
Push for more toilets on track

An official from the Ministry of Rural Development said on Monday that as of last year, 80 per cent of Cambodians had toilets to use and 65 per cent had access to clean drinking water. The Kingdom aims for all Cambodians to have access to clean ...

Khorn Savi

Clean water and sanitation for rural people by 2025

Rural Development Minister Ouk Rabun has claimed all rural people would have clean water and sanitation in just seven years.“In 2025, all rural people will have sufficient clean water and sanitation and they will live in a good environment,” Mr Rabun said while presiding over ...

May Titthara

CNRP would dismantle Development Ministry

Opposition leader Kem Sokha said on Saturday his party would shutter the Rural Development Ministry and put the savings towards the goal of funding each of Cambodia’s more than 1,600 commune councils with half a million dollars a year if it wins power in 2018. ...

Touch Sokha and Yesenia Amaro

Rural access to water, sanitation improves

According to the report, the number of people living in rural areas who had access to clean water increased from half in 2015 to 53 percent in 2016, while access to sanitation, such as proper toilets, increased nearly 10 percent to 56 percent. ...

Sen David

Study links toilet usage, height

A new study has found that open defecation, which is still commonly practised in Cambodia, has direct links to reduced heights in children, with a decrease in the practice over five years leading to increases in height. ...

Andrew Nachemson

Over 83 pct of Cambodia's urban dwellers have access to clean water: minister

More than 83 percent of Cambodia’s urban residents have currently access to clean water, up from only 60.5 percent in 2012, Minister of Industry and Handicraft Cham Prasidh said on Thursday.   ...

Shanghai Daily Team

Rural latrine access on the rise, gov’t finds

The Ministry of Rural Development on Friday announced that more than half of Cambodians now have access to improved sanitation such as latrines.According to the ministry’s statement, 47 per cent of Cambodians now lack access to improved sanitation, compared to 89 per cent in 1990.The ...

Sen David

Development plan in works

Villagers in three provinces are currently being surveyed by the Ministry of Rural Development and South Korea’s International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for an upcoming development pilot project. The surveys in Takeo, Kampong Speu and Tbong Khmum provinces seek to find 30 villages to be a part ...

Taing Vida and Sean Teehan

Roads around Tonle Sap to be upgraded

The Ministry of Rural Development plans to pave 1,200 kilometres of dirt roads across nine provinces surrounding the Tonle Sap this year, in a $120 million bid to improve the lives of rural farmers and reduce migration.​ The roads are to connect rural areas to ...

Chan Muyhong

Wealthy residents protest lake reclamation

About 30 residents of a planned community on the eastern outskirts of Phnom Penh gathered around the picturesque lake that forms the center of their neighborhood Monday to prevent its developer, a former opposition lawmaker, from reclaiming the land to construct condos. The residents, many of ...

Khuon Narim and Alex Willemyns

Latrine numbers up

The number of Cambodian rural households with access to latrines increased from 23 to 33 per cent in 2013, a Ministry of Rural Development report released yesterday says. Chreay Pom, director of the ministry’s rural health care department, said that last year, the ministry constructed about ...

Sen David

Clean water access ‘improves’

Cambodia is making steady headway towards its goal of providing universal clean-water access. “The 2013 population census shows that the percentage of people who now have clean water sources has climbed to 49 per cent. We will be able to achieve the 2015 Millennium Development Goal ...

Phak Seangly

A man’s world

Straining under the weight of bricks, buckets and metal bars, a faceless army carry their loads from trucks to a massive building site on Penh Penh’s Diamond Island. Hidden beneath wide-brimmed hats and kramas masking their faces from dust and the sun, the battalion of ...

Frédéric Janssens

Toilets, trucks on agenda

The government announced new plans for developing both transportation and rural sanitation at the annual meeting of the Ministry of Rural Development at the Chaktomuk Conference Hall in Phnom Penh yesterday. According to officials at the event, the ministry will be completing by year’s end a ...

Rural areas gain clean water

An NGO has plans to supply clean water to 60 rural provinces between 2013 and 2016 in an effort to increase access to water and meet the demand of their citizens. Chai Lo, the founder and country director of 1001 Fontaines, said at the opening of ...

Come floods or high waters, most MFIs continue to loan

After experiencing decades of floods, Cambodia’s microfinance institutions say they no longer have problems disbursing loans during the rainy season, according to the head of Cambodia’s Microfinance Association (CMA). A survey issued early this year by a coterie of international aid organisations, including Oxfam, Care, PACT ...

Project aims to build latrines in rural areas

A new US$10.9 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will fund a three-year project by international development NGO East Meets West (EMW) to improve sanitation and hygiene among the poor in rural Cambodia and Vietnam. According to EMW, the program seeks to combat the negative effects of ...

Rural areas plagued by shortage of toilets

The Ministry of Rural Development yesterday called for increased investment to expand access to sanitation facilities in rural Cambodia as well as more awareness about the link between low rates of access to toilets and high rates of communicable disease. Cambodia ranked at the bottom of ...

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