Ministries and other national bodies
Ministry of Mines and Energy
Government-formed land dispute committee suspected of bias
The Kompong Chhnang provincial government has set up a new committee to help settle a long-running land dispute between local farmers and a company owned by the wife of Mines and Energy Minister Suy Sem, but a representative of the villagers has not been invited ...
Kuch Naren
Areng project changes hands again
Sinohydro Corporation has taken over the concession to build the Stung Cheay Areng dam in Koh Kong province and is preparing for the early stages of construction, according to a company representative and government officials. Ith Prang, secretary of state at the Ministry of Mines and ...
Chhay Channyda and Daniel Pye
Mirach Energy updates on upstream operations in Cambodia, Indonesia
Mirach Energy Limited disclosed Friday that its associate company CPHL (Cambodia) has submitted the final draft of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) for Cambodia offshore Block D to the country’s Ministry of Mine and Energy’s unit Cambodian National Petroleum Authority (CNPA) for approval. ...
Rigzone News Staff
No oil for up to five years: Cambodian government
It will be years before oil starts to be produced by energy giant Chevron’s offshore site in the Gulf of Thailand, a senior Cambodian official said yesterday. Meng Saktheara, secretary of state at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, said that negotiations over taxation have continued ...
Daniel de Carteret
China's Huaneng takes majority stake in Se San River II hydro project, Cambodia
China Huaneng Group has successfully completed the acquisition of a majority 51% stake in Cambodia Se San River II Hydropower Co., Ltd. The acquisition was completed last month in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. ...
Water Power and Dam Construction News Staff
Almost half of Cambodian households have access to electricity
Cambodia’s electricity sector made notable progress in 2013 in terms of its sources, connection lines, and supplies, according to the Cambodian Electricity Authority. There was an increasing usage of 4297 million Kwh or 22 per cent in 2013 from 3527 million Kwh in 2012, according to ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
Chinese-built dam in Cambodia starts testing operation
The Lower Russei Chrum River hydroelectric dam, which is the Cambodia’s largest hydropower plant, has begun testing operation after it has been constructed for three and a half years, a company’s official said on Saturday. The 338-megawatt hydropower dam, situated in the jungle in Mondol Sima ...
Want China Times News Staff
Cambodia new ministry on oil, gas
Cambodian lawmakers on Friday endorsed the setting up of a new ministry specifically in charge of mines and energy, in the hope that oil and gas production will finally get under way in the next couple of years. The new Ministry of Mines and Energy will ...
Bangkok Post News Staff
CPP Parliament Approves Two Ministers, 2014 Budget
CPP lawmakers including Prime Minister Hun Sen unanimously voted Friday for their party members, Suy Sem and Cham Prasidh, to become heads of the newly created Ministry of Mines and Energy, and the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts, respectively. The 67 ruling-party parliamentarians present also approved ...
Kuch Naren
Suy Sem Set for Reinstatement as Minister of Mines and Energy
The National Assembly will vote this month to decide whether the ruling CPP’s recently removed Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, Suy Sem, will be appointed as the new Minister of Mines and Energy, CPP lawmaker Chheang Vun said Friday. Mr. Sem’s return to his old, ...
Kuch Naren
Villagers fight mining venture
Nearly 70 representatives from 278 families in Preah Vihear’s Rovieng district are seeking intervention after a national mining company began drilling on their farmland last week, locals said yesterday. According to villager Yean Bunchan, 47, representatives from a company based in Kandal province called T P ...
Phak Seangly
CPP Parliament Approves Ministry Split, Ministers Unclear
The CPP-dominated National Assembly on Wednesday approved a law that will see the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy split into two separate ministries, but has yet to decide who will head the new bodies. The CPP’s 68 lawmakers unanimously passed a measure that will see ...
Kuch Naren
CPP lawmakers vote to create new ministries
Lawmakers from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party yesterday unanimously voted to pass legislation which will create three new government ministries. Sixty-six CPP representatives voted to create a Ministry of Public Function, which will oversee the affairs of civil servants. The MPs also followed through on a floated ...
Vong Sokheng