OXFAM Cambodia launches agribusiness policy brief
OXFAM, with support from Fair Finance Asia (FFA) and Gender Transformative and Responsible Agribusiness Investments in Southeast Asia (GRAISEA), has announced the launch of the “Enabling Stronger Due Diligence in the ASEAN Financial Sector” policy brief. ...
Ry Sochan
Oxfam and Laudes Foundation launch initiative to promote inclusive social protection for apparel employees in Cambodia
Oxfam in Cambodia, with support from Laudes Foundation, has partnered with four well-established NGOs and trade unions to jointly implement an initiative called, Inclusive National Social Protection Initiatives that Respond to the Needs of Apparel Industry Employees (INSPIRE). ...
Khmer Times Staff
Oxfam, Sai team up on Mekong
Oxfam Cambodia has launched a new campaign, “Along the Mekong River with Sai”, to promote the importance of the river. Celebrity environment activist Uon Pakthom, a Cambodian singer and performer better known as Sai, was chosen by Oxfam as a Goodwill Ambassador to lead the ...
Long Kimmarita
National Social Protection Broadcasting Mechanism launched
Oxfam in collaboration with the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council (GS-NSPC), is developing a mechanism to broadcast information on social protection nationwide, which will also be capable of serving as an emergency broadcasting mechanism in the case of future pandemics, floods and ...
Khmer Times Staff
Kingdom cuts inequality, says Oxfam
Cambodia performs better at global commitment to reduce inequality, despite COVID-19, according to a report on Oxfam in Cambodia Policy. ...
Sok Chan
Host of groups call for scrapping the NGO law
More than a dozen international advocacy groups wrote to National Assembly President Heng Samrin asking him to withdraw a controversial draft law on NGOs and associations. ...
Chhay Channyda
A lending alternative to MFIs
Oxfam said it will expand its savings-led community-lending model in Cambodia as an alternative to traditional credit-based microfinance services, which it says are ineffective in reaching the Kingdom’s poorest. Oxfam’s Saving for Change project, which trains rural communities to form savings groups, now has $5 million ...
Charles Rollet
World Bank may be blind to harm of financial investments: Oxfam
The World Bank’s private sector arm may be doing more harm than good when it invests in private equity firms, banks and other financial intermediaries, global development group Oxfam said in a report on Wednesday. In one project indirectly sponsored by the bank’s International Finance Corporation ...
Anna Yukhananov
Cambodia launches No Pesticide Day campaign
A campaign for No Pesticide Day was held in eastern Cambodia’s Kratie province on Thursday with an appeal for relevant agencies to take part in the abolishment of the use of extremely dangerous pesticides. ...
Global Post News Staff
ANZ needs to step up its risk assessment: Oxfam
ANZ’s financing of ruling party senator Ly Yong Phat’s controversial sugar plantation has come under fire once again, this time in an investigation by NGO Oxfam into Australia’s big four banks and their links to rights abuses in developing countries. In a report titled “Banking on ...
Daniel de Carteret
Pepsi to buy only ‘clean’ sugar
Soft-drinks giant PepsiCo has pledged to take a “zero-tolerance” approach to land grabs by its sugar suppliers. In a statement posted on the company’s website on Tuesday, it said the move came in response to a campaign by Oxfam, which targeted Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. ...
Alice Cuddy
Coca-Cola Company confirms audit of Cambodian suppliers
The Coca-Cola Company on Thursday confirmed that it has sent a team to Cambodia to assess long-running allegations of land grabbing and forced evictions at the sugar cane plantations that help sweeten the global drinks giant’s sodas. The team’s visit follows the company’s pledge in November ...
Zsombor Peter
CAMBODIA UN Envoy Meets Activists Calling For Release of Detained Cambodians
The U.N. special envoy for human rights in Cambodia on Monday met with about 100 activists in the capital Phnom Penh who sought his help to gain the release of nearly two dozen people arrested during recent violent government crackdowns on striking factory workers. Envoy Surya ...
Radio Free Asia News Staff
Pepsi sugar draws ire
Investors in drinks giant PepsiCo have filed a shareholders resolution urging the company to account for alleged land-rights violations in Cambodia. The 14 shareholders – including Oxfam – are increasing the pressure on PepsiCo following Coca-Cola’s pledge earlier this month of “zero tolerance” towards land grabs. An ...
Daniel Pye
Coca-Cola To Probe Seven-Year-Old Cambodian Land Grab Case
Declaring that it has “zero tolerance” towards land grabbing, Coca-Cola has agreed to investigate a long running case in Cambodia where villagers are seeking court action against a company accused of seizing their land to make way for plantations linked to the supply of sugar ...
Eurasia Review News Staff
NCDM Lauds Flood Response, NGO Calls for Better Coordination
National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Vice President Nhim Vanda on Wednesday lauded the flood response work of the Cambodian Red Cross and government, at a workshop to discuss the country’s National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction where several participants focused on the lack ...
Matt Blomberg and Ben Sokhean
Land-titling process ‘urgent’, Oxfam says
Accelerating the mapping and titling of rural farmland should be an “urgent” priority of the government and civil society, particularly when it comes to protecting indigenous peoples’ and women’s rights, Oxfam representatives said yesterday. The remarks followed the release of an EU-funded survey of rural communities’ ...
Daniel Pye
Oxfam accuses Coke and Pepsi of taking land from the poor
Land covering an area the size of Italy has been taken from indigenous communities around the world by suppliers to the biggest names in the food and drinks industry, according to a major new report. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are among the companies criticised by Oxfam for ...
Jamie Merrill
Report Finds Disaster Committee Severely Lacking
The government’s National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) fails to meet regularly and is void of an annual budget to cover its operations while most of its staff members are totally unaware of their job description, according to a report released in March and funded ...
Denise Hruby
Striving to make finance accessible
Access to finance could reduce violence, empower the most vulnerable in society and improve the livelihoods of Cambodia’s poorest people, a conference on community-led funding heard on Wednesday. Sarah Sitts, country manager of the international NGO Pact, introduced the funding model of savings-led micro-finance (SLMF). In ...
Oxfam urges freeze of land investments
Global development group Oxfam on Wednesday called on the World Bank to suspend financing for large-scale land acquisitions to ensure that its practices do not encourage foreign land grabs in developing countries. Oxfam urged Jim Yong Kim, the lender’s new president, to announce a six-month moratorium ...
Flood-affected poor ‘drowning in debt’
The curse of Cambodia’s 2011 floods continues for those most affected, as they fall deeper into debt from unsustainable cyclical debt practices, a consortium of international NGOs said yesterday. The consortium of Care, Oxfam, Pact and Catholic Relief Services released the results of their January survey ...
Government looks at flood recovery ahead
The Agriculture Ministry is preparing to distribute rice seedlings in an effort to replace more than 220,000 hectares of rice paddy that has been destroyed by flooding. However, by the time floodwaters recede, there won’t be enough time left in the rainy season to replant ...
Coordination of flood aid questioned
As floodwaters across the country remain high after almost two weeks of flooding, tens of thousands of families are still waiting in unsanitary comnditions for emergency supplies such as food and water. But while help trickles down to affected communities, aid groups have begun to question ...