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3578 Records found for " Ʊ׶ Ǹ vvr830.top ǰ Ʈ ȿ ȿ GHB ӽð Ʊ׶ ũ ? 2 ǰþ˸ óݦ ĺ"

GIS workshop: fundamentals of QGIS

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is delighted to announce a Geographic Information System (GIS) Workshop: Fundamentals of QGIS of the three workshops each of which takes three days. This workshop series aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge on geographic information system and using open-source GIS platform ...

Open Development Cambodia

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Facebook insights training

Open Development Cambodia regularly posts social accountability information on its website and shares relevant updates on this topic via social media. In particular, Facebook has high mobile usage and impact in Cambodia overall.To strengthen ODC’s outreach for its work in the Innovations for Social Accountability ...

Championing Girls in IT - Passerelles Numeriques Cambodia

Passerelles Numeriques (PN) is a non-profit IT training center. PN has programs in France, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. PN Cambodia was launched in 2005. The sponsorship are supported by Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), SUPINFO, CISCO, Microsoft, HP, Accenture, Steria, and Osiatis. The ...

Wild capture commercial fishing and natural fisheries

The fishes on Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia. Photo by llee Wu, taken on 10 September 2010. Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0The 2006 Fisheries Law classifies fishing activity into three broad categories: family or subsistence, small-scale and commercial.Commercial fishing is allowed only in the open season ...

Trade Deficit Up 34 Percent On Last Year

Cambodia’s trade deficit in the first half of the year grew 34.31 percent compared with the same period in 2011, reaching $1.36 billion, according to data released by the Ministry of Commerce. Though revenues earned from exports grew 12.13 percent to about $2.50 billion, a growing ...

Construction Sector Faces Chronic Labor Shortage

Cambodia’s construction sector is facing a massive labor shortage due to a recent boom in construction projects throughout the country and workers migrating en masse to Thailand in search of higher wages. In 2012, the construction sector expanded rapidly with the total value of approved projects ...


Timing of stats questioned

For the first time in recent memory, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has released growth projections for the first half of the year, and the numbers are good. The ministry’s preliminary data claims that from January through June, economic growth stood at 7.6 per ...



