
Agricultural policy and administration

Results of agriculture census out

The Ministry of Planning is to release today preliminary results of Cambodia’s first agricultural industry census, which promises to provide the biggest ever snapshot of the key sector. According to a press release issued yesterday by the ministry, the census’ preliminary results will include the number ...

Hor Kimsay

Hun Sen again stresses need to develop irrigation systems

Prime Minister Hun Sen used a speech at a food security seminar Monday to once again stress the need for Cambodia to develop modern irrigation facilities to better exploit the land and meet growing food requirements. Speaking from his office building in Phnom Penh, Mr. Hun ...

Hul Reaksmey

Quality control to lift exports

China will work with Cambodian officials to broaden the range of agricultural products that the Asian economic giant allows to be imported from the Kingdom, government officials said yesterday. Ken Ratha, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, confirmed that China’s General Administration, Quality Supervision, Inspection and ...

Chan Muyhong

China signs 100,000-tonne rice import agreement

The Chinese government-run China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO) will today formally agree to import 100,000 tonnes of rice from Cambodia, local officials say. Representatives from COFCO and Green Trade Co, a Cambodian government-owned agriculture firm, today met in Beijing to sign the agreement, ...

Chan Muyhong

Gov’t lifts farming ban on K Thom floodplains

The Council of Ministers has granted farmers in Kompong Thom province permission to start farming on the floodplains of the Tonle Sap lake in an area previously off limits and home to flooded forests that provide a critical fish breeding habitat. The Council of Ministers’ notice, ...

Khy Sovuthy

ANZ hit by controversy in Cambodia

ANZ is facing calls for compensation over its funding of a Cambodian sugar mill linked to child labour, forced evictions and land grabs. Media reports on Monday said hundreds of Cambodian farmers had called on the bank to provide compensation for the land they lost due ...

Georgia Wilkins

Cassava farmers plead for gov’t help

Cassava farmers are calling on the government to standardise prices and help stabilise demand as the market for the root crop continues to prove risky for growers. Cassava exports totalled 226,000 tonnes in the first six months of the year, down 21 per cent from a ...

Chan Muyhong

Cambodia rice exporters hope to clinch philippines rice import deal

Cambodian rice exporters are keen on winning the Philippines government’s latest rice import tender for 500,000 tons of 25% broken white rice slated for August 27, 2014, according to local sources. ...

Oryza News Staff

Cambodia ready for rice bid

Cambodia will join the bidding for the Philippine government’s latest rice import offer, a senior rice industry official says. The Philippine government’s National Food Authority (NFA) last week authorised the import of 500,000 tonnes of rice to the country. The bidding process, which is looking for the ...

Chan Muyhong

Heavy falls may mean improved rice harvest

Rainfall over the weekend, which caused flooding in 13 provinces, could improve crop yields for rice growers, provincial authorities say. Agricultural departments in Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, Kampong Thom and Battambang provinces – some of the worst hit on the weekend – all said water was ...

Hor Kimsay

Government rolls out new agriculture policy

The Ministry of Agriculture on Tuesday released a draft policy to strengthen the agriculture sector by educating farmers on how to gain greater access to markets and increase their productivity by using sustainable farming methods. The Agriculture Extension Policy, drafted in cooperation with USAID, aims to ...

Kang Sothear and George Styllis

Cambodia's rubber exports up 91 pct in H1

Cambodia has seen a 91 percent rise in dry rubber exports in the first half of 2014 as revenue from the exports increased only 3 percent due to global decline of rubber prices. During the January-June period this year, the country exported 42,190 tons of dry ...

ASEAN-China Center News Staff

China pledges to buy 100,000 tons of rice from Cambodia

A Chinese company is preparing a memorandum of understanding with Ministry of Commerce (MOC) pledging to buy 100,000 tons of rice from Cambodia, according to Sun Chanthol, Minister of Commerce. The intention was made clear during a meeting between the Minister of Commerce and Song Xiaoguo, ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Illegal fishing battle heats up

When authorities in Kampong Chhnang province on Friday encountered and pursued the boat of alleged illegal fisherman Chieb Ou, they couldn’t have expected to find themselves being chased instead. But that’s precisely what happened when, rather than surrendering, the 42-year-old suspect turned his boat towards the ...

Sen David

Italy demands ‘fairer’ rice deal

Italy has demanded that the European Union restrict Cambodia’s duty-free import status, as concerns over the survival of that country’s rice sector appear to be reaching a fever pitch. According to rice industry website Oryza, the Italian government has officially submitted a request to the EU ...

Eddie Morton

New Association seeks to improve rice market

Cambodian farmers are looking toward a new organization to help them get the best prices for their rice, but many are skeptical disparities between farmers and traders can be overcome. The Cambodian Rice Federation was started in May, bringing together disparate companies, associations and farmers in ...

Suy Heimkhemra

Cambodia must to strengthen its agriculture

Cambodia has accelerated its agricultural growth dramatically over the last several years, but agricultural sector in this developing country still depends on its neighboring countries. What are the reasons behind this dependence? During these past years, many businessmen, both foreign and local, are investing a large ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Land concession woes aired

Village representatives in Ratanakkiri yesterday shared their land grievances with the European Union ambassador, requesting he relay to the government their appeal that no further 99-year land concessions be granted to private companies. Although the Post was not permitted to attend the full two-hour meeting, NGOs present at ...

Phak Seangly

Italy millers slam ‘unfair’ EBA

Cambodia duty-free rice exports to the European Union have this week come under fresh attack from producers in Italy, who say the beneficial treatment is restricting the potential of Italian rice exports. An Italian agriculture collective of farmers, which includes representatives from the Italian Association of ...

Daniel de Carteret

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