Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Industry and Handicraft

Cambodia calls for green industry development

Cambodia is encouraging green industry development in order to minimize impact on environment and reduce emission of greenhouse gas, Minister of Industry and Handicraft Cham Prasidh said Monday. Speaking at the Green Industry Seminar, Prasidh said currently industry has seen rapid growth but contributed to increasing ...

ASEAN China Centre News Staff

Friends in high places

A Chinese developer with a “family-like” relationship to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s bodyguard unit has accelerated construction at its $5 billion resort – ostensibly cancelled by royal decree in 2010 – in a protected national park in Preah Sihanouk province. The 3,300-hectare Golden Silver Gulf resort ...

Daniel Pye and May Titthara

MTZ to supply $5.3m worth of tractor knock-down kits to Cambodia

Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ trademark) has signed a contract on the delivery of tractor knock-down kits worth $5,359.4 billion to Cambodia in 2014, BelTA learnt from the company. The construction of the assembly plant, Belarus Mekong, has been completed. The opening ceremony is slated for 26-28 ...

BelTA News Staff

Registration of SMEs given to new Handicrafts Ministry

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday provided an indication of the role that will be played by the new Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts, which was created late last year, announcing it will hold the sole responsibility for registering small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The government ...

Hul Reaksmey and Alex​​ Devine

CPP Parliament Approves Ministry Split, Ministers Unclear

The CPP-dominated National Assembly on Wednesday approved a law that will see the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy split into two separate ministries, but has yet to decide who will head the new bodies. The CPP’s 68 lawmakers unanimously passed a measure that will see ...

Kuch Naren

CPP lawmakers vote to create new ministries

Lawmakers from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party yesterday unanimously voted to pass legislation which will create three new government ministries. Sixty-six CPP representatives voted to create a Ministry of Public Function, which will oversee the affairs of civil servants. The MPs also followed through on a floated ...

Vong Sokheng

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