គ្មាន203;កាɜ2;វិវត្តន៍203;203;ɛ2;្មɟ2;203;<26;ɠ2;ល203;ត្ɜ2;ូវបាន203; ɜ2;កឃើ<25;203;<26;ោយ203;គណបក្ស203;<23;ាប់<22;្នោត203;ទាំ<20;ពɟ22;203; ក្នុ<20;203;<26;ំណោះស្ɜ2;ាយ203;នៃ203;ប<25;្ហា203; កាɜ2;បោះ<22;្នោត203;ឡើយ នៅក្នុ<20;203;<23;ំនួប203;ទ្វេភាគɟ2;203; នៅ203;ɛ2;្<20;ៃɜ2;សៀល203;ɛ2;្<20;ៃ203;អ<20;្គាɜ2; 203;ម្សិលមិ<25;។ ប៉ុន្តɠ2; បើតាម203;កាɜ2;អះអា<20;203;ɜ2;ប203;ស់លោក203;មន្ត្ɜ22;<23;ាន់ខ្ពស់203;នៃ203;គណបក្ស203;ប្ɜ2;<23;ា<23;ន203;កម្ពុ<23;ា គណបក្ស203;ទាំ<20;203;ពɟ22;បាន203;ឯកភាពគ្នា203;203;លើ203;<21;ំនុ<21;203;សំខាន់203;មួយ គឺ203;កាɜ2222;ក្សា203;សន្តិភាព។ អ្នកនយោបាយ203;នៃ203;គណបក្ស203;ប្ɜ2;<23;ា<23;ន203;កម្ពុ<23;ា និ<20;203;គណបក្ស203;ស<20;្គ្ɜ2;ោះ203;<23;ាតិ203;<26;ɠ2;ល203;បាន203;<23;ួបគ្នា203;កាលពɟ2;203;ɜ2;សៀល203;ɛ2;្<20;ៃ203;អ<20;្គាɜ2;203;  ម្សិលមិ<25;203;នោះ មិនបាន203;ɛ2;្លɠ2;<20;ប្ɜ2;ាប់203;អ្នកកាសɠ2;ត203;<21;្បាស់លាស់203;ɛ2;ា ពួកគេ203;បាន203;និយាយ203;អំពɟ2;203;ប្ɜ2;ធានបទ203;អ្វɟ2;203;ពិតប្ɜ2;ាក<26;203;ឡើយ។ ក្ɜ2;ោយ203;<23;ួបគ្នា203;លើក203;ទɟ2;៣ តំណា<20;203;គណបក្ស203;ទាំ<20;ពɟ22;203;បានត្ɜ2;ឹមតɠ2;203;ប<25;្<23;ាក់203;ឡើ<20;វិ<25;203;ɛ2;ា ពួកគេ203;បាន203;ផ្តើម203;ស្វɠ2;<20;យល់203;<23;ំហɜ2;203;ពɟ2;គ្នា203;ទៅវិ<25;ទៅមក។ ប៉ុន្តɠ2; នៅ203;ព្ɜ2;ឹក203;ɛ2;្<20;ៃ203;ពុធ203;នេះ មន្ត្ɜ22;<23;ាន់ខ្ពស់203;គណបក្ស203;ប្ɜ2;<23;ា<23;ន203;កម្ពុ<23;ា លោក203;<23;ាម យៀប បាន203;ប្ɜ2;ាប់203;វិទ្យុ203;បាɜ2;ាំ<20;203;អោយ<26;ឹ<20;ɛ2;ា <21;ំនុ<21;ɜ2;ួម203;សំខាន់203;មួយ203;<26;ɠ2;ល203;គណបក្ស203;ទាំ<20;203;ពɟ22;បាន203;ឯកភាព203;<23;ាមួយគ្នា គឺ203;កាɜ2222;ក្សា203;សន្តិភាព203;ɜ2;បស់203;កម្ពុ<23;ា។ លោក203;<23;ាម យៀប203; មិនបាន203;មាន203;វត្តមាន203;នៅក្នុ<20;203;កិ<21;្<21;ប្ɜ2;<23;ុំ203;ទ្វេភាគɟ2;203;<26;ɠ2;ល203;គណបក្ស203;ប្ɜ2;<23;ា<23;ន203; កម្ពុ<23;ា បាន203;<26;ឹកនាំ203;<26;ោយ203;លោក ព្ɜ2;ុំ សុខា203;នោះឡើយ។ ប៉ុន្តɠ2; ប្ɜ2;សិនបើ203;គេ203;<23;ឿ203;ប្ɜ2;សាសន៍203;ɜ2;បស់ <23;ាម យៀប203;នោះ គណបក្ស203;ទាំ<20;203;ពɟ22;បាន203;និយាយ203;អំពɟ2;203;ប<25;្ហា203;សន្តិសុខ203;ស<20;្គម ខណៈ<26;ɠ2;ល203;គណបក្ស203;ស<20;្គ្ɜ2;ោះ203;<23;ាតិ203;នៅ203;ប្ɜ2;កាន់203;<23;ំហɜ2;203;<21;ុ<20;ក្ɜ2;ោយ203;<26;ោយ203;កាɜ2;<26;ឹកនាំ203;មហា203; បាតុកម្មអហិ<20;្សា ហើយ203;203;អា<23;្<25;ាធɜ2;203;នៃ203;ɜ2;<26;្<27;ាភិបាល<21;ាំផ្ទះ203;ɜ2;បស់203;គណបក្ស203;ប្ɜ2;<23;ា<23;ន203;កម្ពុ<23;ា203;ក៏បាន203; ត្ɜ2;ៀមកំលាំ<20;203;ប<20;្ក្ɜ2;ាប ក្នុ<20;កɜ2;ណɟ2;203;ហិ<20;្សា203;<26;ɠ22;។ ...


របាយការណ៍​​សង្កេតការណ៍ការិយាល័យ​សំណាក​​​​​បោះឆ្នោត​​ត្រូវ បាន​ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ​

