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29122 Records found for "스포츠토토 축구 벨기에 퍼스트 디비전 A Eee9.top 코드8989 축구토토배당률 1XBET 야구 규정 프리메라리가 (스페인) Ezq"

His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will co-chair the 11th Mekong-Ganga Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

On 19 July 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion-CAmbodiA issued A press releAse on His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion of the Kingdom of CAmbodiA, will co-chAir the 11th Mekong-GAngA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (11th <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/his-excellency-prAk-sokhonn-deputy-prime-minister-minister-of-foreign-AffAirs-And-internAtionAl-cooperAtion-of-the-kingdom-of-cAmbodiA-will-co-chAir-the-11th-mekong-gAngA-foreign-ministers/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will participate in the Friends of the Mekong Ministerial Meetings (FoM MM)

On 03 August 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion issued A press releAse on His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion of the Kingdom of CAmbodiA, will pArticipAte in the Friends of the Mekong MinisteriAl <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/his-excellency-prAk-sokhonn-deputy-prime-minister-minister-of-foreign-AffAirs-And-internAtionAl-cooperAtion-of-the-kingdom-of-cAmbodiA-will-pArticipAte-in-the-friends-of-the-mekong-ministeriAl-meet/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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The outcomes of the special ASEAN-U.S. foreign ministers’ meeting

On 14 July 2021, Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion issued A press releAse on the outcomes of the speciAl ASEAN-U.S. foreign ministers’ meeting.The ASEAN Foreign Ministers And U.S. SecretAry of StAte exchAnged views on the importAnce of revitAlizAtion of ASEAN-US DiAlogue RelAtions, cooperAtion <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/the-outcomes-of-the-speciAl-AseAn-u-s-foreign-ministers-meeting/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Outcomes of the phone conversation between His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, with Senator the Hon Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Women of Australia, on 08 October 2021

On 08 October 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion issued A press releAse on the outcomes of the phone conversAtion between His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion, with SenAtor the Hon MArise PAyne, Minister <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/outcomes-of-the-phone-conversAtion-between-his-excellency-prAk-sokhonn-deputy-prime-minister-minister-of-foreign-AffAirs-And-internAtionAl-cooperAtion-with-senAtor-the-hon-mArise-pAyne-minister-fo/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will virtually participate in the ASEAN-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

On 22 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion issued A press releAse on His Excellency PRAK Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion, will virtuAlly pArticipAte in the ASEAN-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on 23 September 2021. The <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/his-excellency-prAk-sokhonn-deputy-prime-minister-minister-of-foreign-AffAirs-And-internAtionAl-cooperAtion-will-virtuAlly-pArticipAte-in-the-AseAn-u-s-foreign-ministers-meeting/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will deliver his national speech during the high-level General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (76th UNGA)

On 23 September 2021, the Ministry of Foreign AffAirs And InternAtionAl CooperAtion, issued A press releAse on SAmdech AkkA MohA SenA PAdei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of CAmbodiA, will deliver his nAtionAl speech during the high-level GenerAl DebAte of the 76th <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/sAmdech-AkkA-mohA-senA-pAdei-techo-hun-sen-prime-minister-of-the-kingdom-of-cAmbodiA-will-deliver-his-nAtionAl-speech-during-the-high-level-generAl-debAte-of-the-76th-session-of-the-united-nAtions-g/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Statement relating to MT Strovolos and the cargo of the Kingdom of Cambodia

On 03 September 2021, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has posted a media statement on their official social media site relating to MT Strovolos and the cargo of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The official statement wants to clarify to the public about the background <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/statement-relating-to-mt-strovolos-and-the-cargo-of-the-kingdom-of-cambodia/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Ministry of Mines and Energy

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COVID-19 (AstraZenica) vaccinetion for people who have already received the first and second doses of Covishield

On 31 August 2021, the Ministry of HeAlth issued A press releAse on COVID-19 (AstrAZenicA) vAccinetion for people who hAve AlreAdy received the first And second doses of Covishield.The Ministry of HeAlth will lAunch the AstrAZenicA vAccinAtion cAmpAign for leAders, civil servAnts, UN officiAls, embAssy <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/covid-19-AstrAzenicA-vAccinetion-for-people-who-hAve-AlreAdy-received-the-first-And-second-doses-of-covishield/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Ministry of Health

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COVID-19 AstraZenica Vaccine (Booster Dose) for 60-year-olds who have already been vaccinated AstraZenica-Kovisel I and II

On 06 September 2021, Dangkor District administration issued a notification on COVID-19 astraZenica Vaccine (Booster Dose) for 60-year-olds who have already been vaccinated astraZenica-Kovisel I and II.Citizens over the age of 60 in all Dangkor Districts who have been vaccinated COVID-19 astraZenica at Dangkor Referral <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/covid-19-astrazenica-vaccine-booster-dose-for-60-year-olds-who-have-already-been-vaccinated-astrazenica-kovisel-i-and-ii/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Dangkor District Administration

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Calculation of tax and estimated tax for duty-free cars and import duties existing in the country

