
Striving to save the forest, Prey Long villagers launch patrols

For the several hundred villagers who have been camping and patrolling in a remote part of the jungle in northern Kompong Thom for several days as part of their campaign to save Prey Long forest, the strain is starting to show. Human rights workers say that ...

Villagers campaigning to save forest harassed, NGO says

As hundreds of villagers belonging to the Prey Long People’s Network began a week-long campaign to save Prey Long forest, Kompong Thom province military police intervened Sunday and prevented a group of about 80 villagers from joining the campaign, an environmental activist said yesterday. Chut Wutty, ...

Villagers campaign in Kompong Thom to protect Prey Long Forest

Hundreds of villagers living around Prey Long forest have begun a weeklong campaign in the north of Kompong Thom province to protect Prey Long, one of Cambodia’s largest remaining primary forests, the Prey Long People’s Network said yesterday The group of villagers planned to protest later ...

Cambodian 'Avatars' Rally to Save Forest

More than one hundred villagers dressed as the forest people from the hit film “Avatar” protested in the Cambodian capital Thursday against the destruction of the country’s Prey Lang forestThey say the forest, which is a source of livelihood for some 200,000 mainly indigenous people, ...

Seized Wood Reported Stolen From R’kiri Park

Seized and then sold wood has apparently been stolen from the Try PHeap Import Export Company which bought the lumber. The wood amounts to approximately 42 cubic meters and is priced at over $37,000. Blame for the theft is being cast everywhere including on the ...

Army aided loggers: US Cable

A US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks from the Embassy in Bangkok has provided evidence that Cambodian soldiers were providing assistance and protection to loggers along the Thai-Cambodian border. Some of the loggers were killed in clashes with Thai troops. The allegations have been denied ...

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