Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Economy and Finance

As two prisons are built, use of funds is questioned

Samraong City, Oddar Meanchey province – In December, Kuy Bunsorn, director-general of the General Department of Prisons (GDP), announced that ground would be broken on two new prisons in Pailin and Oddar Meanchey provinces to alleviate chronic overcrowding. Mr. Bunsorn said that the Ministry of Finance ...

Lauren Crothers and Ouch Sony

Amid overcrowding, inmates build new prison

Even within the country’s notoriously overcrowded prison system, inmates in this northern province live in particularly harsh conditions. Approximately 120 prisoners, including 16 women and three children, are held in four cells in the Oddar Meanchey provincial police headquarters. “In one cell we keep 20 or more ...

Lauren Crothers and Ouch Sony

Corrupt ghosts to be caught

The Anti-Corruption Unit announced campaign Friday to clean up ghost names from the lists, according to president of the unit Oum Yingtieng. Tieng said that the campaign called ‘catch corrupt ghosts’ would be launched next week. ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Protesting families demand answers from ADB

Phnom Penh families who face losing a part of their land to a railway rehabilitation project being funded primarily by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) protested in front of the bank’s country headquarters Monday over what they say has been a lack of transparency about ...

Aun Pheap and Zsombor Peter

Media agencies warned about gambling ads

The Ministry of Information last week warned media organizations not to publish or broadcast advertisements from gambling outlets unless they have permission from the government to do so, according to a ministry notice obtained Tuesday. “The ministry previously advised [media outlets] to stop all types ...

Hul Reaksmey

Vendors see justice in arrest

The Friday arrest of a local businesswoman who holds the municipal contract to collect parking and stall fees from markets citywide on breach of trust charges came as no surprise to many vendors, aggrieved by what they say are her unfair business practices. Cheav Vibol, deputy ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Ministry sets official Tuol Sleng ticket price

Although foreigners have long paid a fee to enter Phnom Penh’s Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts has announced that the days of apparently free entry to the notorious Khmer Rouge prison are finished and the charge will now be ...

Kuch Naren

Cambodia revising gambling laws to attract investment

The Cambodian government is in the process of amending its gaming laws in a bid to draw major casino operators, industry sources have confirmed to GGRAsia. Earlier on Tuesday, the Phnom Penh Post reported that the new draft of the national casino law could be finalised ...

GGRAsia News Staff

Gambling on change

The Cambodian government is drafting a series of changes to the Kingdom’s gaming laws in a bid to draw major players from Macau and the US to the market and potentially create a new tax base from the growing, if currently illegal, online betting industry, ...

Eddie Morton

GTI price drops on day one

After a five-month IPO process steeped in anticipation, Grand Twins International ended its first day on the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) with results many observers found disappointing. GTI shares opened yesterday’s session at 9,700 riel ($2.41), with a ceremonial bell ringing at the CSX’s head office. ...

Eddie Morton

Thai gamblers drop after coup

The number of Thai visitors crossing the border to place bets at Cambodian casinos has fallen since that country’s military staged a coup late last month. Kim Ledaro, managing director of Crown Resorts Co, which operates three Crown-branded casino resorts in Bantey Meanchey province’s Poipet town, ...

Chan Muyhong

Insurance law reform under way

The Council of Ministers last week approved a raft of changes to the country’s insurance laws, a move that industry insiders hope will better reflect the sector’s current state. The draft law, which was prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, has an additional 14 ...

Hor Kimsay

Questions over spending plan

The Council of Ministers on Friday approved a new five-year National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) – the guiding policy document used by the government – requiring an estimated $26.58 billion in spending and investment, or more than $5.3 billion a year, until 2018. The plan ...

May Kunmakara and Kevin Ponniah

Economic official in K Cham Hit and run

A car belonging to Ly Thida, the director of the Kompong Cham provincial department of economy and finance, was involved in a fatal hit-and-run collision Thursday in the province’s Choeung Prey district, a police official said. District deputy police chief Cheang Se said two people were ...

Hay Pisey

Government spending, foreign aid up in 2013

Government spending increased 32 per cent last year, while increases in both domestic revenue and foreign aid helped stabilise Cambodia’s budget deficit, according to budget statements from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The consolidated financial records, which were released on May 8, show Cambodia’s ...

Eddie Morton

Customs agreement gets green light at NA

The National Assembly approved changes to the country’s customs law yesterday, in order to comply with Association of Southeast Asian Nations intergration standards. The changes demand border operations increase human resources, reduce paperwork and modernise procedures in order to simplify border exchange and facilitate trade between ...

May Kunmakara

Standard forms aim for public bid transparency

The Ministry of Economy and Finance on Monday announced the release of standardised bidding forms for public contracts, a measure it said would increase transparency and accountability, though the opposition and Transparency International Cambodia offered more cautious assessments yesterday. According to a state media announcement, the ...

Stuart White

For Union Leader on Run, Militant Attitude Prevails

Tax revenue increased 9.5 percent to $353.46 million in the first quarter of the year, compared to the same period last year, according to a statement released Friday by the Ministry of Finance’s general department of taxation. Kong Vibol, general director of the taxation department, said ...

Hul Reaksmey

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