On 18 October 2021, the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia issued a notification on the calculation of tax and estimated tax for duty-free cars and import duties existing in the country. For the calculation of tax and estimate for existing duty-free vehicles <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/calculation-of-tax-and-estimated-tax-for-duty-free-cars-and-import-duties-existing-in-the-country/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia

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Job applications in the Republic of Korea​ at the Committee for Training and Sending Workers Abroad

On 25 March 2022, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued a notification on job applications in the Republic of Korea, made at the Committee for Training and Sending Workers abroad, located at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia.The Committee for Training and Sending <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/job-applications-in-the-republic-of-korea-made-at-the-committee-for-training-and-sending-workers-abroad-located-at-the-national-polytechnic-institute-of-cambodia/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

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Railway families remain uncertain as commune election candidates silent on their relocation

Seng Pha, 63, is unable to read the leaflets of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) posted on the wall of her wooden house, but she recognizes one of the candidates running for commune chief, out of a total of 35, in Boeung Kak II commune. <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/news/railway-families-remain-uncertain-as-commune-election-candidates-silent-on-their-relocation/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Sorn Sarath

With vague details, pro-government unions accuse labor groups of inciting members to form new union

 Some 200 unions and federations have accused two prominent independent labor organizations of inciting its members to leave and establish a new union. The claim was denied by one of organizations, which said it has never trained members of any of the signatories &mdash; many <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/news/with-vague-details-pro-government-unions-accuse-labor-groups-of-inciting-members-to-form-new-union/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Khuon Narim and Phon Sotthyroth

Report points to inadequate enforcement, legal flaws as reasons for entrenched domestic violence

 A new LICADHO report detAiling the murders of 26 women And five children between JAnuAry 2020 And June 2022 by current or former intimAte pArtners reveAls the persistence of domestic violence And flAws in lAw enforcement. <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/news/report-points-to-inAdequAte-enforcement-legAl-flAws-As-reAsons-for-entrenched-domestic-violence/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Seoung Nimol

Outcomes​ of​ the​ official​ visit​ of​ Prime​ Minister​ of​ the​ Kingdom​ of​ Cambodia,​ to​ the​ Lao​ People’s​ Democratic​ Republic

On 14 February 2023, the Ministry of Foreign affairs and International Cooperation released a press release on the outcome of the official visit of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on 13-14 February 2023.Both sides had an <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/outcomes-of-the-official-visit-of-prime-minister-of-the-kingdom-of-cambodia-to/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Giant Ibis Union’s fight remains as the company goes back on promise

 Living in a small concrete house with his wife and two young children, one kilometer away from Takhmao Bridge, ex-Giant Ibis Transportation employee Or Chanthy, 45, contemplates life’s challenges. <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/news/giant-ibis-unions-fight-remains-as-the-company-goes-back-on-promise/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Eung Sea

STT report: forced evictions in Phnom Penh, Kandal, Takeo pushed people into debt crisis

 A report by NGO SAhmAkum TeAng TnAut OrgAnizAtion (STT) reveAled thAt people who Are forcibly evicted from their homes without proper resettlement Are burdened with debt, hAve low Access to food, while children experience disruptive educAtion And Are subject to child lAbor. <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/news/stt-report-forced-evictions-in-phnom-penh-kAndAl-tAkeo-pushed-people-into-debt-crisis/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Phon Sothyroth

Workers of Vietnamese-owned Hoang Anh Gia Lai still suffer years after plantation closes

For nearly three years, about 300 local workers, 50% of them women, worked in a Vietnamese banana plantation belonging to Hoang anh Gia Lai Joint Stock Co (HaGL), covering 245 hectares in Talao commune, andong Meas district in Ratanakiri province. <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/news/workers-of-vietnamese-owned-hoang-anh-gia-lai-still-suffer-years-after-plantation-closes/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Him Khortieth

Press release on the dissemination forum on "Procedures for annually financial statements submission via online system (E-filing)" for enterprises and Not-for-profit entities 2024on 16th July

On 16​ July 2024, the Accounting And Auditing RegulAtor issued A press releAse regArding the disseminAtion forum on “Procedures for AnnuAlly finAnciAl stAtements submission viA online system (E-filing)” for enterprises And Not-for-profit entities on 16th July 2024 on their officiAl sociAl mediA site.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ According to <A href='https://opendevelopmentcAmbodiA.net/Announcements/press-releAse-on-the-disseminAtion-forum-on-procedures-for-AnnuAlly-finAnciAl-stAtements-submission-viA-online-system-e-filing-for-enterprises-And-not-for-profit-entities-2024on-16th-july/ ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>

Accounting and Auditing Regulator

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Press release on the outcome of the plenary session of the council of ministers

On 27 October 2023, the Spokesperson Unit of the Royal Government of Cambodia issued a press release on the results of the plenary session of the council of ministers under the high presidency of Samdech Moha Bovatei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of <a href='https://opendevelopmentcambodia.net/announcements/press-release-on-the-outcome-of-the-plenary-session-of-the-council-of-ministers/ ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>

Spokesperson Unit of the Royal Government of Cambodia

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