Ministries and other national bodies
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Tractors prove steady sellers
Tractor sales continued to grow last year, driven by a shortage of labour in the agricultural sector and farmer cooperatives increasingly pooling their resources to buy farm equipment to serve their members. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Sesame exports on the rise, official says
The Kingdom exported 9,379.29 tons of sesame last year, according to a report from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, with Vietnam buying the lion’s share. ...
Sum Manet
Institutional reforms or leadership change?
A Cabinet reshuffle is expected this year after Prime Minister Hun Sen warned that if there were no quick and effective reforms, several cabinet ministers would be removed. The Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Agriculture have been rated as the lowest performers, but other ...
Chheang Vannarith
Revised rubber export tax scheme criticised
Rubber producers said yesterday the government’s decision to amend the export tax scheme on natural rubber fell short of expectations and would do little to stem the losses of farmers as rubber prices hover near a six-year low. ...
Sor Chandara
Bodies swap control over ELCs, preserves
Authority over economic land concessions (ELCs) currently under the purview of the Ministry of Environment will be transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, while all protected areas and nature preserves currently under the Ministry of Agriculture will pass to the Ministry of Environment, according to ...
Niem Chheng
Fire season brings warning from ministry
As the Kingdom moves into the heart of the dry season, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries has issued a set of guidelines on the prevention of forest fires, stressing that jail is in the cards for those starting blazes. ...
Bun Sengkong and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon
Forestry crimes decrease by 9 percent in 2015, report says
Forestry crimes fell by around 9 percent last year compared to 2014, according to an annual report released by the Ministry of Agriculture on Friday. ...
Khuon Narim
Gov’t: illegal fishing on rise
Police officials at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said cases of illegal fishing continued to rise last year, when almost 4,000 illegal fishing offenses were stopped and 181 were sent to court. ...
Ban Sokrith
Ministry says arsenic levels in rice 'no problem'
The Ministry of Agriculture has played down the results of a study that found high levels of arsenic in some samples of locally grown rice. ...
Jack Davies
PM gives ministers an 'F', lashes out at illegal logging task force
Prime Minister Hun Sen unleashed a tirade against underperforming government officials in a pair of speeches yesterday – musing aloud about reshuffling his Council of Ministers and wondering why rockets had not yet been deployed in the Kingdom’s recent “crackdown” on illegal logging. ...
Mech Dara, Lay Samean and Pech Sotheary
Veggie farming to trim kingdom’s import bill
Government officials, economists and businesses discussed the implementation of a draft program to invigorate vegetable farming in the Kingdom and cut imports from neighbouring countries in half by 2018. ...
Ayanna Runcie
Departments of Forestry and Fisheries to decentralize
The Ministry of Agriculture’s departments of Forestry and Fisheries will be placed under the control of the provincial agricultural administrations, according to an official letter released by Agricultural Minister Ouk Rabun on Monday. The move is part of an effort to decentralize government responsibilities and ...
Ven Rathavong
Company denies responsibility in chicken deaths
The cause of death of more than 11,000 diseased broiler chickens found dumped in a canal in Kompong Thom province last month has been identified as an infectious virus transmittable to humans, according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s animal health department. ...
Khy Sovuthy and Taylor O'Connell
Fishery manual to aid export potential
A trade facilitation manual aimed at increasing the size of Cambodia’s seafood products will be ready by April and looks to help producers and exporters improve their export readiness and take advantage of ASEAN integration. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Slight decline in rice production in 2015
Rice production declined slightly in 2015 due to drought in some areas, according to estimates from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, but officials say this will not affect domestic supply or exports. ...
Sum Manet
Fish harvest likely to rise: official
The volume of fish harvested from the Tonle Sap Lake is likely to rise in the fishing season that starts today due to better weather conditions, a senior official from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry told Khmer Times yesterday. ...
May Kunmakara
A fresh water dolphin found dead in Kratie
A freshwater Mekong dolphin was found dead yesterday morning on a river bank Prek Prosob district, Kratie province, where only only about 80 Mekong dolphins remain, according to officials. ...
Chea Vannak
More than 2,000 ducks dead after latest bird flu outbreak
More than 2,000 ducks have died from the H5N1 bird flu in Siem Reap and Battambang provinces since Thursday in the first outbreak of the virus since March 2014, according to officials and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) on Tuesday. ...
Sek Odom
Law on animal health at the finish line
A draft law seven years in the making to regulate and standardize the Kingdom’s animal health regulations is on the verge of reaching parliament after getting approval from the Council of Ministers on Friday. ...
James Reddick
With little support, farmers at the mercy of the weather
Most years the rice fields outside Battambang are an unbroken sea of electric green, but this year they look more like a patchwork quilt. Some paddies are a healthy green, but others are a sickly yellow, while others are little more than empty, muddy fields ...
Jonathan Cox
Minister promises further drops in poverty, hunger rates
Cambodia will continue to see reductions in poverty, hunger and malnutrition as it continues to prioritize development of the agricultural industry, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ouk Rabun said on Friday at an event to mark World Food Day in Kandal Province. ...
Sok Chan
Environment ministry ends ELC assessments
The Environment Ministry has reduced the terms of six economic land concessions (ELCs) to 50 years from between 70 and 90 years after seven of eight carbon credit investment projects were revoked. ...
Chea Vannak
Cambodia declines invitation to join regional rubber cartel
Cambodia has declined to join the world’s largest rubber production group, the International Tripartite Rubber Council (ITRC), because there is no benefit in doing so now, a senior official and an industry executive say. ...
May Kunmakara
Hun Sen warns on Rains, Rice
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday expressed concern about agricultural productivity in the rainy season, as the rains so far this year have been worryingly scarce. ...
Chea Vannak