Suy Sem Set for Reinstatement as Minister of Mines and Energy

The National Assembly will vote this month to decide whether the ruling CPP’s recently removed Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, Suy Sem, will be appointed as the new Minister of Mines and Energy, CPP lawmaker Chheang Vun said Friday. Mr. Sem’s return to his old, but newly-renamed, ministry would mean that former Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh is now the new Minister of Industry and Handicrafts. “The government has renominated Suy Sem for the Ministry of Mines and Energy and nominated Cham Prasidh for the minister of Handicrafts and Industry,” Mr. Vun said Friday. The Assembly’s Permanent Committee approved the agenda for a meeting to be held on December 20, when the fate of the two proposed ministers will be voted on. “A number of other secretaries of state were moved and appointed for some ministries such as tourism, and we will also vote on December 20 for His Excellency Uch Kim An, the Cambodian ambassador to France, to [move to] a new position as a minister to the delegation of the prime minister,” Mr. Vun said. Cambodia’s current representative to Unesco in Paris, Nouth Narang, will become the new ambassador to France.

Kuch Naren