges, schools, sanitation and other forms of basic infrastructure are still top priorities for many rural citizens of Cambodia. Comfrel has done a study of issues that voters are concerned with and found that infrastructure is a key area. Traditionally the rural areas have ...

Police Prove Mass Fainting at Phnom Penh Garment Factory

70 workers at the Hung Wah Cambodia Garment Mfg. factory have fainted bringing the number of mass fainting in factories over the last year to nine. It is a well known phenomenon in Cambodia with three major spells so far this year. “Excessive hours of ...

‘Price Dumping’ in Telecoms Market Still Persists

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications implemented a law preventing mobile phone service providers from selling at less than cost over a year and a half ago, though the companies are still lowering their tariffs in an effort to remain competitive in the highly saturated ...

Culture Ministry Plans to Build New Cinema

In an effort to increase Khmer film production the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts is going to build a state-run cinema next to the Chaktomuk Conference Hall. Recently Westec Media opened a cinema, the first offering 3D movies in Cambodia, at City Mall in ...

Tourism driving total investment approvals

The high number of approved projects in the tourism sector is a sign of optimism according to Minister of Tourism Thong Khon. Due to emphasis on areas beyond Angkor Wat, Cambodia’s GDP could largely be a result of tourism. The current 57 projects are worth ...

Oil Dispute CNPA ready to discuss claims area

Returning to the negotiating table is once again a possibility for the Cambodian National Petroleum Authority now that they have a stronger legal team. Due to the appointment of ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as an economic advisor to Cambodia, Thailand put the 2001 ...

Cambodia’s Vietnam trade increasing

Prices for Vietnamese goods are increasing driving up demand for lower cost Cambodian goods. Exports to Cambodia’s neighbor have increased by more than 84 percent for the beginning of 2011, totaling some $247 million according to the Vietnam Trade Office. Inflation is rising in Vietnam ...

Vendors face eviction to beautify beach

In May Cambodia became a member of the World’s Most Beautiful Beach Club and as a result Koh Kong provincial authorities are not renewing leasing for beachfront stores and evicting those who work there. The leases are said to have expired two months ago, and ...

Fire trucks blamed in fainting

The mass fainting spell that affected the Hung Wah Cambodia Garment Manufacturing factory in Phnom Penh yesterday  has been blamed on the lack of sleep due to fire trucks having been nearby during the night putting out a blaze. There has been some debate over ...

Army aided loggers: US Cable

A US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks from the Embassy in Bangkok has provided evidence that Cambodian soldiers were providing assistance and protection to loggers along the Thai-Cambodian border. Some of the loggers were killed in clashes with Thai troops. The allegations have been denied ...

Koh Kong king halted

Ly Yong Phat and his company LYP Group have been ordered to cease all dredging operations on the Tatai river pending a review of the effects by the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology. LYP Group currently has a permit to dredge seven areas of ...

Mortgage lending improving as real estate sector slowly returns to strength

Mortgages are increasingly being used by home buyers in Cambodia according to experts. Commercial banks had slowed direct loans to property development in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, though mortgage lending has increasingly filled the space, said National Valuers Association of Cambodia ...

Price tag set for railway link to Vietnam border

The rail link to Vietnam from Cambodia has been estimated at $686 million dollars. The link would finally connect Singapore to Kunming, China. The $686 million does not include compensation for those who link along the proposed railway locations and no funding has been confirmed ...

Dam worker beats odds to survive

Through a concerted effort on part of the surgical staff at Calmette hospital, Touch Daro, a worker at the Kamchay hydropower dam will survive his injuries. An industrial drill bit went through his back and out his bottom whilst he was working on the dam. ...

Oil dispute optimism

A solution to the Overlapping Claims Area (OCA) in the Gulf of Thailand may be at hand due to the election of Puea Thai. Petroleum companies are said to to be ready to explore the region, an area of more than 27,000 square kilometers. A ...

Dragon Capital plans equity fund in Vietnam, region

20 per cent of a planned equity fund by Dragon Capital will be invested in Cambodia and Laos according to Bill Stoops, chief investment officer. The fund is called Dragon Capital Third Wave Fund and is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The fund ...

Cambodia’s airports see growth in 2011

There has been a 13 percent increase to Cambodia’s two international airports since the beginning of the year. The USA, China, South Korea and Vietnam along with Japan were the key factors in this growth. The government’s attempts to attract visitors and investors is cited ...

Prices for Land at 2009 Levels, Report Shows

ASEAN Valuers Association have reported that property prices in Cambodia have not changed since 2009. Property prices in Phnom Penh are 2 percent lower than they were in 2009. CEO of Bonna Realty Group Sung Bonna has said that investors should take advantage of low ...

Illegal Mobile Phone Services Targeted by Telecom Ministry

Illegal Thai mobile phone services have been ordered by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications to cease their services inside of Cambodia. The services are being relayed as far as 100km within the border of Cambodia through a series of illegally constructed cell towers. qb ...

Cambodia on Long Road to Freedom From Corruption, Bank Says

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has called corruption a “fundamental concern” for Cambodia even with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) celebrating 10 months since its inauguration. The ADB’s Country Governance Risk Assessment Report and Risk Management Plan which is to be released soon calls for capacity ...

P Vihear Concessions Raise Fears of Disputes

Earlier this month Prime Minister Hun Sen approved five more economic land concessions totally 44,780 hectares in the Preah Vihear province. Largely distributed to agri-business companies there is fear that the concessions will lead to deforestation. Heng Roy International, Heng You International, Lan Feng International, ...

Cambodian Air Arrivals Eclipse 2007 Numbers

The number of people arriving in Cambodia through the nation’s airports has passed the 2007 number for the same period, providing proof of recovery from the financial crisis. The levels reached 1.8 million passengers for Siem Reap and Phnom Penh international airports. Traffic through Cambodian ...

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