The Cambodia Daily

Final Wage Offer for Garment Workers Is $75

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) informed the government yesterday that their final offer in minimum wage negotiations with the country’s unions is $75 per month, $25 less than the unions had wanted. The $75 dollar figure, however, includes a $5 state-mandated health bonus, paid ...

Mfone Employees Demand Unpaid Salaries

More than 100 former employees of the bankrupt mobile telephone company Mfone protested outside the firm’s shuttered offices in Phnom Penh yesterday, demanding that they receive salaries for working the month of February despite the company having already gone out of business. Mar Samoeun, 64, ...

Siem Reap Power Cut Hurts Tourism Industry

Three days after it went out, power had yet to be restored to large parts of Siem Reap province yesterday, badly impacting local businesses in the popular tourist hub of Siem Reap City and seeing a rush of people to buy generators. The power failure followed ...

Naga World Boss Acquires Billionaire Status

The Malaysian founder of Phnom Penh’s only licensed casino, Chen Lip Keong, is now a billionaire after seeing his fortune multiply in size in recent years, according to Forbes magazine. The magazine, which calculates the wealth of individuals using company data, published a list of the ...

Villagers Pray to Spirit to Delay Dam Construction

More than 500 villagers from Stung Treng and Ratanakiri provinces held a traditional sacrificial ceremony yesterday, calling on a local spirit to help in postponing the construction of a 400-megawatt hydropower dam in Stung Treng’s Sesan district. Siek Megong, Srekor commune chief, said the villages ...

Boeung Kak Evictees Ask City Hall For Better Compensation

About 100 women forcibly evicted from Phnom Penh’s Boeung Kak neighbourhood protested outside City Hall yesterday asking for upgrades to the compensation they accepted under duress to give up their homes. The women said they were representing 739 of the more than 3,000 families forced out ...

Garment Workers Go on Hunger Strike

About 90 garment workers began a hunger strike yesterday in front of the shuttered Kingsland Garment Cambodia, Co. Ltd. factory in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district, following weeks of protests demanding unpaid wages and severance pay. “We want the owners of Walmart and H&M to know ...

Finance Minister Lauds Boeng Kak's Tax Bill

The Finance Ministry has sent a letter to well-known businesswoman Choeung Sopheap thanking her for paying her taxes on the highly controversial filling in of Phnom Penh’s Boeng Kak lake, and holding her firm up as an example of corporate professionalism. Though Shukaku Inc., which is ...

Anti-Corruption Unit to Investigate Telecom Cambodia Chief

The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) will launch an investigation into corruption allegations made by staff at Telecom Cambodia against its director-general Lao Sarouen, officials said yesterday. During a meeting with 295 Telecom Cambodia employees at the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, ACU chairman Om Yentieng told staff ...

NagaWorld Workers Reinstated After Protests

Following six straight days of protests by hundreds of staff at NagaWorld Casino, casino management yesterday agreed to reinstate four senior workers and said they would consider increasing the entire staff’s minimum wage. Between 500 and 1,000 workers had been demonstrating over what they said were ...

Preah Vihear Families' Land Issues Go Unheard

About 50 families living on the site of the long-discussed Preah Vihear airport went to the provincial hall yesterday to request that local officials reconsider their earlier decision to refuse them land titles on the grounds that the airstrip would soon be rebuilt. Villagers attended ...

Anti-Graft Unit to Give Telecom Staff Anti-Corruption Education

The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) has ordered staff at Telecom Cambodia to attend a meeting today in order to “educate” them about the country’s Anti-Corruption Law after they made graft allegations and held demonstrations against the firm’s director-general Lao Sarouen earlier this month, Minister of Posts ...

NagaWorld Workers on Strike After Firings

More than 500 workers from Phnom Penh’s NagaWorld Casino demonstrated on Monday, in what was their fourth straight day of strike action in front of the casino over wages and the firing of four staff members Sok Narith, deputy secretary general of the Cambodian Tour­ism and ...

Villagers File Complaint Against Vietnamese Rubber Firm

Twelve ethnic Tampuon families living in Ratanakkiri province’s Lumphat district yesterday filed a complaint with the provincial land management department, accusing the owners of a Vietnamese rubber plantation of clearing their farmland, local official said. Tun Vantham, chief of Samuth Loeu village in Seda commune, said ...

Logger Reported Dead as Rosewood Trade Directive Announced

Amid reports that a second Cambodian has been killed this year by Thai armed forces while illegally logging in Thai border territory, officials had little detail yesterday on a government directive that is aimed at ending the international demand for rosewood from Cambodia. Prime Minister Hun ...

Phnom Penh Port Shifts Focus to Cruise Boats

With a new Chinese-built container port on the Mekong River in Kandal province now operational, the existing port in Phnom Penh is undergoing renovations to shift its focus to the growing number of cruise ships docking in the capital, an official said yesterday. Eang Veng ...

Agreement for Government’s Jet Not Yet Signed

In the latest clarification from the government on the subject of it’s new private airliner, a senior aviation official said yesterday that the French-made Airbus A320 is not yet the property of Cambodia, as ownership documents have not been finalized. The 150-seat jet made its inaugural ...

ILO Respond to Scathing Stanford Report on Factory Monitoring

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Better Factories Program (BFC) has responded to a scathing report released last week by Stanford University, which said the ILO program was ineffectual as it had not helped secure Cambodian workers a significant wage increase since the program started over ...

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