Unit presses lawmaker over corruption claims
The head of the Anti-Corruption Unit has asked opposition lawmaker Real Camerin to submit documents detailing his income and expenses to clear himself of allegations that he embezzled most of the $55,000 he raised to fund trips to inspect Cambodia’s border. ...
Kuch Naren
Opposition lawmaker denies he embezzled border money
Opposition lawmaker Real Camerin has written to the Anti-Corruption Unit denying accusations that he embezzled the majority of $55,000 he allegedly raised to help pay for trips to inspect the border with Vietnam. ...
Aun Pheap
Border committee visits northern border posts
Secretary of state of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Long Visalo led a working group to a disputed area of the border with Vietnam in Tbong Khmum province yesterday, officials said. ...
Pav Suy
1,800 Cambodians barred from intruding into Vietnam’s territory
Vietnamese and Cambodian border authorities prevented about 1,800 Cambodian from illegally crossing the border into the southern Vietnamese province of Long An on Sunday, a senior border guard official has said. ... News Staff
Authorities in Svay Rieng won’t talk about thugs at border
Svay Rieng provincial authorities refused to take responsibility Monday for a group of thugs armed with wooden clubs who worked together with police and soldiers on Sunday to prevent a group of nationalist activists from visiting a post demarcating the eastern border with Vietnam. ...
Mech Dara
Cambodian opposition lawmakers lead supporters to revisit disputed border with Vietnam
Cambodian opposition lawmakers Real Camerin and Um Sam An led over 1,000 supporters Sunday to revisit disputed Cambodia-Vietnam border in Svay Rieng province, where they had scuffled with Vietnamese villagers last month. ...
Shanghai Daily News Staff
Opposition lawmaker to revisit Vietnamese border
Opposition lawmaker Real Camerin is set to revisit a contested area of the Cambodia-Vietnam border in Svay Rieng province on July 19, despite being injured during a brawl there last month. ...
Pav Suy
Cambodia, Vietnam to investigate border tensions
Border tensions between Vietnam and Cambodia are set to be investigated by a bilateral body, it was reported Saturday. The body was established in the wake of a skirmish involving a member of parliament, who was visiting the site of a border marker that is in ...
Lauren Crothers
Putting border issue on the map
The Cambodian government yesterday produced some of the maps it has been using to demarcate the eastern frontier, stressing that they match the constitutionally mandated map despite having been developed in Vietnam. At a press conference at the Council of Ministers, the government’s senior official on ...
Meas Sokchea
Vietnam condemns Cambodia border clash as dozens injured over military expansion protests
Vietnamese officials Wednesday condemned protests held by Cambodians near the two countries’ borders that led to clashes between Vietnamese authorities and civilians, leaving more than a dozen people injured. The protests are the latest development underscoring growing tensions at the shared border. ...
Michelle FlorCruz
Cambodia accuses opposition activists of creating insecurity along border with Vietnam
Cambodia’s Svay Rieng Provincial Administration has accused a group of opposition party led by a lawmaker of creating insecurity along border with Vietnam after the group scuffled with Vietnamese villagers over a disputed border area on Sunday. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
CNRP lawmakers clash at border
Two Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmakers, Um Sam An and Real Camerin, with the youth group got serious injured by the yesterday clash at Svay Rieng province, Cambodia-Vietnam border when they went to inspect the demarcation. ...
Va Sonyka
MP ‘injured’ at border
More than a dozen people were injured in a clash yesterday afternoon, when two opposition party lawmakers led some 200 Cambodians to inspect the Cambodia-Vietnam border in Svay Rieng province. Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmakers Real Camerin and Um Sam An yesterday led nearly 200 youths, ...
Meas Sokchea and Taing Vida
Court refuses to return charged officials’ effects
The Supreme Court yesterday ruled that phones, iPads and other possessions confiscated from six opposition lawmakers during the violent July 15 protest at Freedom Park would not yet be returned. Presiding judge Yos Sokhoeun said that the items could not be returned based on the ...
Kim Sarom
Release quickly follows deal
A jubilant crowd of opposition supporters burst into cheers yesterday afternoon as seven Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmakers-elect and one party activist were released on bail just hours after an announced rapprochement between the CNRP and the ruling Cambodian People’s Party. They walked free through exits ...
Joe Freeman
CNRP lawmaker-elect to visit contested area
An opposition lawmaker-elect pledged yesterday to visit an undemarcated section of the border in Svay Rieng province to investigate allegations that Cambodian farmers have been blocked by Vietnamese soldiers from using land they previously farmed for years without problem. Svay Rieng lawmaker-elect Real Camerin said that ...
Meas Sokchea
Kratie farmers offered land, but many remain defiant
A group of villagers who were evicted from Kratie province to make way for a Vietnamese rubber company were given a 750-hectare social land concession by the government Thursday, but many said they would hold out for a better offer. A letter signed by Kratie Governor ...
Sek Odom