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584 Records found for "jasa website seo【telegram∶@dremf】TUTU"

Four community fisheries in Kampot attended a training on business plan and digital literacy

On 17 May 2024, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) organized a full-day training in Tuek Chhou district, Kampot province, attended by 24 participants, including six women who lead or run businesses from four community fisheries and tourism communities: Trapeang Sangke, Kampong Samaki, Prek Tnaot, and Trapeang ...

Joint workshop on SERVIR and climate services support activity in Cambodia

On 20 February 2018, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and The Asia Foundation (TAF) have organized a joint workshop on “SERVIR and climate services support activity in Cambodia” at Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh, funded by the Chemonics International. The purpose of this workshop is to share ...

ODC attracted local people in Mondulkiri to join a training on business and digital literacy

On 25 February 2024, Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) organized a comprehensive training session as part of the project “Strengthening Informal Economies and SMEs in Cambodia through Open Data and Digital Literacy,” funded by the Center of International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The training took place ...

Representatives from diverse businesses in Siem Reap attended ODC’s training on business and digital literacy

On 11 June 2024, Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) conducted a full-day training session in Siem Reap city, Siem Reap province, for the project “Strengthening Informal Economies and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Cambodia through Open Data and Digital Literacy,” funded by the Center ...

Budget and public procurement

National budget on uptrendIn the last three years, Cambodia’s national budget has seen significant growth of around US$ 1.6 billion, from US$ 3.4 billion in 20141 to US$ 5 billion in 2017.2 This is an average annual increase of almost 14%. The increase can be ...

ICT4D Cambodia Network workshop

The increasing utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools has had a huge impact on the livelihood of Cambodian people in what is often called the “Industrial Revolution 4.0”. Recognizing the inevitable evolution toward digital change, the Cambodian government has been preparing to digitalize ...

Extractive industries

Extractive industries include mining and mineral sectors, natural gas and oil exploration, petroleum refineries, and quarrying for construction resources such as sand, stone, and gravel. Cambodia’s extractive resources have gone largely untapped, while these resources are geographically identifiable. French and Chinese geologists have been indicated ...


The COVID-19 pandemic has hit global and Cambodia’s economies hard, having a spillover on the stability of the banking system. Banks and financial institutions have continued to provide services to customers, which can be seen through the rise in the number of depositors’ accounts to ...

Kalyan: I would like to share my experience working from home to be effective during the Coronavirus infection

I am a member of Open Development Cambodia who working as a Data research and GIS coordinator. Generally, you all can see the maps and plenty of data via opendevcam.net. Right now, in the world we are in a fight of our lives against the ...

Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC)

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is pleased to announce that we will take part in the implementation of the Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project after receiving a 5-year cooperative agreement as an ISAC sub-awardee. ISAC is a five-year (2019-2024) project funded by the ...

ODC hosted a training program on “Data Literacy for Journalists” for Cambodian journalists

Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with Internews, organized a training program on “Data Literacy for Journalists” that brought together 11 journalists, of whom 2 are female, from Cambodia’s capital and provinces. The training program is part of the Innovation for Social Accountability (ISAC) project ...

Science and technology education and promotion

Cambodia recognizes the important role of science and technology in the 21st century and aims to transform and integrate technology into its human resources through the education sector. Various policies and strategies are implemented to achieve the goal such as Policy guidelines for New Generation ...

Open Data Day 2021: Data in time of COVID-19

On 06 March 2021, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the ICT Community celebrated international Open Data Day by conducting a half-day event with the theme of “Data in Time of COVID-19.” The event was live on ODC’s official Facebook page for the online public.The event ...

Virtual workshop on commune/sangkat citizen budget template to commune and district officials in Ou Chrov and Malai district

In collaboration with STAR Kampuchea, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted and facilitated a virtual workshop on commune/sangkat citizen budget template to commune and district officials in Ou Chrov and Malai district in the morning of the 12th and 14th of July, 2021 respectively. This workshop ...

Primary school budget

The Implementation Plan for the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF) aims to empower local citizens, enhance local authorities’ accountability and improve the relationship between local service providers and citizens. 193The project is implemented under four main components:access to information and open budgetscitizen monitoringfacilitation and capacity buildinglearning ...

Workshop 2: Data-driven journalism

You have found an interesting topic to write about? Support your article with data! To learn more about data-driven journalism Open Development Cambodia, in cooperation with Cambodian Center for Independent Media, hosted the second two-day workshop for journalists and journalism students on May 24-25 2018. ...

Off-shore oil and gas exploration and extraction

For the purposes of oil and gas exploration, six Offshore Blocks (A–F) have been set out. Significant finds of oil have been made in Block A, but no oil has yet been extracted. ...

Celebrating the World Statistics Day 2020!

October 20th 2020 marks the third World Statistics Day, a day that brings together communities around the globe to celebrate and reiterate the importance of statistics. Through its Resolution 69/282, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly established the celebration of The World Statistics Day every ...


[[“\u178f\u17bd\u17a2\u1784\u17d2\u1782″,”\u1787\u17c6\u1793\u17b6\u1789/\u1782\u17c4\u179b\u1794\u17c6\u178e\u1784″,”Website”,”\u17a0\u17d2\u179c\u17c1\u179f\u1794\u17bb\u1780″],[“Pact“,”Pact \u1795\u17d2\u178f\u17c4\u178f\u179b\u17be\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u1796\u1784\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u1784\u1797\u17b6\u1796\u17a2\u1784\u17cb\u17a2\u17b6\u1785\u179a\u1794\u179f\u17cb\u179f\u17d2\u178f\u17d2\u179a\u17b8 \u1780\u17b6\u179a\u1785\u17d2\u1793\u17c3\u1794\u17d2\u179a\u178c\u17b7\u178f \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u17a2\u1797\u17b7\u179c\u178c\u17d2\u178d\u179f\u1798\u178f\u17d2\u1790\u1797\u17b6\u1796\u1780\u17d2\u1793\u17bb\u1784\u179c\u17b7\u179f\u17d0\u1799\u1795\u17d2\u179f\u17c1\u1784\u17d7\u17d4″,””,”\u178f\u17c6\u178e\u200b\u1797\u17d2\u1787\u17b6\u1794\u17cb\u200b“],[“Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN)“,”Global Entrepreneurship Network 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