The Cambodia Daily

Injunction Issued Against Garment Factory

The Kandal Provincial Court issued an injunction yesterday against Yung Wah Industrial Co. Ltd., preventing the company from selling assets at its two garment factories in Takhmao City where thousands of workers have been protesting the past two days over unpaid wages. ...

Optimism as Cashew Season Gets Under Way

As the cashew-harvesting season in Cambodia’s northeastern provinces begins, farmers are expecting a good crop due to favorable weather conditions last year, an official said yesterday. ...

Thousands Protest, Claiming Unpaid Salaries

Thousands of employees of two Singaporean-owned Yung Wah Industrial (Cambodia) Co.Ltd. factories, which produce shirts for Gap Inc. among other international brands, went on strike yesterday in Kandal province, claiming that they were not paid their salaries for last month. “Normally, salaries are paid between the ...

Rights Group Denounces Gag Order on Lawyers Before Election

New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused the Cambodian Bar Association of trying to silence potential government critics ahead of July’s national elections by imposing restrictions on lawyers making public statements. The Bar Association and the Information Ministry have both issued edicts that ...

Thousands of Workers Protest For Increase of Minimum Wage

More than 5,000 workers from across seven factories in Svay Rieng province protested yesterday, demanding a doubling of the current minimum wage, a provincial labor official said yesterday. The country’s minimum wage sits at $61, and is supplemented by a $5 health benefit and a ...

Lawyers Instructed to Seek Approval Before Speaking to Media

Lawyers must now obtain permission from the Cambodian Bar Association before speaking to television and radio media in order to ensure that they do not speak out of turn, the association’s president said in a meeting on Friday. “First, we want to ensure a high quality ...

French Firm Out of Railway Rehabilition Project

The head of the government department in charge of railways made a dramatic about-face yesterday, saying that French construction firm TSO (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. was being thrown off the donor-funded railway rehabilitation project. Contacted on Tuesday, Ly Borin, director of the Transport Ministry’s railway department, denied ...

Naga Corp Reports 23 Percent Profit Growth

NagaCorp Ltd., the Hong Kong-listed company that runs Phnom Penh’s only licensed casino, saw its profits grow by 23 percent in 2012, the firm said in an announcement. In its financial results for the year, released Wednesday to the Hong Kong stock exchange, the company that ...

Government Orders Railway Repairs to Start

The government has ordered French construction firm TSO (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. to resume work repairing the railway line between Phnom Penh and Serei Saophoan City in Banteay Meanchey province, an official said yesterday. The French firm has been contracted to rehabilitate the France-build railway – a ...

Jarai File Complaint Over Firm Filling In Lake

Etnhic Jarai families living in Ratanakkiri province’s Kakeo district yesterday filed a complaint with the provincial court, accusing a Vietnamese rubber company of clearing their ancestral land and filling in a lake they use for fishing and irrigation. Local officials say the company intends to ...

Ambition Trumps Reality in Investment Figures

Since 2008, a whopping $28 billion worth of investments has been pledged by local and international firms looking to set up lux­ury hotels, a new airport and even Cam­­bo­dia’s first horse racing venue. But a closer look at the list of in­vestments approved by the Cam­bodian ...

Villagers Claim Injustice in Land-titling Project

More than 200 villagers living on an economic land concession on Pursat province say they were unfairly left out of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s nationwide land-measuring program after local authorities on Saturday printed the names of families eligible for land titles. Chhuon Khurn, chief of Phteah ...

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