Creation of new cities and districts benefits ruling party, opposition parties say
The creation of new cities and districts across three provinces following a December 3 sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen will strengthen ruling party control in those areas, opposition political parties say. ...
Khuon Narim
Growing Pursat gains fifteen new villages
The Ministry of Interior has announced the establishment of 15 new villages in Pursat province. The new villages have been separated from existing ones in order to bring public services closer to the people and in a timely manner, as well as to address challenges ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
New towns designated in Kandal, Kampong Speu
The government has established three new towns – Sampov Poun and Arey Ksat in Kandal province and Oudong Me Chey in Kampong Speu – following requests from the Ministry of Interior, according to a sub-decree issued by Prime Minister Hun Sen on December 23. ...
Lay Samean
Capital’s south an ‘improving foundation to build on’: CBRE
Interest in “Southern Phnom Penh” has gained substantial traction over the past five years since plans for Hun Sen Boulevard were unveiled, triggering a frenzy of real estate speculation, CBRE Cambodia reported on August 12. ...
Hin Pisei
K Chhnang province to enlarge capital with four more communes
The Kampong Chhnang Provincial Administration plans to remove four communes from Rolea Ba’ier district and incorporate them into Kampong Chhnang town. ...
Long Kimmarita
Phnom Penh to expand radius by 100 kilometers to enlarge population to six million people by 2035
Phnom Penh will continue to be a central service hub in the region with a population of six million with an expanded radius of 100 km by 2035. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Initiative Encourages Private Rural Investment
Representatives from more than 90 Cambodian businesses gathered yesterday at the Council of Ministers building in Phnom Penh to hear about a new initiative that aims to encourage private sector investment in agriculture. The $55.6 million project is an extension of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) ...
Satellite cities a solution for overcrowded Phnom Penh
The coming sprawls of Phnom Penh’s new satellite cities will bring about not only opportunities but also challenges for the population. “Any urban area has to sprawl outside the main city areas so that it can keep up with the increasing demand of commercial land,” said ...
Hun Sen Says Water, Power Shortages to Stay
Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday that the rapid growth of Phnom Penh’s population coupled with the rampant construction of new property projects means that there would always be a shortage of water and electricity in the capital. Speaking to a crowd of thousands who had ...
ADB Says Hydropower Growth Won’t Match Need for Oil, Coal
Cambodia’s reliance on imported fossil fuels to meet its energy needs is set to increase in the coming years, despite the raft of hydropower projects planned by the government, according to new data from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Using baseline figures from the Institute ...
ADB announces 3-year pipeline to boost develpment in Cambodia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Tuesday unveiled its new three-year assistance plan of 525 million U.S. dollars to Cambodia in order to help the country reduce poverty, promote growth and mitigate climate change, the bank said. The plan for 2013-2015 marked the bank’s strategic focus ...
Youths heed city's siren call
When 29-year-old store manager Srey Mom sent her mother in Takeo province some money to pay young people to help with the rice planting, her mother told her it was no use – the young people had abandoned the village to seek their fortunes in ...