
Employers snub talks over wages

Management at Ocean Garment factory yesterday flouted a Ministry of Labour invitation to sit at the negotiating table with employees protesting the factory’s refusal to abide by an Arbitration Council decision in their favour. ...

Mom Kunthear

Opposition supporters rally at Prey Sar prison to ask for the release of five lawmakers

About 100 CNRP activists and supporters gathered Thursday at Prey Sar prison to put pressure for the release of five opposition lawmakers and another supporter who are under detention. Policemen were seen guarding around the Prey Sar prison to prevent the protesters from approaching the site, ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Shoe factory workers strike for seven demands

About 1,000 workers from the Sun Well Shoes factory went on strike for the second day running Wednesday, appealing for wage benefits and better safety equipment. Half of the striking workers protested in front of the factory on Veng Sreng Street in Pur Senchey district on ...

Ben Sokhean

City hall calls out Cintri’s rubbish collecting efforts—again

Phnom Penh governor Pa Socheatvong on Monday slammed municipal waste disposal company Cintri for its poor performance in collecting the city’s garbage after a strike by trash collectors last week once again left the streets a mess. Cintri’s trash collectors ended their second strike of the ...

Ben Sokhean

After factory ignores ruling, garment workers to march

Employees of the Ocean Garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Pur Senchey district continued to protest Monday against management’s decision to ignore an Arbitration Council ruling on owed wages. Cheng Chhorn, secretary general of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers, said the workers will march to ...

Sek Odom

Concern for children as Cambodian workers begin to flood back

Cambodian workers are migrating back to Thailand en-masse following a mass exodus last month in the wake of the coup. This movement has sparked safety concerns for young children travelling alongside their parents, says World Vision, one of the world’s largest aid agencies. “Our staff working ...

The Nation News Staff

Migrants told to get permits

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday called on all undocumented Cambodians in Thailand to register for a legal work permit at one of that country’s newly opened one-stop service centres. Thailand’s junta began piloting the latest temporary registration centres at the end of June and ...

Sen David

Arbitrator ready to hear cases

More than a year after it was established, the National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC), Cambodia’s first third-party dispute resolution body, is finally ready to take on its first case. During its first annual assembly in Phnom Penh on Friday, the NCAC confirmed that it had finalised ...

Chan Muyhong

Global brands linked to latest shamed garment factory

Italian sportswear brand Kappa and U.S.-based retail giant Walmart apparently source clothing from the latest addition to the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) list of low-compliance factories, according to a union leader at the factory who provided the branded tags from the clothing her members cut ...

Sun Heng and Holly Robertson

Coup reorients relations with Cambodia

Thailand’s military coup has reoriented Thai-Cambodian relations with surprising effects. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s overt enmity and confrontation towards Thailand over the past several years have become conciliatory and accommodating for the time being. Whether this new pattern of bilateral ties is solidified depends ...

Thitinan Pongsudhirak

Garment factory donates rice to workers

Grand Twins International (Cambodia), a manufacturer for U.S. athletic apparel brands, donated 80 tons of jasmine rice to about 6,000 workers at its factory in Phnom Penh’s Pur Senchey district on Thursday. Grand Twins officials could not be reached for comment, but local media reported ...

Hul Reaksmey

Thais detain ‘large number’

A large group of Cambodian migrants were rounded up and detained in a Bangkok prison at the end of May, where many still remain, Thai officials told the Post yesterday. Separate unconfirmed reports that at least 130 Cambodians had been in detention for more than a month emerged ...

Alice Cuddy and Kevin Ponniah

Workers protest after factory ignores arbitrator

About 400 workers protested and burned tires outside the Ocean Garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Pur Senchey district on Thursday after the factory failed to follow an Arbitration Council ruling from Wednesday to give the workers $120 each in furlough pay since the factory suspended ...

Sek Odom

Factory wage rallies heat up

More than 1,000 workers held a demonstration in front of Ocean Garment factory in the capital yesterday, burning tyres and blocking the road in protest against the management’s refusal to abide by a ruling that workers be paid in full for a one-month closure. On May ...

Mom Kunthear

Cambodia Should Produce More Quality Human Resources, Rather Than Quantity

Cambodia has more labour forces than the jobs created every year. Hence, some students who have just graduated from the university can’t find jobs; they need some time to get jobs. Some young people have to sell their labour abroad. Despite the surplus of labour ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Raid on house finds 84 workers

Before dawn yesterday, Thai military officials raided a house not far from the border, finding dozens of undocumented Cambodian workers crammed into a room awaiting transportation deeper into the country. The 84 workers were woken, taken into military custody and deported, but the brokers who had ...

Cheang Sokha and Laignee Barron

FTU trio held at factory by rivals in union clash

Workers aligned with the Collective Union of Movement of Workers locked three officials from the Free Trade Union inside the Ocean Garment factory in Phnom Penh for eight hours Tuesday after the two unions argued over who would represent workers in a wage dispute. Ocean’s approximately ...

Sek Odom

Concern for children as migrants return to Thailand

In the wake of a mass exodus of Cambodian migrant workers from Thailand last month, World Vision says that an alarming number of children have found themselves lost and separated from their parents at the border. In a statement released Tuesday, the organization also said many ...

Lauren Crothers and Phorn Bopha

Strike divides Cintri workers

While Phnom Penh’s garbage truck drivers returned to work yesterday following a brief strike, piles of refuse continued to mount in parts of the city, as trash collectors who had joined the drivers’ cause were continuing the strike alone as of 7pm. On Monday, drivers of ...

Pech Sotheary and Alice Cuddy

Cambodian workers are allowed to return for work

Employers, who wish to have Cambodian workers return to work after they left Thailand hurriedly, due to personal anxiety based on rumors, can relay their requests to Suphanburi Provincial Employment Office. ...

National News Bureau of Thailand

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