អ<20;្គកាɜ2;203;តម្លាភាព203;កម្ពុ203;<23;ា203;បានប<20;្ហា<25;203; ɜ2;បាយកាɜ2;ណ៍203;ɜ2;បស់ខ្លួន<23;ា203;លើក<26;ំបូ<20; ទាក់ទ<20;203;ទៅនឹ<20;203;កាɜ2;ស<20;្កេត203;ផɠ2;នកាɜ2;203;បោះ<22;្នោត203; <23;្ɜ2;ើសតាំ<20;203;តំណា<20;ɜ2;ាស្ត្ɜ2; 203;នៅ203;ប្ɜ2;ទេស203;កម្ពុ<23;ា203; កាលពɟ2;203;ɛ2;្<20;ៃទɟ2;203; ២=20;កក្ក<26;ា កន្ល<20;ទៅនេះ។ មន្ត្ɜ22;203;អ<20;្គកាɜ2;203;តម្លាភាព203;កម្ពុ<23;ា203;203;អោយ<26;ឹ<20;ɛ2;ា លទ្ធផល203;203; នៃ203;កាɜ2;203;ស<20;្កេត203;កាɜ2;ណ៍203;203;បɠ2;ប203;ប្ɜ2;<23;ាសាស្ត្ɜ2; <26;ɠ2;ល203;មិន203;ធ្លាប់203;អនុវត្ត203;នៅ203;ប្ɜ2;ទេស203; កម្ពុ203;<23;ា មាន203;ភាព<23;ាក់លាក់203;ɜ2;ហូត<26;ល់203;ទៅ=21;៥ភាគɜ2;យ។ ɜ2;បៀប203;ស<20;្កេតកាɜ2;ណ៍203;បោះ<22;្នោត203;តាមបɠ2;ប203;<23;ឿនលឿនវិទ្យាសាស្ត្ɜ2;<26;ɠ2;ល203;អ<20;្គកាɜ2;203; តម្លាភាព203;កម្ពុ<23;ា203;បាន203;203;យក203;មកប្ɜ2;ើ203;ប្ɜ2;ាស់203;ក្នុ<20;អំឡុ<20;203;នៃ203;កាɜ2;បោះ<22;្នោត203; <23;្ɜ2;ើសɜ2;ើស203; តំណា<20;ɜ2;ាស្ត្ɜ2;នɟ2;តិកាល203;ទɟ2;៥203;កន្ល<20;ទៅនេះ203; ត្ɜ2;ូវបាន203;ប<20;្ហា<25;203;ɜ2;បាយ203;កាɜ2;ណ៍203;ហើយ203;នៅ203; ɛ2;្<20;ៃ203; ព្ɜ2;ហស្បតិ៍203;នេះ។ <26;ូ<21;<26;ɠ2;ល203;បានប្ɜ2;កាស203;កាលពɟ2;មុន203;បោះ<22;្នោតអ<20;្គកាɜ2;203;តម្លាភាព203;កម្ពុ203;<23;ាបាន<26;ាក់203; ព<20;្ɜ2;ាយ203;អ្នកស<20;្កេតកាɜ2;ណ៍203;បោះ<22;្នោត203;<21;ំនួន=21;ɣ2;៦នាក់ ទៅតាម203;កាɜ2;ិយាល័យ203;សំណាក203; <21;ំនួន៤ɣ2;=21; នៅ203;ទូទាំ<20;២៤ខេត្ត-ក្ɜ2;ុ<20;<23;ាមួយនឹ<20;203;ប<21;្<21;េកទេស203;ស<20;្កេតកាɜ2;ណ៍203;បɠ2;ប203; សំណាកSBO <26;ɠ2;ល<23;ា203;វិធɟ2;សាស្ត្ɜ2;203;ស<20;្កេតកាɜ2;ណ៍203;203;បោះ<22;្នោត203;មួយធ្វើកាɜ2;203;ស<20;្កេត203;ទៅលើ203;កាɜ2;ិយាល័យ 203;បោះ<22;្នោតនិ<20;203;ផ្តល់ព័តɡ2;មាន203;បɠ2;ប203;ស្ɛ2;ិតិ203;<23;ាក់លាក់ទៅលើ203;កាɜ2;ប្ɜ2;ព្ɜ2;ឹត្ត203;ទៅ203;នៃ203; កាɜ2;បោះ<22;្នោត 203;និ<20;203;ɜ2;ាប់203;សន្លឹក<22;្នោត។ លោកព្ɜ2;ាប កុល នាយក203;ប្ɜ2;តិបត្តិ203;អ<20;្គកាɜ2;203;តម្លាភាព203;កម្ពុ<23;ា 203;បាន203;ɛ2;្លɠ2;<20;203; នៅក្នុ<20;203;ពិធɟ2;203;មួយ203;<26;ɠ2;ល203;បានɜ2;ៀប<21;ំ203;នៅ203;សណ្<27;ាគាɜ2;Imperiel ɛ2;ា វិធɟ2;សាស្ត្ɜ2;203;នេះ203; ធ្វើ203;ឲ្យ203;យើ<20;203;ប្ɜ2;ើប្ɜ2;ាស់203;ɛ2;វិកា203;តិ<21; ប្ɜ2;ើ203;មនុស្ស203;តិ<21;តɠ2;មាន203;លទ្ធផល203;និ<20;203; ប្ɜ2;សិទ្ធភាព203;ខ្ពស់។ <23;ាក់ស្តɠ2;<20;203;សម្ɜ2;ាប់203;លទ្ធផល203;នៃ203;កាɜ2;ស<20;្កេត203;កាɜ2;ណ៍203;នៅក្នុ<20;203; កាɜ2;បោះ<22;្នោត<23;ាតិ203;នៅពេលនេះ គឺ203;លោក203;ទទួលបាន203;ភាព<23;ាក់លាក់203;ɜ2;ហូត203;ទៅ<26;ល់203; =21;៥ភាគɜ2;យ ខណៈ<26;ɠ2;លអ<20;្គកាɜ2;203;មួយ203;នេះ203;បានធ្វើកាɜ2;203;ស<20;្កេតកាɜ2;ណ៍203;<23;ា203;គំɜ2;ូ203;ប្ɜ2;ហɠ2;ល<23;ា203; ១ɣ2;ភាគɜ2;យ203;203;ប៉ុណ្ណោះ203; នៃ203;កាɜ2;ិយាល័យ203;បោះ<22;្នោត203;នៅ203;កម្ពុ<23;ា។ ...

