Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Thailand and Cambodia under talk on avoidance of double taxation for their investors, Thai Ambassador says

Thailand and Cambodia are negotiating on the avoidance of double taxation for investors from each other’s side. Thai Ambassador to Phnom Penh Nuttavudh Photisaro told Radio Thailand reporters that if the negotiation is successful, it will save both Thai and Cambodian investors from paying taxes twice. ...

NNT News Staff

Cambodia to commence talks over 2016 wage hike for garment sector next month

Cambodia will begin to discuss the annual increase of monthly minimum wage for the garment and footwear industry for 2016 in July, according to a Labor Ministry’ s statement issued late Friday. ...

Xinhua team

Finance ministry sets forth rough plans for 2016 budget

The Ministry of Finance unveiled its strategic plan for next year’s budget during a forum Tuesday at the ministry in Phnom Penh, placing a focus on increasing state revenue, ramping up industrial productivity and spreading the benefits of economic expansion. ...

Kang Sothear

Interior ministry publicizes official price list to combat bribery

The ministers of interior and finance last month signed off on a document announcing official prices for basic government services such as the production of ID cards and passports in order to combat irregular fee collection, according to a copy of the document released Saturday. ...

Aun Pheap

Prime Minister announces hefty raises for ruling party staffers

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday called on his ruling party to give its staffers a base salary on par with the country’s lowest paid teachers plus 30 percent, roughly matching the raises teachers, nurses, police and soldiers will be seeing this year. ...

Hul Reaksmey

Cambodia's tax revenues from casinos up 12 pct last year

Cambodia earned tax revenue of over 25 million U.S. dollars from casino industry in 2014, up 12 percent year-on-year, a local Cambodian Television Network (CTN) reported Monday, citing a senior finance official. ...

The Cambodia Herald​ News Staff

Customs official’s son involved in club shooting

The son of a high-ranking customs official was involved in a shooting incident at the Rock nightclub in Phnom Penh’s Chamkar Mon district early Sunday morning that left one man injured, according to police. ...

Saing Soenthrith

Teachers push ministry over nixed scholarship

More than 400 teachers who took part in an eight-month teaching course at the National Institute of Education (NIE) are demanding the government pay them scholarship funds that were initially promised only to be later axed over cost concerns. In a petition sent yesterday to the ...

Sen David and Sarah Taguiam

Unofficial lenders flock to the NBC seeking to be registered

More than 100 unofficial lenders have flooded into the National Bank of Cambodia seeking formal registration after the authorities announced a crackdown earlier this month on unrecognised operators. In a joint declaration from the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the NBC on February 2, officials ...

Chan Muyhong

Unofficial lenders flock to the NBC seeking to be registered

More than 100 unofficial lenders have flooded into the National Bank of Cambodia seeking formal registration after the authorities announced a crackdown earlier this month on unrecognised operators. In a joint declaration from the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the NBC on February 2, officials ...

Chan Muyhong

Cambodia launches code of banking practices

The National Bank of Cambodia ( NBC), which is the regulator of the banking and finance industry, promulgated the Code of Banking Practices on Monday with an aim of further building confidence of the public in the industry, officials said. The sector had received a ...

Shanghai Daily News Staff

Unlicensed lenders called out

Officials have released a public statement warning against a rise in unlicensed lenders they say are dangerously operating outside of Cambodian regulations and threatening financial stability. In a joint declaration from the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the National Bank of Cambodia on Monday, authorities ...

Hor Kimsay

Salary cut off for absenteeism

One month after the government announced a systemic crackdown on ghost workers, the Ministry of Education suspended a Sihanoukville administrator for alleged absenteeism, according to a copy of the disciplinary letter. Minister of Education Hang Chuon Naron said the suspension was decided on following complaints ...

Chhay Channyda

Details still murky for 2015 budget

A request for more information about the proposed $3.75 billon national budget has been denied and the bill will now likely pass through the National Assembly next week relatively unchanged, opposition lawmaker Son Chhay said yesterday. ...

Shane Worrell

Donors meet over new civil servant per diems

Cambodia’s international donors met Tuesday to decide whether they will comply with the government’s recent move to increase the per diem that civil servants receive for attending work-related, out-of-office events. In July, Prime Minister Hun Sen signed off on a sub-decree raising the Daily Subsistence Allowance ...

Paula Brito

Assembly’s finance commission requests more details on budget

The National Assembly’s banking and finance commission met Monday to discuss the proposed $3.8-billion budget for 2015, with lawmakers from both parliamentary parties agreeing that more specific details are needed before they can evaluate the plan, according to the commission’s deputy chairman, Son Chhay. Mr. Chhay, ...

Alex Willemyns and Hul Reaksmey

Finance commission to discuss 2015 budget

The National Assembly’s mixed-party commission on finance will meet Monday to begin discussing the 2015 draft budget, its deputy chairman said Sunday. CNRP chief whip Son Chhay said the CPP-chaired committee would meet this morning to discuss the $3.8 billion budget and plan a meeting with ...

Alex Willemyns

Two ministries anticipate budget increase

The ministers of education and health said Monday they expect an 18 and 15 percent increase to their ministries’ budgets, respectively, in the draft 2015 national budget signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday. ...

Hul Reaksmey and Chris Mueller

Tax regulation gets a shake up

In an effort to centralise tax registrations and improve taxpayer accountability, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) this month passed a raft of changes to the country’s tax registration regulations. Prakas 1139, issued by the MoEF on October 9, states that all legal entities including ...

Eddie Morton

Cambodian gov't approves 3.92 bln USD for 2015's expenditure

The Cambodian government on Friday approved around 3.92 billion U.S. dollars for the country’ s expenditure in 2015, up 10.8 percent year-on-year, according to a press statement released after a weekly cabinet meeting. ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Hun Sen says civil servants to get tax break

Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Thursday that civil servants making less than 800,000 riel, or about $200, a month will be exempt from paying income taxes, just days after the Finance Ministry sent a very different message to the country’s garment workers. ...

Hul Reaksmey

Cambodian king appoints new chief for customs and excise department

The Finance Ministry’s general department of customs and excise is getting a new boss after the long-serving general department chief Pen Siman retires, according to a royal decree released to the media Tuesday. ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Cambodia plans to allow locals in national casinos

The government of Cambodia is considering to allow local citizens to gamble in casinos. Currently, only foreigners are allowed to gamble in the country’s local casinos. According to an official from Cambodia’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, the government is considering to lift the restrictions on local residents, since ...

Jason Glatzer

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