Labor arbitration

Arbitration Council in session, Cambodia. Photo by ILO (Asia and the Pacific), took on 8 June 2012. Licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 GenericThe Arbitration Council was established by the 1997 Labor Law. However, the Arbitration Council just opened its doors to serve employers, employees, workers and ...
Labor policy and administration

Children working with bricks, Cambodia. Photo by Sodanie Chea, take on 6 June 2013. Licensed under CC BY 2.0Cambodia has a total population of slightly over 15 million, most of whom are under the age of 30. An estimated 250,000 people enter the job market ...

Garment workers waiting in line to get food. Photo by International Labour Organisation, taken on 14 July 2015. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.Cambodia has the highest labor force participation rate in the Southeast Asia/Pacific region, with 82.7 percent of the working population aged 16-64 employed ...