
Land titles sought in Kompong Thom

The Kampong Thom provincial governor issued a letter on Tuesday to villagers living in Santuk district, ordering them to provide documentation confirming their ownership of land they reportedly “purchased” from brokers after it had already been assigned to relocated families, officials said yesterday. Deputy district governor ...

Bank and AusAid criticized for treatment of railway evictees

Bridges Across Borders Cambodia yesterday accused the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAid) of white-washing conditions at relocation sites for families being evicted by a $142 million railway rehabilitation project being funded largely with their money ...

Boeng Kak evictees protest, demand compensation

About 150 former Boeng Kak lake residents staged a protest at Phnom Penh’s Freedom Park yesterday, demanding more compensation than they initially received when they were evicted from their homes to make way for a real estate project owned by the firm of a CPP ...

Officials deny complaint over forest protesters

Kompong Thom provincial officials denied a media report yesterday that authorities had filed a legal complaint against two villagers and two human rights workers who campaigned in the province last week to demand protection for Prey Long forest ...

Prey Lang protest puts foursome in firing line

A pair of Sandan district villagers who participated in last week’s Prey Lang forest protest against illegal logging, and two of the NGO workers who monitored them, were facing accusations of incitement and destruction of property in complaints filed against them in the provincial court, ...

Property tax deadline moved to year's end

Due to a lack of available tax collectors, the Ministry of Economics and Finance once again delayed collections on the 0.1 percent property tax on all immovable property worth approximately $25,000 or more, according to a ministry notice issued yesterday ...

Two arrested in Kompong Thom for illegal transport of rosewood

Two men were arrested Monday in Kompong Thom province for illegally transporting nearly half a cubic meter of valuable rosewood, said a forestry official ...

Regional bank meets with evicted railway families

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) met yesterday with the representatives of families evicted or facing eviction to make way for an ADB-funded railway project, and defended itself against complaints that the project was pushing some of them deeper into poverty. The ADB has billed the $142 ...

Shooting of Cambodian loggers along Thai border continues

Adding to a spate of similar incidents since October, Thai soldiers fired on a group of Cambodians who had illegally entered Thailand from Oddar Meanchey province on Saturday looking to log valuable rosewood trees and shot one in the hand, a provincial official said yesterday ...

Prey Long march ends, villagers still resolute

After walking and camping in the jungle for more than a week, Tha Sros and hundreds of other villagers finally reached the winding red dirt road that lead to the rubber plantation of Vietnamese-owned CRCK company, which has cleared a vast 6,000-hectare swathe out of ...

Eight killed on Thai border in October

Eight Cambodian suspected of illegally logging along the Thai-Cambodian border have been shot dead by Thai soldiers, and three others have been wounded in the month of October alone, human rights workers and officials said Friday. The latest figure brings the death toll so far this ...

Even the Cambodian elite have to pay taxes, ministry warns

The Ministry of Finance has warned Phnom Penh’s wealthiest property owners that they will be harshly penalized if they fail to pay property tax due by the end of the month. According to a notice issued by the ministry on October 27, the window for tax ...

Prey Long forest campaigners march on rubber plantation

Angered by the clearing of parts of Prey Long forest, several hundred indigenous minority villagers marched on a rubber plantation here in northern Kompong Thom province yesterday night and breached its gate in order to demand that the company stop cutting down trees in the ...

Villager shot by soldier at site of land dispute

Military police in Ratanakiri province arrested an RCAF officer Monday evening for shooting a 20-year-old villager who was riding his motorcycle across land at the center of a long-running land dispute between ethnic minority villagers and rubber company DM Group, officials said yesterday. RCAF second lieutenant ...

Tensions rise as villagers, armed police ready for protests

After several days of grassroots campaigning by local villagers to save Prey Long forest, tension in this part of northern Kompong Thom province is rising. The 300-strong group of campaigners seemed to be heading for a confrontation with provincial authorities, as officials warned yesterday that ...

Striving to save the forest, Prey Long villagers launch patrols

For the several hundred villagers who have been camping and patrolling in a remote part of the jungle in northern Kompong Thom for several days as part of their campaign to save Prey Long forest, the strain is starting to show. Human rights workers say that ...

Villagers campaigning to save forest harassed, NGO says

As hundreds of villagers belonging to the Prey Long People’s Network began a week-long campaign to save Prey Long forest, Kompong Thom province military police intervened Sunday and prevented a group of about 80 villagers from joining the campaign, an environmental activist said yesterday. Chut Wutty, ...

Ministry suspends verdict

The Ministry of Justice has ordered authorities in Preah Sihanouk province to suspend enforcement of a Supreme Court verdict issued in connection with a land dispute between 70 families and an official from the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. On October 28, the Supreme Court granted a land ...

Villagers campaign in Kompong Thom to protect Prey Long Forest

Hundreds of villagers living around Prey Long forest have begun a weeklong campaign in the north of Kompong Thom province to protect Prey Long, one of Cambodia’s largest remaining primary forests, the Prey Long People’s Network said yesterday The group of villagers planned to protest later ...

State borrowing may spike

Cambodia’s draft budget law for 2012 will seek to increase concessional borrowing by about 75 per cent compared to 2011, according to a copy of the draft obtained by the Post. A lack of aid commitment may have led to the increase in proposed borrowing, experts ...

Villagers protest at eviction attempt

About 400 villagers in Kampong Cham province’s Stung Trang district began protesting yesterday after workers from a private company attempted to clear their houses with excavators, villagers said yesterday. Residents told the Post that Long Sreng International Co Ltd had not received a government land concession ...

Three special economic zones gaining steam

Five years after the government established the country’s special economic zones (SEZs), the Phnom Penh SEZ, Sihanoukville II SEZ, and Manhattan SEZ in Svay Rieng province are at last starting to attract more business. According to data from the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), ...

Dene-Hern Chen, p.25

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