CCIED to set up M&E framework for informal economy
The Coordinating Committee for Informal Economy Development (CCIED), in collaboration with the UNDP, ILO, and the Cambodia-Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), Monday organized a consultation workshop to establish a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for the National Strategy for Informal Economy Development 2023-2028. ...
Sum Manet
Disability strategy draft plan primed for final approval
The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation and its partner organisations have conducted their final consultation on the draft National Strategic Plan on Disabilities 2024-28. ...
Chea Sokny
Siem Reap hosts APAC recycling meet
Minister of Environment Say Samal urged countries in the region and across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) to work together globally to address waste, especially plastic, effectively and to initiate the transfer of advanced technology to less developed nations to jointly address the issues. ...
Lay Samean
UNDP lauds Cambodia for inclusion of Marrakesh Treaty in copyright draft law
The UN Development Programme (UNDP) applauds the progress Cambodia has made towards ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty, with the Kingdom taking a major step towards becoming a member of the treaty on World Braille Day this year. The Marrakesh Treaty is an international legal instrument which ...
Chea Sokny
Hun Sen requests UNDP support for mine-free goal
Prime Minister Hun Sen has requested that the UN Development Progamme (UNDP) continue its support for mine action in Cambodia so the Kingdom can achieve its goal of becoming mine-free by 2025. ...
Ry Sochan
More Cambodians drive EVs as gov’t looks for investors
A total of 84 electric vehicles (EV) have been registered in Cambodia year-to-date, marking a more than nine-fold increase from just nine in the same period of 2021, according to the transport minister on May 27. ...
Nov Sivutha
Environment ministry shares five-point plan for carbon neutrality
A senior Ministry of Environment official spoke about its five-point recommendation for the successful implementation of the Long-term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality (LTS4CN) as a long-term vision, in response to global climate change and as a move towards zero emissions in Cambodia by 2050. ...
Voun Dara
Rural Cambodia gets powered up by Japan, UNDP
Japan has continued its support for the sustainable supply of electricity to remote rural areas of Cambodia through a new partnership with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy that will provide electricity to 1,300 households in seven provinces. ...
Long Kimmarita
Development financing to double by 2025, UNDP says
The amount of financing available to support Cambodia’s development is expected to double to $23.4 billion by 2025, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It said the available funds would account for nearly 70 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). ...
Michael Firn
Cambodia is the 10th largest cassava grower in the world
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has identified Cambodia as the fourth largest cassava grower in Asia and the 10th largest in the world. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia ranks top in women workforce
The UNDP in Cambodia published a statement yesterday on its Facebook page stating that the rate of women workers in the Kingdom is higher than others in the region. However, the wage gap between women and men remains a challenge. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Cambodians divided on climate
Cambodians are divided on the cause of climate change but 84 per cent of people believe climate change is happening, a report released by the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) revealed. ...
Ry Sochan
Kingdom’s development funding trending to domestic financing
Cambodia is fronting more money for its own development financing according to a new report from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). ...
Michael Firn
Domestic revenue a vital source of development financing: UN report
Domestic revenue is an increasingly vital source of financing for development in the Kingdom, amounting to 19 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) last year and expected to reach 22.5 per cent by end-2025, the UN said on July 16. ...
Thou Vireak
UNDP, Australia pledge continued support for social welfare scheme
The UN Development Programme (UNDP) hosted a high-level online discussion for the benefit of other institutions and development partners in the region regarding key lessons learned from Cambodia’s use of Covid-19 social protection measures to support the poor and revitalise the economy. ...
Nov Sivutha
KE, UNDP to provide SMEs a digital boost
Khmer Enterprise (KE) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) have formed a strategic partnership to give a boost to the operational development of the Kingdom’s e-commerce sector and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), according to a May 11 joint press release. ...
Thou Vireak
UNDP provides 60 ambulances to Cambodia
The United Nations Development Programme yesterday announced that it has donated ambulances and other medical equipment to help the Kingdom combat COVID-19, which so far has seen 121 million people infected worldwide and 2.67 million deaths. ...
Taing Rinith
Sunny future predicted for photovoltaics
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Cambodia’s resident representative, Nick Beresford, said yesterday solar technology is moving fast, is far cheaper than carbon-based energy and provides clean electricity. He said the UNDP is working with the Ministry of Mines and Energy on projects to ensure ...
Sok Chan
UNDP: Kingdom’s development balances growth, conservation
The UN Development Programme (UNDP) issued its Human Development Report 2020 on December 16, suggesting that Cambodia could become a model country to demonstrate a sustainable balance between the parallel processes of development and conservation. ...
Voun Dara
Industry 4.0: How Cambodia can build for the future
A conference was held at the UN Development Programme (UNDP) head office in Phnom Penh as well as over video conference to discuss a new report conducted by the UN and the Institute for Manufacturing Educational Consultancy Services (IfM ECS) within the University of Cambridge). ...
Jason Boken
UNDP focuses on sustainability
The UN Development Programme (UNDP) on Wednesday launched its Human Development Report Cambodia 2019 that attaches great significance to relations between human development and environmental sustainability. ...
Long Kimmarita