Agriculture sector has seen its share of empty promises

The promises of Chinese agro-industrial investment have been recurrent: Hyped up by local officials and media outlets, with photographs of handshakes and earnest negotiation posted across social media, major deals are announced between government ministries and visiting delegations. ...

Agriculture sector has seen its share of empty promises Cheng Sokhorng

Cambodia’s citric acid exports prompt investigation in Europe

The European Commission has announced it is investigating the potential laundering of Chinese shipments of citric acid through Cambodia, allowing Chinese manufacturers to flout export restrictions. The European Commission (EC) imposed duties on Chinese citric acid in early 2015 after determining that the chemical was being ...

Robin Spiess and Cheng Sokhorng

Chinese market widening for Cambodian exports

Cofco, China’s largest food processor, manufacturer and trader, will set up a working group in the kingdom to explore the possibilities available in the local agricultural market, including expanding the number of products it imports from Cambodia and investing in local infrastructure. ...

Sok Chan

Biological pest control agents given green light by government

Cambodia has just launched a new registry for companies that wish to import biological control agents (BCA), effectively allowing the importation of these organisms which are widely used in other countries for pest control.​ ...

Sok Chan

Sesan dam gets land concession

The government has reclassified 32,305 hectares of public land in Stung Treng province’s Sesan district to provide an economic land concession for the Lower Sesan II dam. According to a sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on November 17, the land covers part of ...

May Titthara

EU firm sets plan for local rubber factory

Socfin Cambodia, the local branch of a Europe-based international rubber producing company that currently operates a 7,500-hectare rubber plantation in Mondulkiri, has announced plans to open the doors to its first rubber factory next April, with an initial investment of $5.7 million, a company executive ...

Hor Kimsay

Farmers seek government help

A group of farmers and NGOs asked the government to help small-scale farmers at the 7th National Farmer Forum held at Chenla Theatre in Phnom Penh yesterday. The main issues raised were that of water supplies, capital funding, and export of products. The farmers also said ...

Pech Sotheary

Government fails to recoup on rubber expenses

Despite a 31 percent increase in Cambodian rubber exports during the first 11 months of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture is failing to recoup on expenses it has spent sending expert technicians into the field in order to help boost production. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

New forum to tackle problems in rice sector

Next month the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) will hold the sixth edition of the Cambodia Rice Forum, bringing major stakeholders in the sector together to discuss the future of the local rice industry and create a joint effort to ramp up production and exports. ...

Sum Manet

EU countries move to limit rice imports from Cambodia

Italy, along with six other European Union countries, has filed a fresh request to European Commission to limit the volume of rice imported from the Kingdom by activating a “safeguard clause” that allows EU member states to impose barriers to protect against trade imbalances. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Meat producers told to shape up

The government will not consider further reductions of import quotas for live pigs, nor will it ban imports of the livestock, a high-ranking official at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) recently said, adding that companies in the meat industry should rethink their ...

Sok Chan

Local officials given power to issue ag origin certificates

In a bid to decentralise the certificates of origin (COs) process to help promote international exports and ease cross-border trade, the Ministry of Commerce launched a pilot project yesterday that allows officials in the provinces of Battambang and Pailin to directly issue certification. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Illegal imports hogging local market for pigs, say farmers

Cambodian pig farmers are facing a mounting crisis as the price of pigs has continued to plummet, with many blaming local officials for allowing Vietnam to illegally import pigs across the border, representatives from a farmers association said at a press conference yesterday. ...

Hor Kimsay

Vietnam to scoop up more Cambodian cashews

Vietnam, a major buyer of the Cambodian cashew nut, has unveiled a plan to purchase cashews in even greater volumes during next year’s harvest season, giving hope to farmers who rely on selling their crops at good prices from February through May. ...

Hor Kimsay

Agriculture players discuss insurance

Officials in the agriculture sector yesterday called on relevant stakeholders to scale up initiatives for crop insurance schemes to help Cambodian farmers mitigate the risks of having their fields destroyed by flooding and drought. ...

Hor Kimsay

South Korea set to import mangoes

South Korea wants to host more migrant workers and increase agricultural imports from Cambodia, including mangoes, a meeting between the outgoing ambassador and National Assembly president Heng Samrin revealed yesterday. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Confirel wins sweet honour

Cambodian-based specialty food producer Confirel won first prize for its Thnot Organic Sugar at the 15th Asean Food Conference in Ho Chi Minh City yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

HAGL goes bananas with fruit exports

Vietnamese conglomerate Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL) has shipped a total of over 9,000 tonnes of Cambodian bananas destined for the Chinese market since the firm first started exporting in July, a company representative said. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Amru, Thai firm sign cassava agreement

Amru, Cambodia’s leading rice miller and exporter, on Friday signed a deal with Thai Starch Company to supply 8,000 tonnes of fresh organic tapioca and the first exports will be in early 2019. ...

Sok Chan

Rice sector optimistic as harvest wraps on Rumduol

Rice farmers and millers are confident that the price for premium fragrant paddy will continue to increase over the next two weeks as the annual harvest season for Phka Rumduol wraps up. However, farmers complain that they are still facing long-standing problems that could see ...

Cheng Sokhorng

High times for Kampot pepper

The Kampot Pepper Promotion Association exported 60 tonnes of Kampot pepper during the first nine months of 2017 and aims to reach 80 tonnes by the end of the year. ...

Chea Vannak

Bangladesh rice deal shelved

Cambodia has failed to finalise the terms of a massive 250,000-tonne delivery of rice to Bangladesh, with industry insiders claiming that shipments have been cancelled as millers do not currently have the stockpiles to meet export demand while hopes for further negotiations appear to be ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Battambang facility soon to start drying rice

A massive centralised rice drying facility in Battambang province being developed by Thaneakea Srov (Kampuchea) Plc will soon be operational, while its adjacent rice storage operations are on track to be completed early next year, the CEO of the company said yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

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