
USAID announces partnerships to propel economic growth in Cambodia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced two new partnerships with private firms to co-invest in cold chain, agricultural storage capacity, and logistics in Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

USAID pledges continued development of Kingdom

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the continuation of its support for Cambodia’s socio-economic development after reaching the 10-year mark for its programme. USAID claims to have helped more than 230,000 Cambodian farmers and their families escape hunger and poverty. ...

Long Kimmarita

USAID-funded online export platform boosts Cambodian exports to MENA markets

The Cambodia Pepper and Spices Federation (CPSF) in collaboration with USAID-funded Feed the Future Cambodia Harvest II “Harvest II” launched on Monday the “Virtual Export Mission to the Middle East and North Africa”, a new digital export programme aiming to provide significant assistance and expertise ...

Khmer Times Staff

US announces more Covid aid

US ambassador to Cambodia Patrick Murphy said the Kingdom’s Ministry of Health has proven itself to be remarkably well-prepared for its mission to prevent the spread of Covid-19 since the earliest days of the pandemic, making it one of the leading countries in the region ...

Mom Kunthear

USAID funds anti-trafficking effort

The US embassy in Cambodia announced the launch of a five-year US Agency for International Development (USAID) programme that seeks to protect vulnerable populations from human trafficking abuses.   ...

Ry Sochan

On the right track to generating carbon credits

The 43 new sites identified by the Ministry of Environment and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Greening Prey Lang for the supply of carbon credits will bring positive environmental, community and biodiversity impacts to Cambodia besides having no deforestation and degradation of protected ...

Son Minea

USAID donates $4 million for Covid fight in Kingdom

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) on August 9 announced an additional $4 million in urgent Covid-19 assistance for Cambodia. ...

Nov Sivutha

Conservation Agriculture Service with a Fee (CASF) project to place private sector as player in agriculture development

The Minister of Agriculture stated that the CASF project aims to enable the private sector to play a role in the development of conservation agriculture in accordance with the principles of agroecology. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Forum to promote ‘Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in COVID-19 Era’

The National Bank of Cambodia has collaborated with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Pact Cambodia, Khmer Enterprise, Swisscontact and Good Return to organise the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Forum on “Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in COVID-19 Era”. ...

Sok Chan

U.S. provides $100,000 to support Cambodia’s flood response efforts

The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing $100,000 in immediate humanitarian aid to support response efforts to severe flooding in Cambodia, according to a news release of the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh. ...

Khmer Times Staff

USAID, gov’t to release report on Prey Lang

The Ministry of Environment and the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Greening Prey Lang Project are planning to release a report on the Prey Lang Extended Landscape. ...

Long Kimmarita

US training for rangers postponed

The Ministry of Environment said a standardised training programme for Cambodian rangers in collaboration with the US Department of State, US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Forest Service (USFS) has been postponed amid the Covid-19 pandemic. ...

Ry Sochan

$2 million grant to aid Kingdom’s labour relations and dispute resolution

The USAID and the Swedish Embassy today donated more than $2 million to the Arbitration Council Foundation to further enhance the Kingdom’s labour relations and dispute resolution services. ...

Taing Vida

$1M for women in politics project

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided more than $1 million to a Collective Action to Support Women’s Rights (CASWR) project to promote the leadership and engagement of women in politics. The CASWR initiative is a 32-month project designed to advance meaningful representation ...

Long Kimmarita

Project to connect buyers to local produce suppliers

USAID Cambodia officially launched its Feed the Future Cambodia Harvest II project yesterday, a five-year initiative that aims to promote commercial horticulture in four Cambodian provinces and help smallholder farmers gain access to markets, reducing the country’s high dependence on imported fruits and vegetables. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Job site seeks to curb dangerous migration

The NGO Open Institute has launched a new online service that aims to help Cambodian unskilled labourers find jobs within the country as part of an effort to discourage worker migration in hopes of reducing human trafficking. ...

Andrew Nachemson

Activists tell US to step up forest protection efforts

Conservationist Marcus Hardtke yesterday blasted USAID and Winrock for “four years of mismanagement” as the Forest Monitoring Working Group put out a call for “urgent action” from the American bodies. “They’re not addressing the core problem,” Hardtke said, adding that the two groups were ignoring the ...

Andrew Nachemson and Phak Seangly

USAID to consult public before next round of Prey Lang funding

The next round of USAID funding for protection of the Prey Lang forest will be preceded by a consultation process that environmentalists and experts studying the area are calling crucial. ...

Cristina Maza and Bun Sengkong

In bid to increase helmet use, campaign focuses on fines

With a new traffic law set to come into force next year, officials and NGOs Thursday announced an aggressive campaign to tell people that failing to wear a helmet while riding a motorbike will threaten their lives and their wallets. ...

Meghan Tribe and Khuon Narim

Mekong region gets satellite-data boost

The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, USAID and a range of participating organizations have launched a five-year initiative they hope will transform the way in which the government, organizations, universities and citizens use data for research and decision-making. ...

James Reddick

Labor rights council gets funding boost in Cambodia

A new three-year, U.S.-funded project to promote labor rights was launched Thursday afternoon at Cambodia’s independent labor dispute resolution body in Phnom Penh. ...

Erol Ersoy

Obama leaves with words of encouragement for girls

Following First Lady Michelle Obama’s three-day visit to Cambodia to promote her “Let Girl Learn” initiative, Cambodian officials say they hope for positive changes in girls’ education. Cambodia has nearly 1.5 million female students studying at primary and high schools, he said. But only 42 ...

Neou Vannarin

Ministry to curb orphanages

Minister for Social Affairs Vong Soth yesterday vowed to cut the amount of children in orphanages by 30 per cent within two years through a joint campaign with NGOs. Dubbed “Keep Families Together”, the initiative, backed by USAID, UNICEF and Friends International, will urge parents to ...

Sen David

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