ODA Projects Signed with Japan
- 14 September 2011
- Economics Today
- Aid and development / Bilateral development assistance / Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members / Economy and commerce / Japanese aid
- Agro-business company / Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia / Battambang / Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency / Department of Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia / Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance / Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation / Hor Namhong / Hun Sen / irrigation / Japanese aid / JICA / Kampong Chhnang / Keat Chhon / Masafumi Kuroki / ODA / Official Development Assistance / prime minister / Pursat / rock cutting machines / Tonle Sap lake / West Tonle Sap Irrigation and Drainage Rehabilitation and Improvement Project / Yasujiro Suzuki
Agreements for two Japanese official development assistance (ODA) projects for Cambodia were recently signed at two separate ceremonies One ODA project amounts to US $53.3 million loan for the West Tonle Sap Irrigation and Drainage Rehabilitation and Improvement Project. The other project involves a US $700,000 ...
Japan Helps Cambodia Despite Difficulties
- 24 August 2011
- The Cambodia Daily
- Agriculture and fishing / Aid and development / Bilateral development assistance / Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members / Economy and commerce / Japanese aid
- agriculture sector / aid / Cambodia / Chinese aid / construction / Department of Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia / Deputy Prime Minister / Economic Development / education equipment / Farmer Water User Communities / Farmer Water User Groups / Farmers / fertilizers / flooding / Foreign Affairs Minister / foreign companies / heavy equipment / Hor Namhong / human resources / industry / irrigation / Japanese aid / Japanese Ambassador / Japanese Embassy / Japanese Government / Kompong Cham / Kuroki Masafumi / Kuwait / Lim Kean Hor / loans / mining / Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation / Minister of Water Resource and Meteorology / Ministry of Water Resource / oil / Preah Vihear / Prey Veng / Prime Minister Hun Sen / Production / rice cultivation / rice exports / Rice Policy / rice production / soft loan / Stung Sen Dam and Irrigation Project / Svay Rieng / tourism zones / Waiko River Irrigation Project / Water Expansion Policy / West Tonle Sap / West Tonle Sap Irrigation and Drainage Improvement
Japan on August 15th loaned Cambodia a package of US$ 53.3 million for the West Tonle Sap Irrigation and Drainage Improvement and a grant aid of US$ 0.7 million to improve education equipment of the Department of Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering of the Institute of ...
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