
EU timber deal in firing line

A committee of more than 20 national and international organisations filed a petition to the EU on October 10 to prevent it from signing a timber trade agreement with Vietnam, noting that the deal would be disastrous to the Kingdom’s forests. The petition claims Vietnamese ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Cambodia calls EU trade threat 'extreme injustice'

Cambodia’s foreign ministry on Thursday said a decision by the European Union to ramp up trade pressure on the country over human rights concerns was an “extreme injustice”, adding it risked destroying decades of development in the country. ...


Tokyo goes it alone in support of Myanmar and Cambodia

Japan is digging in deeper in support of Myanmar and Cambodia even as the U.S. and Europe ramp up criticism of human rights violations, choosing to preserve its influence in the region by playing an alternative to China’s economic might. ...

Saki Hayashi

Minimum wage for 2019 set to be decided

Garment and textile factory workers are set for an increase in the minimum wage for 2019. The Labour Advisory Committee will decide on Friday how much the figure will rise by after a trilateral meeting on Thursday failed to come to an agreement. With no ...

Kong Meta

Free buses to province planned

The Phnom Penh municipal government has announced a plan to provide limited free bus services along national roads during the Pchum Benh week. The plan will see 120 buses deployed to “ease people’s travels during the holiday”, the capital’s City Hall said in a statement. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Government to pay LIDA workers

The Labour Ministry will pay money to 257 garment workers today from the LIDA factory in Phnom Penh who rallied multiple times over missing wages after their employer fled. A ministry press release yesterday advised the workers to get the cash at the company’s office ...

Sen David

Prey Lang Community Network seeks government intervention

The Prey Lang Community Network today submitted a report to the Environment Ministry accusing local authorities in the province of colluding with businessmen to illegally cut trees in protected forests. ...

Khuon Narim

Advocacy group raises questions about Cambodia's gold imports

Cambodia imported about $15 billion worth of gold during five years from Singapore, according to government statistics compiled by nongovernmental organization Mother Nature Cambodia — a figure so large, corruption monitor groups say it raises alarms about potential financial crimes, particularly smuggling. ...

David Boyle and Malis Tum

Waste production continues to rise

The Ministries of Environment and Tourism have reiterated calls for factories, restaurants and markets to properly handle waste disposal as the amount produced in the Kingdom continues to grow.   ...

Pech Sotheary

Rice seeds to be distributed to flood victims this weekend

The Agriculture Ministry will distribute about 3,000 tonnes of rice seeds to the farmers affected by floods across the Kingdom, an official said yesterday. Ngin Chhay, director general of the ministry’s general agriculture department, said the ministry has prepared about 3,000 tonnes of rice seeds ...

Ven Rathavong

Defence Ministry to ‘add new blood’ to Kingdom’s military

The Ministry of National Defence is set to add new blood into the Kingdom’s armed forces, with its military academy starting a new round of enrollment and recruitment to fill nearly 700 vacancies. While the ministry said the recruitment is meant to protect the Kingdom’s ...

Mech Dara

Sihanoukville tourism First half of 2018 sees 1.3M visitors

The Preah Sihanouk provincial Department of Tourism says Preah Sihanouk province received more than 1.3 million tourists during the first semester of this year. Of this, over one million were domestic tourists and 290,782 foreign, with Chinese accounting for 84,664 – up 10.12 per cent ...

Hin Pisei

Cambodians advised to delay Indonesia travel

The Cambodian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, has issued a warning to all citizens planning to travel to the quake- and tsunami-hit region of Indonesia. The embassy urged “all Cambodians with no urgency to visit the disaster-hit area in Central Sulawesi province to suspend their travel ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Smart, ministries offer scholarships

Smart Axiata in collaboration with the ministries of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), and Posts and Telecommunication (MPTC), signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tuesday to “develop future talents and digital corporate leaders”. As part of this, 20 scholarships will be offered to ...

Voun Dara

Sanctuary chief accused of ‘collusion’

The Koh Kong provincial joint committee will continue its probe into the Dang Paeng Multipurpose Protected Sanctuary after social media posts alleged that mangrove forestland had been cleared in the area with the collusion of sanctuary officials. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Companies concerned over bi-weekly pay directive

Private companies have expressed concern regarding a Labour Ministry directive requiring them to pay employees twice per month and provide seniority indemnity annually. ...

Khy Sovuthy

More than 4,000 border crimes foiled this year

The Defence Ministry prevented more than 4,000 border crimes so far this year and has pledged to continue cooperating with neighbouring countries to fight crime. A report posted yesterday by ministry spokesman General Chhum Sucheat on his Facebook page said that the Royal Cambodian Armed ...

Ven Rathavong

Mondulkiri governor tackles logging

Mondulkiri provincial Governor Svay Sam Eang led a taskforce to inspect private companies operating nearby protected forests on Sunday in the wake of being criticised by Interior Minister Sar Kheng for failing to curb illegal logging. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Environment Minister pledges to eradicate illegal wildlife trade

The government has vowed to combat the illegal wildlife trade and cooperate with foreign countries to conserve the Kingdom’s natural resources. Environment Minister Say Samal made the commitment during a wildlife awareness event with British Ambassador Tina Redshaw at her residence in Phnom Penh on ...

Khy Sovuthy

NEC begins updating voter list

The National Election Committee yesterday commenced the 18-day voter registration period to update the country’s voter list. Nuth Sokhom, an NEC official, said during a meeting at the NEC headquarters that the election body will carry out its voter registration from October 1 to 18 ...

Khuon Narim

City Hall launches five new bus routes

City Hall yesterday launched five new city bus routes using buses provided by the Japanese government. The Japanese agreed to provide 100 buses and 60 have already been delivered with 20 more arriving today. The rest will be delivered later this year. ...

Mom Kunthear

Heavy trucks banned amid Koh Kong roadwork

Koh kong provincial authorities have announced a plan to temporarily ban heavy trucks from travelling on National Road 48, while it’s being repaired by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. According to the ministry’s assessment, about 22.26 per cent of the road or around ...

Voun Dara

Cambodian-Czech mining co-op

Cambodian and Czech Republic officials agreed on Monday to set up a working coalition to boost cooperation in the mining sector and facilitate the exchange of information, said a Cambodian Ministry of Mines and Energy spokesman on Monday. ...

Hor Kimsay

Hun Sen denounces protectionism at UN

Speaking at the United Nations’ latest gathering, recently re-elected Prime Minister Hun Sen on Saturday raised concerns over protectionist practices by key economies. ...

May Kunmakara

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