
MEF to step up public financial efficiency

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the development partners recently reviewed the implementation process of the revenue collection strategy along with the non-tax revenue management reform and the state property management policy to strengthen pubic financial efficiency and sustainability. ...

Nhean Chamrong

MEF to step up public financial efficiency

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the development partners recently reviewed the implementation process of the revenue collection strategy along with the non-tax revenue management reform and the state property management policy to strengthen pubic financial efficiency and sustainability. ...

Nhean Chamrong

Ministry of Public Works sells $ 61 million in special license plate and personal plate numbers

Ministry of Public Works and Transport said that the sale of special license plate numbers and personal license plate numbers for cars totaled more than 180,000 license plates, including with a total budget of more than $ 61 million in the first nine months of ...

Long Kimmarita

New sub-decree aims to manage non-tax revenue collection

The government yesterday released sub-decree No 72 to enhance efficiency and transparency in the management of non-tax revenue. The new regulation sets the mechanism to be followed when collecting, recording and monitoring non-tax revenue, including income collected from ministries, public institutions, province-level administration and state ...

Sok Chan

Government lays out plan for non-tax revenue

The Ministry of Economy and Finance held a workshop yesterday to finalise a draft on a sub-decree managing non-tax revenue sources, part of the government’s attempt to improve its revenue collection. ...

Post Staff

Mining revenue rises on improved collection

The Ministry of Mines and Energy collected $20.3 million in non-tax revenue last year, a 20 percent increase over the previous year, it said yesterday. ...

Hor Kimsay

Gov’t scoops up more mining revenue

In the first eight months of the year the Ministry of Mines and Energy has already surpassed its annual target for non-tax revenue collection from sand dredging and construction material-related mining operations, collecting 117 percent of the $6.6 million outlined in the 2016 national budget, ...

Kali Kotoski and Cheng Sokhorng

Finance Ministry To Tackle Graft With ‘Rewards’

Finance Minister Keat Chhon an­nounced a new plan on Thursday to cut down on rampant state corruption by dispersing three-quarters of non-tax revenue to ministries and their employees as financial “rewards.” With Anti-Corruption Unit chief Om Yentieng by his side, Mr. Chhon laid out the bare ...

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