
Forest on the auction block

Almost 30,000 hectares of a wildlife sanctuary in Oddar Meanchey, Siem Reap and Preah Vihear provinces have been reclassified as state private land for agricultural development, drawing sharp criticism from rights groups. Four sub-decrees signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on July 22 reclassify land ...

More than 1,800 families seek help

About 60 people representing 1,850 families from seven villages in Battambang province’s Sampov Loun district yesterday petitioned Interior Minister Sar Kheng and Prime Minister Hun Sen for intervention in a land dispute.  Villagers claim that district authorities leased 4,095 hectares of their land in Chrey ...

B’bang Protesters Seek Help in Land Dispute

About 60 villagers from Battambang province’s Sampov Loun district gathered in Phnom Penh’s Wat Botum Park yesterday to prtotested against a 4,065-hectare land concession granted to a company for agriculture development. Korng Sokheng, a representative for 1,850 families, said villagers submitted a petition to Prime ...

Villagers summoned to court

Three villagers who were part of a protest over a land dispute with the Meng Keth Company have been summoned to court for questioning over alleged violence during the protest. The land dispute is over 65 contested hectares of land that was granted to the ...

Evictees Miss Second Season of Rice Farming

Villagers who were evicted by security personnel in order to make way for Tan Bien-Kompong Thom Rubber Company have missed another growing season as they have not been given land original promised by the government. They were original promised one hectare of land each before ...

K Speu Court Summons Three in Land Dispute

Three villagers have been summoned as a result of  bloody clash last year stemming from a land dispute and eviction by the Kompong Speu Provincial Court. The 65 hectares of land have been awarded to Kuo Sheng a Taiwanese businessman by the Supreme court. Licadho, ...

Farmers freed after ‘injustice’

The last of the Chi Kraeng villagers has been freed by the Appeal Court after it upheld their acquittal. The villagers had originally been convicted of forcibly detaining two businessmen over a land dispute involving 475 hectares of rice paddies in Siem Reap in 2009. ...

Kratie land dispute meet

Local authorities told residents of Kratie province’s Snuol district that they would not allow a private company to plant crops on their land during a meeting yesterday. Poeng Vin, chief of Pi Thnou commune, said that local authorities would measure land belonging to hundreds of ...

Rubber plantation protest in fourth day

In Svay Rieng province villagers are in their fourth day of protests after authorities refused to meet with them to discuss a land concession that Metapheap Company has received in order to open a rubber plantation. The company was granted a 1,230 hectare land concession ...

Villagers target new rubber plantation

Villagers in Svay Rieng province from 10 villages have taken part in an armed protest against the granting of a land concession in the forest that will turn it into a rubber plantation. The villagers claim to have been on the land since 1979 and ...

Villagers Seek Premier’s Intervention for Land Titles

Villagers from Battambang province have submitted petitions to Prime Minister Hun Sen asking that land management officials grant them the titles to the land they claim to have lived and worked on for 30 years. Apparently they were previously granted the right to construct homes ...

Villagers Block Rubber Company From Forest

60 villagers in Svay Rieng province demonstrated to prevent the Mittapheap Rubber Company from moving its machinery into the area. The company has plans to clear 500 hectares of land in what the villagers claim is their protected community forest. Adhoc is investigating the claims ...

Sugar concerns raised

Rights groups have alleged that villagers are being pushed off their land to make way for sugar plantations by companies such as LYP Group, owned by Senator Ly Young Phat. The issue was raised with the Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomuoja and the Minister for ...

Pesticide poisons scores

After the So Ngoun Company sprayed pesticides in Kampot province approximately 90 villagers have become ill. They are being treated for vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness after drinking contaminated water, as the pesticide flowed downstream after some rains. The pesticide was sprayed in order to rid ...

1,000 hectare land grab alleged

Villagers in Preah Sihanouk province have accused a businessman of bulldozing almost 1,000 hectares of their farm land in complaints filed to relevant authorities and the provincial court last week. Pin Lean Hun, a village representative, said yesterday rice paddies, vegetable patches and jackfruit trees ...

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