ញឹម សុផល

‘SolarTuk’ coming in March

Solar-powered tuk-tuks could be rolling off the assembly lines in Phnom Penh as early as March next year, allowing local tuk-tuk drivers a cost-effective and greener alternative to using petrol, according to the company manufacturing the vehicle. Star 8, the Australia-based alternative energy firm behind the ...

Daniel de Carteret and Hor Kimsay

Organizations Push for Employment of Disabled Persons in Provinces

Local and international organizations on Tuesday marked International Day of Persons With Disabilities by calling on the government to extend its efforts to employ more disabled people beyond Phnom Penh’s environs. A sub-decree attached to the government’s Disability Law, enacted in July 2009, states that the ...

Matt Blomberg and Ben Sokhean

Flooding could affect growth

When the extent of flood damage becomes clear, the Asian Development Bank may lower its economic growth forecast for Cambodia to reflect the severity of the aftermath, a senior official with agency’s local office said yesterday. “It is possible that we will have to revise downward ...

Joe Freeman and Sen David, P.7

Insurance claims through the roof

Partly triggered by recent flood damage and an increase in road accidents, claims filed with the six general insurance companies in Cambodia spiked more than 160 per cent in the nine months through to September compared with the same time last year, the latest data ...

Chan Muy Hong

Cambodia's progress cannot be separated from China's support: PM

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Wednesday that the country’s development in all fields could not be detached from China’s aid and vowed to further deepen ties between the two countries. According to the figures recorded by the Cambodian Finance Ministry, to date, China has ...

Global Times News Staff

Increased residential, office and retail demand fueling rise in construction imports

Cambodia spent more than $414 million on imported construction materials to meet increasing demand in the local construction and property sectors last year – a rise of 7 per cent compared to 2012. According to officials and industry insiders, the increased value of imports reflected steady ...

Sum Manet

For Union Leader on Run, Militant Attitude Prevails

Tax revenue increased 9.5 percent to $353.46 million in the first quarter of the year, compared to the same period last year, according to a statement released Friday by the Ministry of Finance’s general department of taxation. Kong Vibol, general director of the taxation department, said ...

Hul Reaksmey

PM orders ministries to step up in battle against pollution

To ensure public health and safety, Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday signed a directive calling on relevant ministries, institutions and sub-national administrations to lead the charge on reducing air pollution in the Kingdom. The directive said that measures carried out by the authorities to ...

Ry Sochan

Thai firm says Xayaburi project has begun

The controversial Xayaburi hydro-electric dam project in northern Laos may have already begun, despite countries, including Cambodia, requesting further studies to assess possible negative effects on Lower Mekong communities.Thai development firm Ch.Karnchang said it was due to begin building the dam on March 15 after finalising a ...


State private land

All land that is not state public property or is not privately owned is de facto state private land. State private land may be sold, exchanged, leased, granted as concessions, or otherwise alienated. ...

Kingdom sees boost in foreign reserves

Cambodia’s total foreign reserves jumped to US$3 billion in the first half of 2011, up from $2.7 billion at the end of last year, according to the National Bank of Cambodia. The reserves help to bolster the Kingdom’s financial standing, which in turn draws investor interest ...


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