
Malaysian firm plans 10-mw biomass plant

A Malaysian-base[d] energy service group has plans to spend roughly $10 million to build a biomass power plant in Cambodia. Wah Seong Corporation Berhad’s plant would have a production capacity of up to 10 megawatts, said the group’s chief executive, Chan Cheu Leong, in an article ...

Naga World Boss Acquires Billionaire Status

The Malaysian founder of Phnom Penh’s only licensed casino, Chen Lip Keong, is now a billionaire after seeing his fortune multiply in size in recent years, according to Forbes magazine. The magazine, which calculates the wealth of individuals using company data, published a list of the ...

Halal food exports could boost trade

Cambodia could attract an increasing number of Malaysian investors interested in food production and global export if moves to create a halal food recognition body were implemented, Malaysian ambassador Mond Tahir Nasruddin said yesterday. Officials were working together to establish the halal food product recognition ...

Maybank steers for untapped markets

Maybank will bet on what it said was Cambodia’s low bank-penetration rate for future growth as it transitions from a branch of its Malaysian parent into a locally incorporated subsidiary. With 34 licenced banks operating in a market with US$4.07 billion in loans in 2011, analysts ...

NGOs Urge Cambodia, Malaysia to Agree on Maid Protection

More than 60 Cambodian and international human rights groups and trade unions yesterday called on Cambodia and Malaysia to reach a bilateral agreement that would guarantee strong labor rights and working conditions for Cambodian maids employed in Malaysia. “The time is ripe for the Cambodian ...

Illegally shut factories could face penalties

Twenty-two factories that did not take the appropriate measures to shut down their businesses have 30 days in which to rectify the problem or face legal action from the government, the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) said in a public announcement yesterday The announcement ...

BDO expands Cambodia operations

The former country partner and staff of Grant Thornton Law and associates in Cambodia have joined the accountancy and advisory firm BDO Malaysia effective July 1, according to a statement. BDO is one of three accounting firms licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission ...

Bank Says No Railway Evictee To Be Left Behind

The Asian Development Bank announced yesterday that the organizations behind the rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways, including the government and the Australian development agency, have jointly pledged to address the complaints of people facing eviction from dwellings across the rail lines. The Australian government provided ...

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