
First step to fundamentals of QGIS workshop with ODC

For the first time, Open Development Cambodia hosted a workshop on fundamentals of QGIS for the public. The workshop about the principle of the geographic information system with the application of QGIS software took place between ...

Open Data Day 2018: Open contracting for sustainable development

From Cape Town to Helsinki, between Wellington and Sao Paulo: Some 400 events took place during this year’s Open Data Day. Of course, Open Development Cambodia was part of the global event. For the Cambodian edition of the annual celebration of the international open data, ...

A collaborative training workshop for citizen journalists on ‘News report writing on public service delivery’

Open Development Cambodia in collaboration with the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) hosted a two-day training workshop in Siem Reap. On 28 February and 1 March, 16 citizen journalists from across the country learned to write stories covering public services in their communities. ODC ...

Open Data Day 2018: You are invited again!

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in collaboration with Open Data Communities, Open Data Activists, Open Source Enthusiast and Educator, representative of the Advocate for Free Culture & Open Knowledge in Cambodia and CSOs in both national and international, the organizer team members team is enthusiastic ...

Joint workshop on SERVIR and climate services support activity in Cambodia

On 20 February 2018, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and The Asia Foundation (TAF) have organized a joint workshop on “SERVIR and climate services support activity in Cambodia” at Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh, funded by the Chemonics International. The purpose of this workshop is to share ...

Meeting on collaboration between ODC and NCDD

On 26 January 2018, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team joint a meeting with the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) at Ministry of Interior to discuss the possible collaboration between ODC and NCDD. ODC team was warmly welcomed by H.E. Cheam Pe A, Director of the Monitoring and ...

ODC joins consultation workshop on verification result of reviewed forestry and protected area laws

On​ 16​ January​ 2018,​ Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ is​ invited​ to​ participate​ in​ the​ consultation​ workshop​ on​ verification​ result​ of​ reviewed​ Forestry​ and​ Protected​ laws​ at​ Himawari​ hotel.​ This​ workshop​ is​ attended​ by​ 24​ international​ and​ national​ non-governmental​ organizations​ representatives,​ technical​ officers​ from​ Ministry​ of​ Environment​ ...

ODC team join the field visit on the​​ Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF)

On 08 December 2017, STAR Kampuchea invited ODC to join the field visit on the​​ Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF) for Sub-national Democratic Development (SNDD) of the Social Accountability Steering Committee, organized at Prey Korky commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province. There are ...

ODC joins 11th National Conference on “Governance of Land and Natural Resources”

On​ 06​ December​ 2017,​ Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ is​ invited​ to​ join​ the​ 11th National Conference on “Governance on Land and Natural Resources”,​ co-organized​ by​ 61 Civil Society Organizations​ at​ the​ Tonlebasac 2 Restaurant, Phnom Penh.​ This​ national conference​ brings​ about 290 participants from representatives of Ministry of ...

ODC joins "Digital​ Agriculture​ Forum"

On​ 06​ December​ 2017,​ Open​ Development​ Cambodia​ is​ invited​ to​ join​ the​ Digital​ Agriculture​ Forum,​ hosted​ by​ USAID​ at​ the​ Himawari​ Hotel​ in​ Phnom​ Penh.​ This​ forum​ brings​ together​ members​ of​ USAID,​ partner​ organizations,​ implementing​ partners,​ research​ institutes,​ and​ the​ private​ sector​ to​ share​ experiences​ ...

ODC annual staff reflection 2017

From 25-29 November 2017, after the BarCamp event at Battambang province, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team has continued to Siem Reap province to celebrate Annual Staff Reflection 2017. On the first and second days of the Annual Staff Reflection, ODC team spent two whole days ...

Workshop on ODC website and information on access to public services​

On 23 November 2017 at the office of Open Development Cambodia (ODC), Phnom Penh, ODC team has organized a workshop on “ODC Website and Information on Access to Public Services”, funded by Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), under a project theme of “Public Awareness of ...

