
Integration a priority

When deciding what aspects of their economies to prioritise to grow their economies, ASEAN’s less developed countries, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV), should look to the organisation’s oldest members (the ASEAN-6) for guidance, according to a joint statement following the fourth CLMV Economics Ministers’ ...

More Effort Needed for Asean Unity, Hun Sen Says

Countries in the region need to move faster to reduce the economic gaps between Asean nations if they are to successfully integrate and establish the Asean Economic Community by 2015, Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday. Speaking at the 44th Asean Economic Ministers’ Meeting in Siem ...

Fretting 'ASEAN-alisatinon'

The vision regional leaders have for an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015 may become clearer after this week’s Economic Ministers meeting in Siem Reap, but not everyone has a rose-coloured view of what such integration might mean for Cambodia. Students who have not mastered the ...

Cambodia: Rich-poor gap hinders ASEAN integration

Southeast Asian nations must redouble efforts to bridge development gaps which threaten the region’s efforts to create an EU-style single market, Cambodia’s prime minister said Monday. Building an ASEAN economic community by 2015 is the “top priority”, Hun Sen said as he opened the annual ...

ASEAN ministers to discuss progress in economic integration

Economic ministers from the 10 ASEAN countries are meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia on Monday to discuss the progress in regional economic integration initiatives. They will also focus on working towards establishing an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.. ...

Cambodia Hosts 44th ASEAN Economic Minister Meeting

The 44th economic ministers (AEM) meeting and related meetings will be held from 25 August-1 September, 2012 in Siem Reap province. The ministers will focus on the economic community in 2015 and boost economic council to move forward  because this community is going smoother than other two ...

Service sector eyes AEC's pot of gold

Thai small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the auto services, logistics, software and medical tourism sectors are tipped to see massive growth opportunities once the Asean Economic Community (AEC) is set up. Industry Minister M.R. Pongsvas Svasti said Thailand’s service sector, which accounts for 30% of ...

Workforce Must Improve to Compete in Asean Bloc

Cambodia’s workforce must quickly improve its skills base if it is to compete with other countries in the region when the Asean bloc becomes a single market in 2015, officials said yesterday at a seminar held in Phnom Penh. When the Asean Economic Community goes ahead in ...

Opportunities, challenges for ASEAN

Cambodia will face both challenges and opportunities when the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) combines its 10 countries into a single market for economic development, a move intended for 2015, officials said during a round-table discussion yesterday. Sok Siphanna, an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ...

UN: invest in women

Cambodia needed to invest in women to aid its development and integration into the ASEAN economic community, United Nations Under Secretary-General Noeleen Heyzer said yesterday. Heyzer, executive secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP), met with Minister of Women’s Affairs Ing Kantha ...

UTCC: Rubber prices won't bounce back

Domestic rubber prices are likely to stay below 120 baht a kilogramme over the next five years due to the sluggish world economic outlook that has sapped demand. The lingering euro-zone debt crisis, weak growth in rubber-using countries and rising production in Asean will continue to ...

ADB maps Kingdom's needs

The private sector and industry professionals were engaged yesterday in the first consultation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the government in an effort to understand the factors affecting Cambodia’s economy, and ultimately determined that human capital, infrastructure, innovation and regulatory issues as the key areas ...

SMEs look to regional buyers

Cambodia’s ASEAN Economic Minister yesterday urged small and medium-size enterprises to focus on countries in Southeast Asia, rather than Europe and the United States, for export destinations. Cham Prasidh, also the minister of commerce, said yesterday that regional markets have traditionally held a second place to ...

Thailand moves on double tax treaty with Cambodia

Thailand is moving forward to strike a double tax treaty with Cambodia, to cope with increasing cross-border trade. Sathit Rungkasiri, director general of the Revenue Department, said it is a priority to expand the double tax treaty with all countries in Asean to prepare for the ...

Cambodia’s SMEs told to ready for AEC 2015

Cambodian officials are pushing the country’s small- and medium-sized enterprises to prepare for a potential increase in demand expected with the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. ...

Hun Sen says ASEAN instrument for workers a priority for 2012

Prime Minister Hun Sen said Tuesday that establishing a regional instrument to protect migrant workers in Southeast Asia should be a priority for ASEAN this year. “The free flow of skilled workers is a key condition for the ASEAN Economic Community,” he said in an opening ...

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