Hun Sen admires education reforms
Prime Minister Hun Sen admired the ministry of education for doing good job at education reforming during the national exam in the last two years. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
UK doesn’t have requested maps: Cameron
British Prime Minister David Cameron has written to Prime Minister Hun Sen informing him that his government does not have copies of a map of Cambodia’s border with Vietnam that Mr. Hun Sen requested from him last month. ...
Kuch Naren
Repeat test takers learn to manage expectations
Nam Meng Ang, 18, had little confidence in his ability to pass the grade 12 national exam this year—which determines which students get to enter university—having failed last year’s test, and the retake offered several weeks later. ...
Aun Chhengpor and Janelle Retka
Drug users arrested in raid sent to rehab
The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Tuesday charged just 11 of the 88 people arrested on Friday during a sweeping raid of a drug-riddled ghetto in Sen Sok district’s Toek Thla commune, sending the remaining 77 to the city’s Orkas Knhom drug rehabilitation center, police ...
Khy Sovuthy
ACU to push for law to protect whistleblowers
In May, the government said it was prepared to pass a law that would provide long-overdue protections to whistleblowers in Cambodia, but the officials responsible for drafting the law have been suffering from a bad case of writer’s block. ...
Jonathan Cox
Police show off Marijuana haul, smugglers
Three members of an alleged international drug syndicate and more than 1 ton of marijuana they are accused of importing from Laos were on Tuesday paraded before reporters during a press conference at the National Police headquarters in Phnom Penh. ...
Khy Sovuthy and Mech Dara
State of the art high school to serve former scavengers
The Education Ministry on Tuesday oversaw the groundbreaking of a $4 million high school that will be built on land that was once the municipal dump in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district. ...
Matt Blomberg
Viet Nam, Cambodia boost religious ties
Viet Nam and Cambodia, at a high-ranking meeting in Phnom Penh yesterday, agreed to co-operate further to implement the co-operation agreements they signed in the field of religion and belief. Dung said the implementation of bilateral agreements signed in February this year would help to ...
Viet Nam News Staff
NBTC signs MoU with Cambodia regulator
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia. The deal involves information exchange and collaboration in many aspects. The move also aims to further strengthen ties between the telecom regulators. ...
The Nation News Staff
UK found three Cambodia’s maps
The Cambodia’s three found-maps by UK in the British Library were published by Services Geographique de l’Indochine are the maps printed in between 1933 and 1953. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Cambodian secretary of state of commerce chaired the CLMV meeting in Malaysia
The Seventh Cambodia – Lao PDR – Myanmar – Viet Nam (CLMV) Economic Ministers’ Meeting (EMM) was held on 25 August 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, according to ASEAN secretariat’s press release.The Meeting was chaired by H.E. Mr. Pan Sorasak, Secretary of State for Commerce, ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Opposition not convinced of legitimacy of border maps
The Cambodian government will return 18 map sections to the UN, but opposition officials say they still doubt the legitimacy of maps used in marking the border with Vietnam. ...
Neou Vannarin
Cambodian observers hope for improved US-China ties
With China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, heading to the United States next month for talks with President Barack Obama, Cambodian observers say their country would benefit from improved relations between the two powers. ...
Ros Puthineat
Hun Sen thanks UN for maps; opposition CNRP not satisfied
Prime Minister Hun Sen thanked the U.N. on Sunday for providing maps that he said prove that the government had upheld the law in its work demarcating the country’s border with Vietnam. ...
Kuch Naren
Gov’t and NGOs join to settle land dispute
Environment Minister Say Sam Al and a group of NGOs on Monday agreed to cooperate to resolve a years long dispute between hundreds of families in Koh Kong province and a Chinese company they accuse of stealing their land. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Prime Minister Hun Sen: We need unity for strengthening the economy
Prime Minister Hun Sen called for the Royal Government officials in charge of hospitality service to pay high attention to fasten procedure and work effectively with private sectors to improve the country’s economy. ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
‘Bored’ of advice of the West, Hun Sen praises his own leadership
Prime Minister Hun Sen addressed a dinner of powerful businessmen Saturday night, claiming he could be a “professor” to Western leaders, who are beginning to bore him with their advice. ...
Hul Reaksmey
Japan charts road to industrialization for Mekong region
Japan and the five Southeast Asian countries bordering the Mekong River adopted a blueprint Monday to boost industrialization in the subregion. It aims to boost the combined gross domestic product of the grouping to $4.7 trillion by 2020. ASEAN’s combined GDP is currently estimated at ...
The Japan Times News Staff
Police seize over two tons of Marijuana in Phnom Penh
Police seized more than 2 tons of marijuana in Phnom Penh on Friday evening and later arrested four suspected drug dealers, police said Sunday. ...
Ouch Sony
Hun Sen takes one last shot at Todd
Boasting of his more than 30 years’ ruling Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Saturday that he could teach a thing or two to the West about running a country while managing demands for change.The premier, who is Southeast Asia’s longest-serving current leader, recalled ...
Meas Sokchea
Hun Sen surpasses 1 million likes
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Facebook page surpassed 1 million likes yesterday, earning him a spot in the country’s top 10 most-liked pages on Cambodia’s most popular social network. ...
Jonathan Cox
One job is enough, Interior Ministry tells workers
The Ministry of Interior has sent a stern warning to its officials found to be collecting salaries from other organisations, including private sector actors: stick to your day job. ...
May Titthara
Prayers, blessings replace cheat sheets
Prayers, blessings and visits to shrines have replaced cheat notes in this year’s Grade 12 exam. ...
Pav Suy
Garment tool makers size up Cambodia
Industrial technology companies from across Asia expect garment manufacturers to turn to mechanization as a way to supplement human labor power in Cambodia. ...
Igor Kossov and Srey Kumneth