​Workshop on ODC website and information on access to public services with local authority, NCDD and NGOs

On 31 October 2017, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has organized a workshop on “ODC Website and Information on Access to Public Services” at Tonle Bassac II Restaurant, Phnom Penh, funded by Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), under a project theme of “Public Awareness of and ...

Stakeholders meeting on social land concession profile page

On 30 October 2017 Open Development Cambodia (ODC) cooperated with Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has organized a Stakeholder Workshop on “Social Land Concession Profile Page” at Tonle Bassac II Resturant. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss and input ...

ODC participated in Barcamp ASEAN 2017

Barcamp ASEAN 2017 took place on October 21-22, at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The principle of the camp is to bring and gathers together the participants in Cambodia and the regional for the open exchange of knowledge, skills, and experiences on how ...

​Workshop on ODC website and information on access to public services in Kratie province

On 18 October 2017, the ODC team ended the week with an exciting workshop under a project theme of “Public Awareness of and Engagement in Government Service Delivery” funded by Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (SPIDER), at Mekong Dolphin Hotel in Kratie province. ...

Thanks for joining us at Mekong ICT Camp 2017

Appreciation letter,The 5th Mekong ICT Camp 2017 “Cross-border Collaboration with DATA” Dear Campers,It was an honor to have you in attendance. We understand that you have many obligations, and we appreciate you taking time from your busy schedules to join us. On behalf of the ...

Mekong ICT Camp 2017: Calculates CO2 emission per participant and award project prototypes

Calculating​ CO2​ emission​ per​ participant​ to​ remind​ them​ about​ environmental​ responsibility​ and​ Seed​ Grant​ announcement​ for​ development​ project​ prototypes​ are​ some​ highlights​ for​ the​ very​ first​ day​ of​ Mekong​ ICT​ 2017.Try​ to​ offset​ CO2​ emissionParticipants​ from​ Mekong​ countries​ including​ 15​ members​ from​ Cambodia,​ 12​ from​ ...

ODC participated in Barcamp Angkor

Barcamp Angkor 2017 took place on September 09-10, at Build Bright University, in Siem Reap province. The principle of the camp is to empower young Cambodian minds with speakers sharing their entrepreneurial, tech or digital experiences. Attendees will still have the ability to speak directly ...

Days before the Mekong ICT Camp 2017

On the 01 September 2017, ODC team and our volunteer team were on their way heading to Siem Reap province to prepare the Mekong ICT Camp​ while many participants were on their ways to the Camp too. The Camp was organized at the Sokha Siem Reap ...

Volunteers’ First Impressions of Mekong ICT Camp 2017 in Cambodia

Mekong ICT Camp is a week-long regional hands-on workshop, aiming to equip participants with skills and tools to adapt various technologies to solve prevailing social and environment issues and to promote technology for social innovation and social change. There is an opportunity for the exchange ...

Stakeholders meeting on social land concession project

On 28 August 2017, ODC team presented ODC’s draft Social Land Concession (SCL) dataset and SLC map layer page to the stakeholders meeting on Social Land Concession Project, at ODC office.The objectives of meeting is to:Consult with the stakeholders for feedback on the design of ...

Happy Birthday to ODC!

ODC is six years old today! But age is just a number and everyone goes through it, ODC is a whole lot more than just numbers. We are growing each and every day. On this special occasion, ODC team learnt how to use Google Search ...

Mekong ICT Camp 2017

Mekong ICT Camp is a bi-annual sub-regional workshop on innovation, citizenship, and technology. In a week-long series of activities, it brings stakeholders in the region to learn together how it possible to adapt different technologies to tackle the social and environmental issues in their own ...

The launching event of the improving the delivery of public services through ICT project

In morning of 28 July 2017, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) cooperated with STAR Kampuchea (SK) and Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM), organized a launching event on project of "Improving the Delivery of Public Service through ICT " to target stakeholders at Romeas Haek district, ...

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Do you have resources that could help expand the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website? We will review any map data, laws, articles, and documents that we do not yet have and see if we can implement them into our site. Please make sure the resources are in the public domain or fall under a Creative Commons license.

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