
Election Body Urged to Keep Gov’t Out of Politics

Nine non-governmental groups issued a statement late last week urging the country’s National Election Committee (NEC) to enforce laws that bar political parties from using state resources. “The NEC has to punish the politicians and parties who use the state resources,” said Yong Kim Eng, ...

Soldiers shoot villagers over land protest

Violence erupted yesterday in Kratie province’s Snuol district where six people were shot and injured when RCAF soldiers working for a rubber company opened fire on a crowd of villagers who were trying to stop the company from clearing land in the area, police and ...

Smuggled rosewood seized from soldiers

Forestry Administration officials yesterday said they confiscated 1.34 cubic meters of smuggled rosewood from RCAF soldiers even after a lieutenant colonel held a pistol to one of their heads in the hope of scaring them off. Tea Kimsoth, head of the administration’s Siem Reap cantonment, said ...

Villagers Complain as Land is Razed in Oddor Meanchey

A fleet of bulldozers owned by an unknown company and accompanied by armed RCAF soldiers began razing some 300 hectares of contested farmland in Oddor Meanchey’s Anlong Veng district yesterday, village representatives said. “There were four soldiers with RCAF uniforms and AK-47s and every bulldozer ...

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