New Association seeks to improve rice market
Cambodian farmers are looking toward a new organization to help them get the best prices for their rice, but many are skeptical disparities between farmers and traders can be overcome. The Cambodian Rice Federation was started in May, bringing together disparate companies, associations and farmers in ...
Suy Heimkhemra
New rice body gets president
The newly formed Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), an organisation aimed at uniting the entire rice sector under one representative body, will be headed by Sok Puthyvuth, son of Deputy Prime Minister Sok An. Puthyvuth, who is also CEO of SOMA Group, a multifaceted business that includes ...
Chan Muyhong and Eddie Morton
Cambodian rice exports fall in Q1
As Thailand sells its rice reserves and reforms in Myanmar are rewarded with more access to markets abroad, Cambodia’s total exports of milled rice are on the decline, falling more than 10 per cent in the first quarter of this year compared with the same ...
May Kunmakara
Exporters of rice now subject to origin test
Stringent rules to prove that rice exported from Cambodia is actually from Cambodia will be detailed today, according to a copy of a joint agreement between the Ministry of Commerce and industry associations. The Code of Conduct seeks to reassure the European Union that rice is ...
Daniel de Carteret and Chan Muy Hong
Cambodia sees sharp rise in rice export in 10 months
Cambodia exported 294,150 tonnes of milled rice in the first 10 months of the year, a 101 percent rise from 146,200 tonnes over the same period last year, a government data showed Tuesday. The country’s milled rice has been sold to 57 countries and regions around ...
Cambodia focuses on its fragrant rice
Prior to 2013, Dom Dorn, a farmer in Phnom Sruoch district of Kampong Speu province, used oxen to farm his white-rice paddies; now, after just his second harvest of sowing phkarmalis (also known as jasmine or fragrant rice), he is using a kor yun, or ...
Rice federation started
A NEW [sic] organisation for rice exporters was launched in Cambodia this weekend in an effort to transform the industry as it seeks to meet ambitious export targets. The Federation of Cambodian Rice Exporters (FCRE) was inaugurated on Saturday, and says it will gain full authorization ...