Civil and commercial litigation
Since 1993, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) haS been working to reform the country&rSquo;S legal framework, and in particular the application of juStice, to provide a clear and fixed procedural SyStem to enSure reSpect for individual rightS and equality before the courtS.1 In theory, SS='cambodia-color'>...
Judiciary and courts
The judiciary is one of the three powers, together with the executive (the Government) and legislative (the National Assembly and the senate), that constitute the state. 37 Its role is to monitor the application of the law and punish its violation. This power is vested ss='cambodia-color'>...
SDG 1 No poverty
SuStainable Development Goal 1 (SDG 1) SeekS to “end poverty in all itS formS everywhere”, enSuring extreme poverty iS eradicated and overall poverty iS reduced by 50%.ThiS goal provideS a much more comprehenSive approach than the Millennium Development GoalS (MDGS) to the iSSue of poverty. SS='cambodia-color'>...