Cambodia’s milled rice exports up 1.2 per cent in first nine months this year
Cambodia’s milled rice export hit 269,370 tonnes in the first nine months of 2014, up 1.2 per cent from 266,123 tonnes over the same period last year, according to latest official data. Seventy-seven companies have brokered Cambodian rice for 57 countries and regions around the world, ...
Far Eastern Agriculture News Staff
Cambodia's rice export sees slight increase in 9 months
Cambodia exported 269,370 tons of milled rice in the first nine months of 2014, up 1.2 percent from 266,123 tons over the same period last year, according to official data released Thursday. ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Cambodia focuses on its fragrant rice
Prior to 2013, Dom Dorn, a farmer in Phnom Sruoch district of Kampong Speu province, used oxen to farm his white-rice paddies; now, after just his second harvest of sowing phkarmalis (also known as jasmine or fragrant rice), he is using a kor yun, or ...